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Person Sheet

Name Luther Samuel NEWTON
Birth 17 Jun 1874, Marlboro County, SC.
Death 25 Jan 1935, Dillon, SC.
Occupation Wholesale And Retail Grocery Business Since 1918
Education Boykin Academy , Georgia-Alabama Business College Whole
Religion Methodist
Father Ira L Potter NEWTON (1842-1918)
Mother Susan Elenor (Elender) COVINGTON (1845-1926)
1 Elizabeth Ellis 'Lizzie' BLACKSHEAR
Birth 20 Apr 1880
Death 4 Jan 1978, Pines Nursing Home, Dillon, SC.
Burial 6 Jan 1978, Alloway Cemetery, Dillon, SC.
Education Flora McDonald College
Religion Methodist
Father Perry Linkfield BLACKSHEAR
Mother Oregon Frances BLACKSHEAR (-1911)
Marriage 20 Nov 1898, T. G. Spearman Res. Cuthbert, Ga.
Children: Ira Samuel (1899-1899)
Perry Blackshear (1900-2000)
Roy (1904-1974)
Frances (1907-2003)
Celia Evelyn (1917-2009)
Last Modified 10 Mar 2003 Created 15 Mar 2003 by EasyTree for Windows

Contents * Index * Surnames * Contact

James Newton Says: " Perry Newton says: Luther added the name "Samuel" to his name when he was a young man after reading the story of Samuel in the bible. " +

Letter from Luther to Roy, 1923 Feb 10

See also:

James Newton Says: " Glen Newton says: "Luther died in his bed. Aunt Celia was with him when he died and confirmed this." " +


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