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Scenix Lib IO Dev Modem Fsk.src

;  Filename:	FSK_TX.SRC

; Author:	Stephen Holland

;		Applications Engineer

;		Scenix Semiconductor Inc.

; Revision:	1.0

; Date:		July 05, 1998

; Part:		SX28AC rev. 2.5

; Freq:		50Mhz

; Compiled using Parallax SX-Key software v0.8


; *This virtual peripheral relies on an external RC filter to generate complete

;  FSK signal.



; Using a PC terminal program, all data received by the UART is sent out via

; FSK transmission


		device	pins28,pages4,banks8,oschs

		device	turbo,stackx,optionx,carryx

		id	'FSK_TX'

		reset	reset_entry



; Equates


rx_pin		=	ra.1

tx_pin		=	ra.2

pwm0_pin	=	ra.0



; Variables


			org	8

temp			ds	1

byte			ds	1

string			ds	1

			org	10h			;bank0 variables

timers			=	$


timer_accl		ds	1

timer_acch		ds	1

timer_flag		ds	1

bit_cnt			ds	1

			org	30h			;bank1 variables

serial			=	$

tx_high			ds	1			;tx

tx_low			ds	1

tx_count		ds	1

tx_divide		ds	1

tx_flag			ds	1			;flag-byte

							;bit 0, busy transmitting, 0=no, 1=yes

tx_dly_count		ds	1

rx_count		ds	1			;rx

rx_divide		ds	1

rx_byte			ds	1

rx_flag			ds	1

rx_dly_count		ds	1

			org	50h			;bank3 variables

pwm			=	$

pwm_duty_1		ds	1

pwm_period_1		ds	1

lo_or_hi		ds	1

counter_fsk		ds	1

row			ds	1

col			ds	1

FSK_trm_byte		ds	1



; Interrupt routine - virtual peripherals


			org	0

interrupt					;3 it takes 3 cycles to get an interrupt

		bank	timers			;1


		stc				;1 set carry

		add	timer_accl,#1		;2 add timer_accl+carry(=1)


		jmp	:timer_out

		add	timer_acch,#0

		snc				;1

		setb	timer_flag.0		;1

:timer_out					;=7

;********D/A CONVERSIONS*************

da_conv		bank	pwm			;1

		dec	pwm_duty_1		;1 decrement port_duty

		movb	pwm0_pin,/pwm_duty_1.7	;4 move complement of most significant bit to output

		decsz	pwm_period_1		;1

		jmp	da_conv_out		;3

		mov	pwm_duty_1,#5		;2

		jb	lo_or_hi.0,:period_1200	;1 hi for 1200, lo for 2200

:period_2200	mov	pwm_period_1,#10	;1 this is for phase coherence in freq shifts

		jmp	:continue

:period_1200	mov	pwm_period_1,#9		;2



make1200	csae	counter_fsk,#end1200	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_fsk,#sine1200	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_fsk		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_1,w		;1 = 21

		inc	counter_fsk		;1

		sb	lo_or_hi.0		;1 hi for 1200, lo for 2200

		inc	counter_fsk		;1 this is for phase coherence in freq shifts

		jmp	da_conv_out


;********SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS*************

:ser_comm	bank	serial			;1

		inc	tx_dly_count		;1

		inc	rx_dly_count		;1

		snb	rx_dly_count.2		;1 divide by 4

		jmp	:tst_rx			;3

		sb	tx_dly_count.4		;1 = 8 ;divide by 16

		jmp	interrupt_out		;3

:tst_tx		clr	tx_dly_count		;1

		jnb	tx_flag.0,interrupt_out	;2

		test	tx_count		;1 busy?

		clc				;1 ready stop bit

		snz				;1

		clrb	tx_flag.0		;1

		sz				;1 if busy, shift bits

		rr	tx_high			;1

		sz				;1

		rr	tx_low			;1

		sz				;1	;if busy, dec counter

		dec	tx_count		;1

		movb	tx_pin,/tx_low.6	;4 =18	;output next bit

		jmp	interrupt_out		;3

:tst_rx		clr	rx_dly_count		;1

		movb	c,rx_pin		;4	;serial receive

		test	rx_count		;1	;waiting for stop bit?

		jnz	:rxbit			;3,2	;if not, :bit

		mov	w,#9			;1	;in case start, ready 9 bits

		sc				;1	;if start, set rx_count

		mov	rx_count,w		;1

		mov	rx_divide,#7		;2	;ready 1.5 bit periods

:rxbit		djnz	rx_divide,:rxdone	;3,2	;8th time through?

		setb	rx_divide.2		;1	;yes, ready 1 bit period

		dec	rx_count		;1	;last bit?

		sz				;1	;if not, save bit

		rr	rx_byte			;1

		snz				;1	;if so, set flag

		setb	rx_flag.1		;1 =23


interrupt_out	mov	w,#-163			;1	;interrupt every 159 clocks

		retiw				;3



; Reset entry


reset_entry	mov	 ra,#%0110		;init ra

		mov	!ra,#%0011		;Set ra data direction register

		mov	m,#$F

		bank	serial

		inc	rx_dly_count		;just to create a slight time-shift

		clr	fsr			;reset all ram banks

:loop		setb	fsr.4

		clr	ind

		ijnz	fsr,:loop

		bank	pwm			;adc set speed/resolution

		mov	pwm_period_1,#9

		mov	pwm_duty_1,#5

		bank	serial

		clr	bit_cnt

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt



; Main 




; Terminal - main loop



		mov	w,#_hello		;send hello string

		page	send_string

		call	send_string

		mov	w,#_prompt		;send prompt string

		page	send_string

		call	send_string


		page	get_byte

		call	get_byte

; This is where the line could be tested if it clear to send, if not then jump to :send_later

		bank	serial

		jnb	rx_flag.7,:send_later		;If bit not set then nothing to send

		page	FSK_send

		call	FSK_send


; This is where a FSK_receive function would be called

		jmp	main_loop



; Subroutines 


		org	$200


; Jump table for page 1


FSK_send	jmp	FSK_send_byte





; Get byte via serial port


get_byte	bank	serial

		sb	rx_flag.1


		clrb	rx_flag.1

		setb	rx_flag.7		;Tell FSK module to send

		mov	w,rx_byte		;followed by send_byte

		bank	pwm

		mov	FSK_trm_byte,w

		mov	w,#_sending		;send 'sending' string

		page	send_string

		call	send_string

		bank	pwm

		mov	w,FSK_trm_byte

		call	send_byte


		mov	w,#_prompt		;send prompt string

		page	send_string

		call	send_string



; Send byte via serial port


send_byte	bank	serial

:wait		test	tx_count		;wait for not busy

		jnz	:wait

		not	w			;ready bits

		mov	tx_high,w

		setb	tx_low.7

		mov	tx_count,#10		;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit

		setb	tx_flag.0




; Send string at w


send_string	mov	string,w		;send string at w

:loop		mov	w,string		;read chr at w

		mov	m,#1


		mov	m,#$F

		test	w			;if 0, exit



		page	send_byte

		call	send_byte		;not 0, send chr

		inc	string			;next chr

		jmp	:loop



; Make byte uppercase


uppercase	csae	byte,#'a'


		sub	byte,#'a'-'A'




		setb	ra.3			;Enable output

		mov	!ra,#%0010		;Enable pwm output

; This is where channel seizure or handshaking generation would be inserted.

		bank	pwm

		setb	lo_or_hi.0		;Set PWM to transmit 1200Hz for start bit

		bank	timers

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$5d		;1250uS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$fd		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

		mov	bit_cnt,#8		;Initialize bit_cnt

:next_bit	bank	pwm

		jnb	FSK_trm_byte.0,:set_2200_pwm

:set_1200_pwm	setb	lo_or_hi.0		;Set PWM to transmit 1200Hz

		jmp	:set_timer_833u

:set_2200_pwm	clrb	lo_or_hi.0		;Set PWM to transmit 2200Hz


		bank	timers

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$00		;833uS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$fe		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

		bank	pwm

		rr	FSK_trm_byte

		bank	timers

		djnz	bit_cnt,:next_bit

		bank	pwm

		clrb	lo_or_hi.0		;Set PWM to transmit 2200Hz for stop bit

		bank	timers

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$00		;833uS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$fe		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?		


		mov	!ra,#%0011		;Disable pwm output

		clrb	ra.3			;Disable output

		bank	serial

		clrb	rx_flag.7

		jmp	FSK_send_return




		org	$1a0


; Data


_hello		dw	13,10,13,10,'SX Modem Demo...',13,10,0

_cr		dw	13,10,0

_prompt		dw	13,10,'>',0

_sending	dw	13,10,'Sending...',32,0

_hex		dw	'0123456789ABCDEF'


		org	$600

sine1200	=	$

		DW	5	; 1

		DW	7	; 2

		DW	8	; 3

		DW	8	; 4

		DW	9	; 5

		DW	9	; 6

		DW	10	; 7

		DW	9	; 8

		DW	9	; 9

		DW	8	;10

		DW	8	;11

		DW	7	;12

		DW	6	;13

		DW	5	;14

		DW	3	;15

		DW	2	;16

		DW	1	;17

		DW	1	;18

		DW	0	;19

		DW	0	;20

		DW	0	;21

		DW	0	;22

		DW	0	;23

		DW	1	;24

		DW	1	;25

		DW	2	;26

		DW	3	;27

end1200		=	$

		DW	4	;28

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/dev/modem/fsk.src, 9KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 12:23, local time: 2024/10/1 21:19,

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