; *****************************************************************************************
; Virtual Peripheral Universal Full Duplex UART with Buffering
; Length: xxx bytes (total)
; Authors: Chip Gracey, President, Parallax Inc. 10/03/97 to 07/09/98
; Craig Webb, Consultant to Scenix Semiconductor Inc.
; Christopher Waters, Celsius Research Ltd.
; Stephen Holland, Scenix Semiconductor Inc.
; Modifications:
; 11/18/98, Craig Webb
; - documented source and cleaned up code
; 01/07/99, Christopher Waters
; - added TX and RX FIFO buffering for full-duplex
; 02/15/99, Craig Webb
; - expanded for 2 channel operation
; - minimal clock frequency at 19.2Kbps
; 03/06/99, Stephen Holland
; - modified for 50MHz and up to 115.2Kbps operation
; 03/11/99, Stephen Holland
; - added autobaud capability for both channels
; 03/19/99, Stephen Holland
; - extended autobaud capability for operation from 110 - 115.2Kbps
; 03/29/99, Stephen Holland
; - added IFDEF to allow using same code for SX28 or SX48/52 targets
; 03/30/99, Stephen Holland
; - modified second channel for fixed 9600bps operation
; 04/05/99-04/10/99, Stephen Holland
; - added 166552-like bus interface and debugged
; 04/12/99, Stephen Holland
; - debugged additional handshaking lines DTR & DSR
; Assembler directives
; uses: SX28AC, 2 pages of program memory, 8 banks of RAM, high speed osc.
; operating in turbo mode, with 8-level stack & extended option reg.
; SX28 Definitions
; DEVICE pins28,pages4,banks8,oschs
; DEVICE turbo,stackx,optionx
; ID '28DUART' ;program ID label
SX_TYPE = 1 ;0=SX28, 1=SX48/52
; SX52 Definitions
DEVICE sx52,oschs,turbo,stackx,optionx,sync
ID '52DUART' ;program ID label
RESET reset_entry ;set reset/boot address
; FREQ 50000000 ;oscillator frequency
; Watches
watch rx_ring_ip_1,8,uhex
watch rx_ring_cnt_1,8,udec
watch rx_ring_1,16,fstr
watch tx_ring_ip_1,8,uhex
watch tx_ring_cnt_1,8,udec
watch tx_ring_1,16,fstr
watch rx_ring_ip_2,8,uhex
watch rx_ring_cnt_2,8,udec
watch rx_ring_2,16,fstr
watch tx_ring_ip_2,8,uhex
watch tx_ring_cnt_2,8,udec
watch tx_ring_2,16,fstr
watch divisor_1,16,udec
; Program constants
; Ring buffer sizes
; Note: if RX+TX values>16 then ring buffer bank definition will need to be adjusted
rx_ring_size_1 equ 16 ;size (in bytes) of the rx ring buffer
tx_ring_size_1 equ 16 ;size of the tx ring buffer
rx_ring_size_2 equ 16 ;size (in bytes) of the rx ring buffer
tx_ring_size_2 equ 16 ;size of the tx ring buffer
int_period = 217 ;cycles between interrupt passes
RTCC_prescaler = 1 ;to change: see OPTION command later on
xtal = 50000000
; Port Assignment: Bit variables
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;SX28 port definitions
RA_init equ %1011 ;initialize port RA
RA_IO equ %0100 ;Set RA in/out directions;
RB_init equ %00000000 ;initialize port RB
RB_IO equ %11111111 ;Sets RB in/out directions
RC_init equ %10001010 ;initialize port RC
RC_IO equ %00100101 ;Sets RC in/out directions
rx_pin_1 equ rc.0 ;UART channel 1 receive input
tx_pin_1 equ rc.1 ;UART channel 1 transmit output
RTS_1 equ rc.2 ;RTS input
CTS_1 equ rc.3 ;CTS output
DSR_1 equ rc.4 ;DSR output
DTR_1 equ rc.5 ;DTR input
RI_1 equ rc.6 ;RI output
CD_1 equ rc.7 ;CD output
ELSE ;SX52 port definitions
RA_init equ %00000000 ;initialize port RA
RA_IO equ %11111111 ;Set RA in/out directions;
RB_init equ %00000000 ;initialize port RB(NS16552-like data bus interface)
RB_IO equ %11111111 ;Sets RB in/out directions
RC_init equ %11011010 ;initialize port RC(UART channel 1 handshaking)
RC_IO equ %00100101 ;Sets RC in/out directions
RD_init equ %11011010 ;initialize port RD(UART channel 2 handshaking)
RD_IO equ %00100101 ;Sets RD in/out directions
RE_init equ %00000000 ;initialize port RE(NS16552-like address bus interface)
RE_IO equ %11111111 ;Sets RE in/out directions
a0 equ re.0 ;UART address bit 0 input
a1 equ re.1 ;UART address bit 1 input
a2 equ re.2 ;UART address bit 2 input
chsl equ re.3 ;UART channel select input
cs equ re.4 ;UART chip select input
read equ re.5 ;UART !read input
write equ re.6 ;UART !write input
data_bus equ rb ;UART 8-bit data bus
; UART (channel 1)
rx_pin_1 equ rc.0 ;RXD input
tx_pin_1 equ rc.1 ;TXD output
RTS_1 equ rc.2 ;RTS input
CTS_1 equ rc.3 ;CTS output
DSR_1 equ rc.4 ;DSR output
DTR_1 equ rc.5 ;DTR input
RI_1 equ rc.6 ;RI output
CD_1 equ rc.7 ;CD output
; UART (channel 2)
rx_pin_2 equ rd.0 ;RXD input
tx_pin_2 equ rd.1 ;TXD output
RTS_2 equ rd.2 ;RTS input
CTS_2 equ rd.3 ;CTS output
DSR_2 equ rd.4 ;DSR output
DTR_2 equ rd.5 ;DTR input
RI_2 equ rd.6 ;RI output
CD_2 equ rd.7 ;CD output
; Global Register definitions
org $0a ;start of program registers
temp ds 1 ;temporary storage
isr_temp ds 1 ;used by isr - must be global
flags ds 1
uart1_en equ flags.0
uart2_en equ flags.1
rx_flag_1 equ flags.2
rx_flag_2 equ flags.3
lo_detected_1 equ flags.4
speed_1 equ flags.5
line_status_1 ds 1
rx_dr_1 equ line_status_1.0 ;Receiver Data Ready(DR) indicator
buffer_oe_1 equ line_status_1.1 ;Buffer Overrun Error(OE) indicator
parity_e_1 equ line_status_1.2 ;Parity Error(PE) indicator
framing_e_1 equ line_status_1.3 ;Framing Error(FE) indicator
break_int_1 equ line_status_1.4 ;Break Interrupt(BI) indicator
thre_1 equ line_status_1.5 ;Transmitter Holding Register Empty(THRE) indicator
temt_1 equ line_status_1.6 ;Transmitter Empty(TEMT) indicator
lsr7_1 equ line_status_1.7 ;LSR7
line_status_2 ds 1
rx_dr_2 equ line_status_2.0 ;Receiver Data Ready(DR) indicator
buffer_oe_2 equ line_status_2.1 ;Buffer Overrun Error(OE) indicator
parity_e_2 equ line_status_2.2 ;Parity Error(PE) indicator
framing_e_2 equ line_status_2.3 ;Framing Error(FE) indicator
break_int_2 equ line_status_2.4 ;Break Interrupt(BI) indicator
thre_2 equ line_status_2.5 ;Transmitter Holding Register Empty(THRE) indicator
temt_2 equ line_status_2.6 ;Transmitter Empty(TEMT) indicator
lsr7_2 equ line_status_2.7 ;LSR7
; Odd RAM Bank Register definitions
; Bank 1
org $10
; Bank 3
org $30
uart_1_tx = $ ;UART 1 TX bank
divisor_1 ds 2
tx_high_1 ds 1 ;hi byte to transmit
tx_low_1 ds 1 ;low byte to transmit
tx_count_1 ds 1 ;number of bits sent
tx_divide_1 ds 2 ;xmit timing (/16) counter2
tx_ring_ip_1 ds 1 ;transmit ring in pointer
tx_ring_op_1 ds 1 ;transmit ring out pointer
tx_ring_cnt_1 ds 1 ;transmit ring contents count
string1 ds 1 ;indirect ptr to output string
; Bank 5
org $50
uart_2_tx = $ ;UART 2 TX bank
;divisor_2 ds 1
tx_high_2 ds 1 ;hi byte to transmit
tx_low_2 ds 1 ;low byte to transmit
tx_count_2 ds 1 ;number of bits sent
tx_divide_2 ds 1 ;xmit timing (/16) counter
tx_ring_ip_2 ds 1 ;transmit ring in pointer
tx_ring_op_2 ds 1 ;transmit ring out pointer
tx_ring_cnt_2 ds 1 ;transmit ring contents count
string2 ds 1 ;indirect ptr to output string
; Bank 7
org $70
uart_rx = $ ;UART RX bank
rx_count_1 ds 1 ;number of bits received
rx_divide_1 ds 2 ;receive timing counter
rx_byte_1 ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
rx_ring_ip_1 ds 1 ;receive ring in pointer
rx_ring_op_1 ds 1 ;receive ring out pointer
rx_ring_cnt_1 ds 1 ;receive ring contents count
rx_count_2 ds 1 ;number of bits received
rx_divide_2 ds 1 ;receive timing counter
rx_byte_2 ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
rx_ring_ip_2 ds 1 ;receive ring in pointer
rx_ring_op_2 ds 1 ;receive ring out pointer
rx_ring_cnt_2 ds 1 ;receive ring contents count
; Bank 9
org $90
uart_tx_ring_1 = $ ;UART channel 1 TX ring buffers
tx_ring_1 ds tx_ring_size_1
; Bank B
org $b0
uart_rx_ring_1 = $ ;UART channel 1 RX ring buffers
rx_ring_1 ds rx_ring_size_1
; Bank D
org $d0
uart_tx_ring_2 = $ ;UART channel 2 TX ring buffers
tx_ring_2 ds tx_ring_size_2
; Bank F
org $f0
uart_rx_ring_2 = $ ;UART channel 2 RX ring buffers
rx_ring_2 ds rx_ring_size_2
; Even RAM Bank Register definitions
; Bank 2
org $20
; Bank 4
org $40
; Bank 6
org $60
; Bank 8
org $80
; Bank A
org $a0
; Bank C
org $c0
; Bank E
org $e0
; Macros
; UART ring macro
; Advance the pointer through the ring, wrapping around if necessary
; This could be more efficient for aligned and power of 2 ring sizes.
ringadv macro 3 ; Arguments ptr,base,size
inc \1 ; Increment the pointer
; Check for wrap around
mov w,\1 ; Load the pointer
xor w,#(\2+\3) ; Check if ptr = base+size
mov w,#\2
mov \1,w ; Equal, set ptr to base
; Interrupt Service Routine
ORG 0 ;interrupt starts at 0h
; Virtual Peripheral: UART Autobaud (channel 1)
; This routine adds Autobaud capability to the UARTs by incrementing an 8-bit count
; while the rx line is low. If a known character (the 'a' or 'A', $61 or $41 in this case)
; is input, the count will be proportional to the bit rate of the received datastream.
autobaud1 snb uart1_en ;Don't run if UART channel 1 is already running
jmp :autobaud_done
; jnb RTS_1,:autobaud_done ; if RTS = false, so DTE has nothing to send
; jnb DTR_1,:autobaud_done ; if DTR = false, so DTE is not ready to receive
setb CTS_1 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
setb DSR_1 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
bank uart_1_tx
snb lo_detected_1 ;low detected on previous pass, start count
jmp :start_count
snb rx_pin_1 ;wait for rx line go low
jmp :autobaud_done ;rx line is high, exit
setb lo_detected_1 ;start counting during low pulse
:start_count snb rx_pin_1 ;increment count only when rx line is low
jmp :test_result ;rising edge after low pulse, test result
:inc_low inc divisor_1 ;increment count while low
inc divisor_1+1
jmp :autobaud_done
mov w,divisor_1 ;divisor_1(16-bit) contains baudrate divisor
mov tx_divide_1,w
mov w,divisor_1+1
mov tx_divide_1+1,w
setb uart1_en ;enable uarts
mov w,#2^$ff ;Check to see if baud > 57.6Kbps
add w,tx_divide_1
snc ;skip if less than 2
jmp :comp ;jump if greater than 2
:no_comp setb speed_1 ; then set speed_1 to indicate fast UART rate
jmp :setup_rx_115
:comp dec divisor_1 ;trim divisor_1
dec tx_divide_1 ;trim tx_divide_1
not tx_divide_1 ;compliment tx_divide_1
not tx_divide_1+1 ;compliment tx_divide_1+1
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,>>divisor_1+1 ;reload 1/2 bit period divisor_1(16-bit)
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1+1,w
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,>>divisor_1
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1,w
mov w,#9 ;ready 9 bits
mov rx_count_1,w ;renew bit count
not rx_divide_1 ;compliment rx_divide_1
not rx_divide_1+1 ;compliment rx_divide_1+1
jmp :autobaud_done
bank uart_rx
mov w,#9 ;ready 9 bits
mov rx_count_1,w ;renew bit count
mov rx_divide_1,#1
; Virtual Peripheral: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
; This routine sends and receives 2 channels of RS232C serial data,
; currently configured (though modifications can be made) for the popular
; "No parity-checking, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit" (N,8,1) data format.
; Whenever a valid byte of data has been received, it is put into
; the rx_ring FIFO buffer. The address pointer rx_ring_ip and FIFO byte count
; rx_ring_cnt are also incremented with every new byte. A receive buffer overflow
; is signaled by the uart_rx_oflow flag.
; The transmit routine requires the data to be inverted and loaded (tx_high+tx_low)
; register pair (with the inverted 8 data bits stored in tx_high and tx_low bit 7 set
; high to act as a start bit). Then the number of bits ready for transmission
; (10=1 start + 8 data + 1 stop) must be loaded into the tx_count register.
; As soon as this latter is done, the transmit routine immediately begins sending the data.
; The handshaking signals RTS and CTS have also been implemented.
; The CTS output is used to indicate that the DCE (SX) is ready to receive data.
; The RTS input is used to indicate that the DTE (terminal) is ready for receiving.
; Data is only sent if the RTS line is active.
; This routine has a varying execution rate and therefore should always be
; placed after any timing-critical virtual peripherals such as timers,
; adcs, pwms, etc.
; Note: The transmit and receive routines are independent and either may be
; removed, if not needed, to reduce execution time and memory usage,
; as long as the initial "BANK serial" (common) instruction is kept.
; Input variable(s) : tx_low (only high bit used), tx_high, tx_count
; Output variable(s) : rx_flag, rx_byte
; Variable(s) affected : tx_divide, rx_divide, rx_count
; Flag(s) affected : rx_flag
; Size : Transmit - 34 bytes + 1 byte shared with receive code
; Receive - 41 bytes + 1 byte shared with transmit code
; Timing (turbo) :
; Transmit - (a) [multiplexing] 2 cycles
; (b) [not sending] 5 cycles
; (c) [sending] 18 cycles
; (d) [buffer empty] 13 cycles
; (e) [start sending] 34 cycles
; + 1 cycle shared with RX code ("bank" instr.)
; Receive - (a) [multiplexing] 2 cycles
; (b) [not receiving] 9 cycles
; (c) [start receiving] 15 cycles
; (d) [receiving, awaiting bit] 13 cycles
; (e) [receiving, bit ready] 20 cycles
; (f) [receiving, last bit] 37 cycles
; (g) [receiving, buffer full] 25 cycles
UART1 jnb uart1_en,UART2 ;execute UART channel 1 only when enabled
jb speed_1,:fast_1
call @uart_1_transmit
:fast_1 call @uart_1_transmit_115
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
jnb uart2_en,uarts_done ;execute UART channel 2 only when enabled
call @uart_2_transmit
; End of Interrupt Service Routine
; Set Interrupt Rate
mov w,#-int_period ;interrupt every 'int_period' clocks
retiw ;exit interrupt
; Program execution begins here on power-up or after a reset
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;SX28
mov m,#$0f ;point mode to port I/O's
mov ra,#RA_init ;initialize port RA
mov !ra,#RA_IO ;Set RA in/out directions
mov rb,#RB_init ;initialize port RB
mov !rb,#RB_IO ;Set RB in/out directions
mov rc,#RC_init ;initialize port RC
mov !rc,#RC_IO ;Set RC in/out directions
mov m,#$1f ;point mode to port I/O's
mov ra,#RA_init ;initialize port RA
mov !ra,#RA_IO ;Set RA in/out directions
mov rb,#RB_init ;initialize port RB
mov !rb,#RB_IO ;Set RB in/out directions
mov rc,#RC_init ;initialize port RC
mov !rc,#RC_IO ;Set RC in/out directions
mov rd,#RD_init ;initialize port RD
mov !rd,#RD_IO ;Set RD in/out directions
mov re,#RE_init ;initialize port RE
mov !re,#RE_IO ;Set RE in/out directions
; Clear all Data RAM locations
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;SX28
clr fsr ;reset all ram banks
:zero_ram sb fsr.4 ;are we on low half of bank?
setb fsr.3 ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
clr ind ;clear using indirect addressing
incsz fsr ;repeat until done
jmp :zero_ram
mov w,#$0a ;reset all ram starting at 08h
mov fsr,w
:zero_ram clr ind ;clear using indirect addressing
incsz fsr ;repeat until done
jmp :zero_ram
mov w,#%00010000 ;point FSR to odd banks
mov fsr,w
call @uarts_init ;initialise the uarts
mov !option,#%10011111 ;enable rtcc interrupt
jmp @main
org $200
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;SX28
jmp main28
jmp main52
; Main Program Loop
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;only compile if target is SX28
main28 jnb uart1_en,$
mov w,#_hello ;send hello string to channel 1
call @send_string_1
:prompt mov w,#_prompt ;send prompt to channel 1
call @send_string_1
call @get_byte_1 ;get byte via UART channel 1
call @send_byte_1 ;echo byte back to sender on channel 1
jmp main_loop ;return
main52 jnb uart1_en,$ ;wait for autobaud on UART channel 1
mov w,#_hello ;send hello string to channel 1
call @send_string_1
mov w,#_ch1 ;send channel string to channel 1
call @send_string_1
mov w,#_prompt ;send prompt to channel 1
call @send_string_1
mov w,#_hello ;send hello string to channel 2
call @send_string_2
mov w,#_ch2 ;send channel string to channel 2
call @send_string_2
mov w,#_prompt ;send prompt to channel 2
call @send_string_2
snb cs ;wait for chip select active(low)
jmp main_loop ;return
sb read ;check for read active(low)
jmp :cont ; it's low, must be a request
sb write ;check for write active(low)
jmp :cont ; it's low, must be a request
jmp main_loop ;return
:cont mov temp,re ;keep only the lower 3 address bits
and temp,#$07
sb chsl ;if chsl = 0,
jmp channel_2 ; then channel 2 is being addressed
snz ;if lower 3 address bits = 0,
jmp tx_rx_buffer_1 ; then tx/rx buffer is being addressed
mov w,#1 ;is current address = $01?
mov w,temp-w
jmp int_enable_1
mov w,#2 ;is current address = $02?
mov w,temp-w
jmp int_id_1
mov w,#3 ;is current address = $03?
mov w,temp-w
jmp fifo_control_1
mov w,#4 ;is current address = $04?
mov w,temp-w
jmp modem_control_1
mov w,#5 ;is current address = $05?
mov w,temp-w
jmp line_status_1
mov w,#6 ;is current address = $06?
mov w,temp-w
jmp modem_status_1
jmp main_loop ;return
tx_rx_buffer_1 ;$00 -> Receive Buffer/Transmit Holding Register
sb read ;if read bit = 0,
jmp :read ; then receive buffer is being addressed
sb write ;if write bit = 0,
jmp :write ; then transmit holding buffer is being addressed
jmp main_loop ;return
mov w,#$00 ;change data bus to output
mov !rb,w
call @get_byte_1 ;get byte
mov rb,w ;load byte in w on data bus
jnb read,$
mov w,#$ff ;change data bus to input(hi-Z)
mov !rb,w
jmp main_loop ;return
mov w,rb ;load byte on data bus in w
call @send_byte_1 ;send byte
jnb write,$
jmp main_loop ;return
int_enable_1 ;$01 -> Interrupt Enable
jmp main_loop ;return
int_id_1 ;$02 -> Interrupt ID
jmp main_loop ;return
fifo_control_1 ;$03 -> FIFO Control
jmp main_loop ;return
modem_control_1 ;$04 -> MODEM Control
jmp main_loop ;return
line_stat_1 ;$05 -> Line Status
snb read ;if read bit = 1(not active),
jmp :write ; then return(not meant to be written to)
:read ; else line status register is being read
mov w,#$00 ;change data bus to output
mov !data_bus,w
mov w,line_status_1 ;get line_status
mov data_bus,w ;load byte in w on data bus
mov w,#$ff ;change data bus to input(hi-Z)
mov !data_bus,w
:write jmp main_loop ;return
modem_status_1 ;$06 -> MODEM Status
jmp main_loop ;return
scratch_1 ;$07 -> Scratch
jmp main_loop ;return
snz ;if lower 3 address bits = 0,
jmp tx_rx_buffer_2 ; then tx/rx buffer is being addressed
mov w,#1 ;is current address = $01?
mov w,temp-w
jmp int_enable_2
mov w,#2 ;is current address = $02?
mov w,temp-w
jmp int_id_2
mov w,#3 ;is current address = $03?
mov w,temp-w
jmp fifo_control_2
mov w,#4 ;is current address = $04?
mov w,temp-w
jmp modem_control_2
mov w,#5 ;is current address = $05?
mov w,temp-w
jmp line_status_2
mov w,#6 ;is current address = $06?
mov w,temp-w
jmp modem_status_2
jmp main_loop ;return
tx_rx_buffer_2 ;$00 -> Receive Buffer/Transmit Holding Register
sb read ;if read bit = 0,
jmp :read ; then receive buffer is being addressed
sb write ;if write bit = 0,
jmp :write ; then transmit holding buffer is being addressed
jmp main_loop ;return
mov w,#$00 ;change data bus to output
mov !rb,w
call @get_byte_2 ;get byte
mov rb,w ;load byte in w on data bus
jnb read,$
mov w,#$ff ;change data bus to input(hi-Z)
mov !rb,w
jmp main_loop ;return
mov w,rb ;load byte on data bus in w
call @send_byte_2 ;send byte
jnb write,$
jmp main_loop ;return
int_enable_2 ;$01 -> Interrupt Enable
jmp main_loop ;return
int_id_2 ;$02 -> Interrupt ID
jmp main_loop ;return
fifo_control_2 ;$03 -> FIFO Control
jmp main_loop ;return
modem_control_2 ;$04 -> MODEM Control
jmp main_loop ;return
line_stat_2 ;$05 -> Line Status
snb read ;if read bit = 1(not active),
jmp :write ; then return(not meant to be written to)
:read ; else line status register is being read
mov w,#$00 ;change data bus to output
mov !data_bus,w
mov w,line_status_2 ;get line_status
mov data_bus,w ;load byte in w on data bus
mov w,#$ff ;change data bus to input(hi-Z)
mov !data_bus,w
:write jmp main_loop ;return
modem_status_2 ;$06 -> MODEM Status
jmp main_loop ;return
scratch_2 ;$07 -> Scratch
jmp main_loop ;return
org $400 ;must be lower half of page (for calls)
; String data for user interface (must be in lower half of memory page)
_hello dw 13,10,13,10,'SX DUART Demo 04/12/99',0
_ch1 dw 13,10,13,10,'Channel 1',0
_ch2 dw 13,10,13,10,'Channel 2',0
_cr dw 13,10,0
_prompt dw 13,10,'>',0
_hi dw 13,10,'Hi!',0
_space dw ' ',0
; Function: uarts_init
; Initialise the UARTs
uarts_init bank uart_rx ; Select the bank
clr rx_ring_cnt_1 ; The receive ring is empty
mov w,#rx_ring_1
mov rx_ring_ip_1,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of
mov rx_ring_op_1,w ; the receive ring
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
clr rx_ring_cnt_2 ; The receive ring is empty
mov w,#rx_ring_2
mov rx_ring_ip_2,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of
mov rx_ring_op_2,w ; the receive ring
bank uart_1_tx
clr tx_ring_cnt_1 ; The transmit ring is empty
mov w,#tx_ring_1
mov tx_ring_ip_1,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of
mov tx_ring_op_1,w ; the transmit ring
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
bank uart_2_tx
clr tx_ring_cnt_2 ; The transmit ring is empty
mov w,#tx_ring_2
mov tx_ring_ip_2,w ; Set the in and out pointers to the start of
mov tx_ring_op_2,w ; the transmit ring
setb uart2_en ;enable UART channel 2
; Function: get_byte_1
; Get byte via serial port
; Byte received is returned in W
get_byte_1 bank uart_rx ; Select the bank
:wait mov w,rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Get the number of bytes in the rx ring
snz ; Is the receive ring empty?
jmp :return ; Yes, block until not empty
mov w,rx_ring_op_1 ; Load the ring out pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,indf ; Get character from buffer
mov temp,w ; Save character in temp
bank uart_rx ; Restore the bank
ringadv rx_ring_op_1,rx_ring_1,rx_ring_size_1 ; Advance ring pointer
dec rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Decrement rx char count
sb CTS_1 ; If CTS is set, clear it
setb CTS_1 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
sb DSR_1 ; If DSR is set, clear it
setb DSR_1 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
mov w,temp ; Return byte in W
setb rx_flag_1
:return clr w ; Return 0 in W
; Function: get_byte_2
; Get byte via serial port
; Byte received is returned in W
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
get_byte_2 bank uart_rx ; Select the bank
:wait mov w,rx_ring_cnt_2 ; Get the number of bytes in the rx ring
snz ; Is the receive ring empty?
jmp :return ; Yes, block until not empty
mov w,rx_ring_op_2 ; Load the ring out pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,indf ; Get character from buffer
mov temp,w ; Save character in temp
bank uart_rx ; Restore the bank
ringadv rx_ring_op_2,rx_ring_2,rx_ring_size_2 ; Advance ring pointer
dec rx_ring_cnt_2 ; Decrement rx char count
sb CTS_2 ; If CTS is set, clear it
setb CTS_2 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
sb DSR_2 ; If DSR is set, clear it
setb DSR_2 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
mov w,temp ; Return byte in W
setb rx_flag_2
:return clr w ; Return 0 in W
; Function: send_byte_1
; Send byte via serial port
; Byte to be sent should be in W
send_byte_1 bank uart_1_tx ; Select the bank
mov temp,w
:wait mov w,tx_ring_cnt_1 ; Load the current ring contents
xor w,#tx_ring_size_1 ; Compare to the ring size
snb status.2 ; Is there room for a character?
jmp :wait ; No, block until there is room
mov w,tx_ring_ip_1 ; Get buffer pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,temp
mov indf,w ; Save temp in the ring
bank uart_1_tx ; Restore the bank
ringadv tx_ring_ip_1,tx_ring_1,tx_ring_size_1 ; Advance ring pointer
inc tx_ring_cnt_1 ; Increment tx char count
retp ;leave and fix page bits
; Function: send_byte_2
; Send byte via serial port
; Byte to be sent should be in W
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
send_byte_2 bank uart_2_tx ; Select the bank
mov temp,w
:wait mov w,tx_ring_cnt_2 ; Load the current ring contents
xor w,#tx_ring_size_2 ; Compare to the ring size
snb status.2 ; Is there room for a character?
jmp :wait ; No, block until there is room
mov w,tx_ring_ip_2 ; Get buffer pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,temp
mov indf,w ; Save temp in the ring
bank uart_2_tx ; Restore the bank
ringadv tx_ring_ip_2,tx_ring_2,tx_ring_size_2 ; Advance ring pointer
inc tx_ring_cnt_2 ; Increment tx char count
:return retp ;leave and fix page bits
; Function: bytes_avail_1
; Get number of bytes waiting in receive buffer
; Number of bytes in buffer will be returned in W
bytes_avail_1 bank uart_rx ; Ensure ring variables
mov w,rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Get receive ring count
; Function: bytes_avail_2
; Get number of bytes waiting in receive buffer
; Number of bytes in buffer will be returned in W
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
bytes_avail_2 bank uart_rx ; Ensure ring variables
mov w,rx_ring_cnt_2 ; Get receive ring count
; Function: send_string_1
; Send string pointed to by address in W register
; *Note: High nibble into mode register denotes page address of data
send_string_1 bank uart_1_tx
mov string1,w ;store string address
; jnb CTS_1,$ ;wait for CTS_1 = true - ready to receive data
:loop mov w,string1 ;read next string character
mov m,#4;datapage/100h ; with indirect addressing*
iread ; using the mode register
IF SX_TYPE = 0 ;SX28
mov m,#$0f ;point mode to port I/O's
mov m,#$1f ;point mode to port I/O's
test w ;are we at the last char?
snz ;if not=0, skip ahead
retp ;yes, leave & fix page bits
;not 0, so send character
mov temp,w
:wait mov w,tx_ring_cnt_1 ; Load the current ring contents
xor w,#tx_ring_size_1 ; Compare to the ring size
snb status.2 ; Is there room for a character?
jmp :wait ; No, block until there is room
mov w,tx_ring_ip_1 ; Get buffer pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,temp
mov indf,w ; Save temp in the ring
bank uart_1_tx ; Restore the bank
ringadv tx_ring_ip_1,tx_ring_1,tx_ring_size_1 ; Advance ring pointer
inc tx_ring_cnt_1 ; Increment tx char count
inc string1 ;point to next character
jmp :loop ;loop until done
; Function: send_string_2
; Send string pointed to by address in W register
; *Note: High nibble into mode register denotes page address of data
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
send_string_2 bank uart_2_tx
mov string2,w ;store string address
; jnb CTS_2,$ ;wait for CTS_2 = true - ready to receive data
:loop mov w,string2 ;read next string character
mov m,#4;datapage/100h ; with indirect addressing*
iread ; using the mode register
mov m,#$1f ;point mode to port I/O's
test w ;are we at the last char?
snz ;if not=0, skip ahead
retp ;yes, leave & fix page bits
;not 0, so send character
mov temp,w
:wait mov w,tx_ring_cnt_2 ; Load the current ring contents
xor w,#tx_ring_size_2 ; Compare to the ring size
snb status.2 ; Is there room for a character?
jmp :wait ; No, block until there is room
mov w,tx_ring_ip_2 ; Get buffer pointer
mov fsr,w
mov w,temp
mov indf,w ; Save temp in the ring
bank uart_2_tx ; Restore the bank
ringadv tx_ring_ip_2,tx_ring_2,tx_ring_size_2 ; Advance ring pointer
inc tx_ring_cnt_2 ; Increment tx char count
inc string2 ;point to next character
jmp :loop ;loop until done
; Jump Table for Page 2
org $600
jmp uart_1_transmit_115_
; VP: uart_1_transmit
; 110 - 57.6Kbaud UART with RTS/CTS handshake
; ** Part of the Interrupt Service Routine **
bank uart_1_tx ;switch to serial register bank
inc tx_divide_1 ;ready to transmit bit?
inc tx_divide_1+1
sz ;if tx_divide_1+1=0 then skip
jmp uart_1_receive ;else, exit
:continue mov w,divisor_1 ;reload baud period divisor_1(16-bit)
mov tx_divide_1,w
not tx_divide_1 ;compliment tx_divide_1
mov w,divisor_1+1
mov tx_divide_1+1,w
not tx_divide_1+1 ;compliment tx_divide_1+1
test tx_count_1 ;are we sending?
jmp :txbit ;yes, send next bit
mov w,tx_ring_cnt_1 ;is tx ring empty?
jmp uart_1_receive ;yes, go to :transmit_out
; jnb DTR_1,uart_1_receive
; jnb RTS_1,uart_1_receive
:txring mov w,tx_ring_op_1 ;move one character from the ring to the
mov fsr,w ; transmitter using indirect addressing
mov w,indf
bank uart_1_tx ;switch back to the uart bank
not w ;ready bits (inverse logic)
mov tx_high_1,w ; store data byte
setb tx_low_1.7 ; set up start bit
mov tx_count_1,#10 ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
dec tx_ring_cnt_1 ;decrement tx ring byte count
ringadv tx_ring_op_1,tx_ring_1,tx_ring_size_1 ;advance ring pointer
:txbit clc ;ready stop bit
rr tx_high_1 ; and shift to next bit
rr tx_low_1 ;
dec tx_count_1 ;decrement bit counter
movb tx_pin_1,/tx_low_1.6 ;output next bit
bank uart_rx
movb c,rx_pin_1 ;get current rx bit
test rx_count_1 ;currently receiving byte?
jmp :rxbit ;if so, jump ahead
mov w,#9 ;in case start, ready 9 bits
sc ;skip ahead if not start bit
mov rx_count_1,w ;it is, so renew bit count
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,divisor_1 ;reload 1.5 bit period divisor_1(16-bit)
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1,w
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,divisor_1+1
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1+1,w
mov w,>>rx_divide_1+1 ;w=divisor_1/2
inc rx_divide_1+1 ;16-bit add
mov w,>>rx_divide_1
add rx_divide_1,w
inc rx_divide_1+1
not rx_divide_1 ;compliment rx_divide_1
not rx_divide_1+1 ;compliment rx_divide_1+1
inc rx_divide_1 ;ready to transmit bit?
inc rx_divide_1+1
sz ;if rx_divide_1+1=0 then skip
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,divisor_1 ;reload 1 bit period divisor_1(16-bit)
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1,w
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,divisor_1+1
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1+1,w
not rx_divide_1 ;compliment rx_divide_1
not rx_divide_1+1 ;compliment rx_divide_1+1
:get_bit movb c,rx_pin_1 ;get current rx bit
dec rx_count_1 ;last bit?
sz ;if not
rr rx_byte_1 ; then save bit
sz ;and skip to end
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
mov w,rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Will this byte make the receive buffer full?
inc wreg
xor w,#rx_ring_size_1 ; Compare with the buffer size
jmp :rx_ok ; Not full
clrb CTS_1 ; CTS = false - not ready to receive data
clrb DSR_1 ; DSR = false - not ready to receive data
setb buffer_oe_1 ; Signal receive buffer overflow
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
:rx_ok setb CTS_1 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
setb DSR_1 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
mov w,rx_byte_1 ; Save the received byte in global
mov isr_temp,w
mov w,rx_ring_ip_1 ; Store character in receive buffer
mov fsr,w ; Set indirect address
mov w,isr_temp ; temp must be global
mov indf,w ; Store the received byte
bank uart_rx ; Restore bank
ringadv rx_ring_ip_1,rx_ring_1,rx_ring_size_1
inc rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Increment the ring buffer count
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
; VP: uart_2_transmit
; 110 - 57.6Kbaud UART with RTS/CTS handshake
; ** Part of the Interrupt Service Routine **
IF SX_TYPE = 1 ;only compile if target is SX52
bank uart_2_tx ;switch to serial register bank
decsz tx_divide_2 ;ready to transmit bit?
jmp uart_2_receive ;else, exit
mov w,#24 ;reload 9600bps period constant
mov tx_divide_2,w
test tx_count_2 ;are we sending?
jmp :txbit ;yes, send next bit
mov w,tx_ring_cnt_2 ;is tx ring empty?
jmp uart_2_receive ;yes, go to :transmit_out
; jnb DTR_2,uart_2_receive
; jnb RTS_2,uart_2_receive
:txring mov w,tx_ring_op_2 ;move one character from the ring to the
mov fsr,w ; transmitter using indirect addressing
mov w,indf
bank uart_2_tx ;switch back to the uart bank
not w ;ready bits (inverse logic)
mov tx_high_2,w ; store data byte
setb tx_low_2.7 ; set up start bit
mov tx_count_2,#10 ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
dec tx_ring_cnt_2 ;decrement tx ring byte count
ringadv tx_ring_op_2,tx_ring_2,tx_ring_size_2 ;advance ring pointer
:txbit clc ;ready stop bit
rr tx_high_2 ; and shift to next bit
rr tx_low_2 ;
dec tx_count_2 ;decrement bit counter
movb tx_pin_2,/tx_low_2.6 ;output next bit
bank uart_rx
movb c,rx_pin_2 ;get current rx bit
test rx_count_2 ;currently receiving byte?
jmp :rxbit ;if so, jump ahead
mov w,#9 ;in case start, ready 9 bits
sc ;skip ahead if not start bit
mov rx_count_2,w ;it is, so renew bit count
mov w,#36
mov rx_divide_2,w
:rxbit decsz rx_divide_2 ;ready to transmit bit?
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
mov w,#24 ;reload 1 bit period constant
mov rx_divide_2,w
:get_bit movb c,rx_pin_2 ;get current rx bit
dec rx_count_2 ;last bit?
sz ;if not
rr rx_byte_2 ; then save bit
sz ;and skip to end
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
mov w,rx_ring_cnt_2 ; Is the receive buffer already full?
inc wreg
xor w,#rx_ring_size_2 ; Compare with the buffer size
jmp :rx_ok ; Not full
clrb CTS_2 ; CTS = false - not ready to receive data
clrb DSR_2 ; DSR = false - not ready to receive data
setb buffer_oe_2 ; Signal receive buffer overflow
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
:rx_ok setb CTS_2 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
setb DSR_2 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
mov w,rx_byte_2 ; Save the received byte in global
mov isr_temp,w
mov w,rx_ring_ip_2 ; Store character in receive buffer
mov fsr,w ; Set indirect address
mov w,isr_temp ; temp must be global
mov indf,w ; Store the received byte
bank uart_rx ; Restore bank
ringadv rx_ring_ip_2,rx_ring_2,rx_ring_size_2
inc rx_ring_cnt_2 ; Increment the ring buffer count
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
; VP: uart_1_transmit_115
; 57.6K - 115.2Kbaud UART with RTS/CTS handshake
; ** Part of the Interrupt Service Routine **
bank uart_1_tx ;switch to serial register bank
decsz tx_divide_1 ;ready to transmit bit?
jmp uart_1_rx_115
mov tx_divide_1,divisor_1 ;reload baud period
test tx_count_1 ;are we sending?
jmp :txbit ;yes, send next bit
mov w,tx_ring_cnt_1 ;is tx ring empty?
jmp uart_1_rx_115 ;yes, go to :transmit_out
; jnb DTR_1,uart_1_rx_115
; jnb RTS_1,uart_1_rx_115
:txring mov w,tx_ring_op_1 ;move one character from the ring to the
mov fsr,w ; transmitter using indirect addressing
mov w,indf
bank uart_1_tx ;switch back to the uart bank
not w ;ready bits (inverse logic)
mov tx_high_1,w ; store data byte
setb tx_low_1.7 ; set up start bit
mov tx_count_1,#10 ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
dec tx_ring_cnt_1 ;decrement tx ring byte count
ringadv tx_ring_op_1,tx_ring_1,tx_ring_size_1 ;advance ring pointer
:txbit clc ;ready stop bit
rr tx_high_1 ; and shift to next bit
rr tx_low_1 ;
dec tx_count_1 ;decrement bit counter
movb tx_pin_1,/tx_low_1.6 ;output next bit
uart_1_rx_115 bank uart_rx ;switch to serial register bank
movb c,rx_pin_1 ;get current rx bit
test rx_count_1 ;currently receiving byte?
jmp :rxbit ;if so, jump ahead
mov w,#9 ;in case start, ready 9 bits
sc ;skip ahead if not start bit
mov rx_count_1,w ;it is, so renew bit count
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,>>divisor_1
add w,divisor_1
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1,w ;ready 1.5 bit periods
:rxbit decsz rx_divide_1 ;middle of next bit?
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
bank uart_1_tx
mov w,divisor_1 ;yes, reload 1 bit period
bank uart_rx
mov rx_divide_1,w
dec rx_count_1 ;last bit?
sz ;if not
rr rx_byte_1 ; then save bit
sz ;and skip to end
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
mov w,rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Is the receive buffer already full?
inc wreg
xor w,#rx_ring_size_1 ; Compare with the buffer size
jmp :rx_ok ; Not full
clrb CTS_1 ; CTS = false - not ready to receive data
clrb DSR_1 ; DSR = false - not ready to receive data
setb buffer_oe_1 ; Signal receive buffer overflow
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
:rx_ok setb CTS_1 ; CTS = true - ready to receive data
setb DSR_1 ; DSR = true - ready to receive data
mov w,rx_byte_1 ; Save the received byte in global
mov isr_temp,w
mov w,rx_ring_ip_1 ; Store character in receive buffer
mov fsr,w ; Set indirect address
mov w,isr_temp ; temp must be global
mov indf,w ; Store the received byte
bank uart_rx ; Restore the bank
ringadv rx_ring_ip_1,rx_ring_1,rx_ring_size_1
inc rx_ring_cnt_1 ; Increment the ring buffer count
retp ; Return to the interrupt handler
END ;End of program code
file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi2/serial/Duart_0412.SRC, 48KB, , updated: 2002/1/15 15:43, local time: 2025/1/14 04:01,
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