Scenix Lib IO Dev Modem BELL_103_FULL_DUP_1_13.SRC
; ******************************************************************************
; Copyright © [01/25/1999] Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
;Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for
; the use of this [product, application, software, any of these products].
; Scenix Semiconductor conveys no license, implicitly or otherwise, under
; any intellectual property rights.
; Information contained in this publication regarding (e.g.: application,
; implementation) and the like is intended through suggestion only and may
; be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation
; or warranties with respect to the accuracy or use of these information,
; or infringement of patents arising from such use or otherwise.
; Filename: bell_103_tx.src
; Author: Chris Fogelklou
; Applications Engineer
; Scenix Semiconductor Inc.
; Revision: 1.08
; Date: April 16, 1999.
; Part: SX28AC rev. 2.5
; Freq: 50Mhz
; Compiled using Parallax SX-Key software v1.0
; Version: 1.10
; Program Description: This simple program encodes an outgoing bell103 signal.
; This program only creates the answer frequencies, since it
; cannot dial out to originate.
; To use this program, connect the SX-DTMF-DEMO board to a phone
; line and to a PC. The communications settings are 300,N,8,1.
; Now, from a remote BELL103 modem, simply dial the modem's number.
; When you here the line ringing on the dialing modem, press a key
; in the comm window of the SX-modem-board. This should force the
; modem board off-hook and cause it to send out an answer tone for
; 3 seconds. Once the answer tone is sent, the modem board will
; begin modulating the state of the RS-232 pin onto the carrier.
; If the terminal program is set up correctly, you will be able to
; receive the sent characters on the remote modem.
; Revision History: 1.0 Tried for weeks to get FSK-receive to work. Finally got it
; working.
; 1.01 Tried to eliminate all unnecessary code...
; 1.04 Originate and answer modes both working. AT command set added.
; 1.10 Changed the fsk receive code so it is simpler to understand and
; uses less RAM.
; Received RS-232 characters on rs-232 rx_pin (ra.1)
; Received RS-232 characters on tx_pin (ra.2)
; FSK output on PPM_pin
; LED flashes (rb.0)
; Program memory: TBD
; Data memory: TBD
; I/O Count: TBD
; Device Directives
IFDEF SX28L_compiler
device SX28L,oscxt4,carryx ; 28-pin device, 4 pages, 8 banks of RAM
device turbo,stackx_optionx ; High speed oscillator, turbo mode,
; option register extend, 8-level stack
device pins28,pages4,banks8,carryx ; 28-pin device, 1 pages, 8 banks of RAM
device oschs,turbo,optionx,stackx ; High speed oscillator, turbo mode,
ENDIF ; option register extend, 8-level stack
freq 50_000_000 ; default run speed = 50MHz
ID 'B103TX10' ; Version = 1.0
reset reset_entry ; JUMP to reset_entry label on reset
; Watches (For Debug in SX_Key software V.1.0 +)
watch fsk_answering,1,ubin
watch freq_acc_low,16,udec
watch freq_count_low,16,udec
watch sine_index,8,udec
watch D_to_A_val,8,udec
watch freq_acc_high,16,uhex
watch freq_count_high,8,uhex
watch freq_count_low,8,uhex
watch freq_count_high2,8,uhex
watch freq_count_low2,8,uhex
watch byte,1,fstr
watch byte,8,udec
watch curr_sine,8,sdec
watch sine_index,8,sdec
watch D_to_A_val,8,udec
watch PPM0_acc,8,udec
watch timer_flag,1,ubin
watch timer_l,16,uhex
watch temp,8,uhex
watch wreg,8,uhex
watch fsk_last_trans,8,udec
watch fsk_trans_avg_l,16,udec
watch fsk_avg_count,8,udec
watch fsk_trans_count,8,udec
watch fsk_glitch_acc,8,udec
watch fsk_high_byte,8,udec
watch fsk_average_index,8,udec
watch fsk_temp_trans,8,udec
watch fsk_processing_required1,1,ubin
watch fsk_processing_required2,1,ubin
watch fsk_carrier_detected,1,ubin
watch fsk_rb_past_state,8,ubin
; Equates for common data comm frequencies
f697_h equ $012 ; DTMF Frequency
f697_l equ $09d
f770_h equ $014 ; DTMF Frequency
f770_l equ $090
f852_h equ $016 ; DTMF Frequency
f852_l equ $0c0
f941_h equ $019 ; DTMF Frequency
f941_l equ $021
f1209_h equ $020 ; DTMF Frequency
f1209_l equ $049
f1336_h equ $023 ; DTMF Frequency
f1336_l equ $0ad
f1477_h equ $027 ; DTMF Frequency
f1477_l equ $071
f1633_h equ $02b ; DTMF Frequency
f1633_l equ $09c
; Equates for FSK generation
f2225_h equ $03b
f2225_l equ $06b
f2025_h equ $036
f2025_l equ $014
f1070_h equ $01c
f1070_l equ $093
f1270_h equ $021
f1270_l equ $0ea
f2100_h equ $038 ; 2100Hz Signifies LOW data in Bell202 Spec
f2100_l equ $015
; Equates for certain baud rates:
;baud_bit = 4 ;for 19200 baud
;start_delay = 16+8+1 ; " " "
;int_period = 163 ; " " "
; *** 2400 baud (for slower baud rates, increase the RTCC prescaler)
baud_bit = 7 ;for 2400 baud
start_delay = 128+64+1 ; " " "
fsk_start_delay = 128+96+1
int_period = 163 ; " " "
; Pin Definitions (These definitions are for SX DTMF DEMO boards)
PPM_pin equ ra.0 ; D/A output pin
rx_pin equ ra.1 ; RS-232 reception pin
tx_pin equ ra.2 ; RS-232 transmission pin
nothing equ ra.3 ; N/C
ra_dir_mask equ %11111010 ; sets up the I/O directions of port ra
ra_data_mask equ %11111111 ; sets up the output levels of the output pins on ra
led_pin equ rb.0 ; LED pin
rxa_pin equ rb.1 ; FSK receive pin
cntrl_1 equ rb.2 ; drive cntrl_1 low to disable the output of the LPF
ring equ rb.3 ; ring detection pin
hook equ rb.4 ; drive hook low to go off-hook
cntrl_3 equ rb.5 ; drive cntrl_3 low to disable the output of the HPF
rts equ rb.6 ; indicates to the SX that the PC wants to transmit data
cts equ rb.7 ; indicates to the PC that the SX is ready to receive data
rb_dir_mask equ %01101110 ; sets up the I/O directions of port rb
rb_data_mask equ %01011011 ; sets up the output levels of the output pins on ra
LPF_mask equ %01001110 ; when LPF is enabled, tristate cntrl 1 and put cntrl 3 low
HPF_mask equ %01101010 ; when HPF is enabled, tristate cntrl 3 and put cntrl 1 low
LPF_HPF_mask equ %01101110 ; when both filters are enabled, tristate cntrl 1 and cntrl 3
dtmf_in_pin equ rc.0
dtmf_fdbk_pin equ rc.1
AtoD_in_pin equ rc.2
AtoD_fdbk_pin equ rc.3
imp_450_pin equ rc.4
imp_600_pin equ rc.5
imp_750_pin equ rc.6
imp_900_pin equ rc.7
rc_dir_mask equ %11010101 ; sets up the I/O directions of port rc
rc_data_mask equ %00001111 ; sets up the output levels of the output pins on ra
; Global Variables
org $8 ; Global registers
flags ds 1
dtmf_gen_en equ flags.0 ; Signifies whether or not DTMF output is enabled
sine_gen_en equ flags.1
timer_flag equ flags.2
fsk_tx_en equ flags.3
fsk_rx_en equ flags.4 ; Enables the FSK receiver.
rx_flag equ flags.5
fsk_rx_flag equ flags.6
temp ds 1
task_switcher ds 1
ascii_index ds 1
command_index ds 1
; Bank 0 Variables
org $10
sine_gen_bank = $
freq_acc_low ds 1 ; 16-bit accumulator which decides when to increment the sine wave
freq_acc_high ds 1 ;
freq_count_low ds 1 ; 16-bit counter which decides which frequency for the sine wave
freq_count_high ds 1 ; freq_count = Frequency * 6.83671552
sine_index ds 1
sine_index2 ds 1 ; The velocity of the sin wave
freq_count_low2 ds 1 ; 16-bit counter which decides which frequency for the sine wave
freq_count_high2 ds 1 ; freq_count = Frequency * 6.83671552
freq_acc_high2 ds 1 ;
freq_acc_low2 ds 1 ; 16-bit accumulator which decides when to increment the sine wave
curr_sine ds 1 ; The current value of the imitation sin wave
curr_sine2 ds 1 ; The current value of the imitation sin wave
sine2_temp ds 1 ; This register is used to do a temporary shift/add register
PPM_bank = $
PPM0_acc ds 1 ; PPM accumulator
D_to_A_val ds 1 ; current PPM output
; Bank 1 Variables
org $30
timers = $
timer_l ds 1
timer_h ds 1
timer_hh ds 1
serial = $ ;UART bank
tx_high ds 1 ;hi byte to transmit
tx_low ds 1 ;low byte to transmit
tx_count ds 1 ;number of bits sent
tx_divide ds 1 ;xmit timing (/16) counter
rx_count ds 1 ;number of bits received
rx_divide ds 1 ;receive timing counter
rx_byte ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
rx_count2 ds 1 ;number of bits received
rx_divide2 ds 1 ;receive timing counter
rx_byte2 ds 1 ;buffer for incoming byte
string ds 1
byte ds 1
plus_count ds 1
; Bank 2 Variables
org $50 ;bank3 variables
fsk_receive_bank = $
fsk_transmit_bank = $
fsk_last_trans ds 1
fsk_trans_avg_l ds 1
fsk_trans_avg_h ds 1
fsk_avg_count ds 1
fsk_trans_count ds 1 ; This register counts the number of counts
; between transitions at the pin
fsk_rb_past_state ds 1 ; This register keeps track of the previous
; state of port RB, to watch for transitions
fsk_glitch_acc ds 1
fsk_average ds 1
fsk_high_byte ds 1
fsk_average_index ds 1
fsk_temp_trans ds 1
fsk_no_carrier_count ds 1
fsk_flags ds 1
fsk_answering equ fsk_flags.0
fsk_tx_bit equ fsk_flags.1
fsk_rx_bit equ fsk_flags.2
fsk_processing_required1 equ fsk_flags.3
fsk_processing_required2 equ fsk_flags.4
fsk_rx_bit_last equ fsk_flags.5
fsk_carrier_detected equ fsk_flags.6
fsk_answer_tone equ fsk_flags.7
; Bank 4, 5, 6, 7 (for ascii buffer, but can be reused.)
org $90
ascii_buffer = $
org $b0
ascii_buffer2 = $
org $d0
ascii_buffer3 = $
org $f0
ascii_buffer4 = $
;************************ Beginning of program space ***************************
; Interrupt
org $0 ; The interrupt Service routine starts at location zero.
; With a retiw value of -163 and an oscillator frequency of 50MHz, this
; code runs every 3.26us.
bank PPM_bank ; Update the PPM pin
add PPM0_acc,D_to_A_val
setb PPM_pin
clrb PPM_pin
jnb dtmf_gen_en,:dtmf_disabled
call @sine_generator1
jmp :task_switcher
snb sine_gen_en ; Output the frequencies set by the freq_count registers
call @sine_generator2
snb fsk_rx_en
call @fsk_receive
inc task_switcher
mov w,task_switcher
and w,#$07
jmp pc+w
jmp :fsk_process_1 ;0
jmp :fsk_process_2 ;1
jmp :fsk_process_3 ;2
jmp :fsk_transmit ;3
jmp :fsk_get_carrier;4
jmp do_timers ;5
jmp :transmit ;6
jmp :receive ;7
jmp do_timers
jmp do_timers
jmp do_timers
snb fsk_tx_en
call @TRANSMIT_FSK ; into its corresponding frequencies
jmp do_timers
jmp do_timers
; This is an asynchronous RS-232 transmitter
; tx_divide.baud_bit - Transmitter only executes when this bit is = 1
; tx_high - Part of the data to be transmitted
; tx_low - Some more of the data to be transmitted
; tx_count - Counter which counts the number of bits transmitted.
; tx_pin - Sets/Clears this pin to accomplish the transmission.
bank serial
clrb tx_divide.baud_bit ;clear xmit timing count flag
inc tx_divide ;only execute the transmit routine
STZ ;set zero flag for test
SNB tx_divide.baud_bit ; every 2^baud_bit interrupt
test tx_count ;are we sending?
JZ do_timers ;if not, go to :receive
clc ;yes, ready stop bit
rr tx_high ; and shift to next bit
rr tx_low ;
dec tx_count ;decrement bit counter
movb tx_pin,/tx_low.6 ;output next bit
jmp do_timers
; This is an asynchronous receiver for RS-232 reception
; rx_pin - Pin which RS-232 is received on.
; rx_byte - The byte received
; rx_flag - Set when a byte is received.
bank serial
movb c,rx_pin ;get current rx bit
test rx_count ;currently receiving byte?
jnz :rxbit ;if so, jump ahead
mov w,#9 ;in case start, ready 9 bits
sc ;skip ahead if not start bit
mov rx_count,w ;it is, so renew bit count
mov rx_divide,#start_delay ;ready 1.5 bit periods
:rxbit djnz rx_divide,:rxdone ;middle of next bit?
setb rx_divide.baud_bit ;yes, ready 1 bit period
dec rx_count ;last bit?
sz ;if not
rr rx_byte ; then save bit
snz ;if so
setb rx_flag ; then set flag
bank timers ; Update the timers
inc timer_l
inc timer_h
setb timer_flag
inc timer_hh
setb led_pin
sb timer_h.6
clrb led_pin
; This is the end of the interrupt service routine. Now load 163 into w and
; perform a retiw to interrupt 163 cycles from the start of this one.
; (3.26us@50MHz)
mov w,#-163 ;1 ; interrupt 163 cycles after this interrupt
retiw ;3 ; return from the interrupt
; End of the Interrupt Service Routine
; This subroutine times 'w' ticks, and returns with a '1' in w when
; the specified time has timed out. Each tick is 213.647 ms.
; This subroutine uses the TEMP register
; INPUT w - # of milliseconds to delay for.
; OUTPUT Returns after n milliseconds.
bank timers
test wreg
jz :check_time
add w,timer_hh
mov temp,w
retw 0
mov w,temp
xor w,timer_hh
retw 0
retw 1
; Program Starts Here on Power Up
call @init
mov !option,#%00011111 ; enable wreg and rtcc interrupt
mov w,#_hello
call @send_string
_send_prompt mov w,#_CR
call @send_string
mov w,#_prompt ; send prompt
call @send_string
jnb rx_flag,$
clrb rx_flag
bank serial
mov byte,rx_byte
call @uppercase ; convert it to uppercase
cje byte,#$20,_cmd_loop ; if it equals a space, ignore it.
cje byte,#$0d,:enter ; if it equals a carriage return, parse the string.
mov w,byte ; if it does not resemble the above characters, echo it.
call @send_byte
cje byte,#$08,:backspace ; if it equals a backspace, delete one character in the buffer.
call @buffer_push ; otherwise, store it
jmp _cmd_loop ; and come back for more.
call @buffer_backspace
jmp _cmd_loop
:enter ; If the user presses enter, then parse the string.
; String parser (Checks to see if buffer = any commands)
; -Checks contents of ascii buffer against any commands stored in ROM
; -If a command = the contents of the ascii buffer, a routine will be called
; -Each routine MUST perform a retw 0 on exit, or parse_string will not
; know that a routine has run and it should exit back to command mode.
; -Exits back to command mode when it detects a zero after the table look-up.
; -Outputs 'OK' if no commands are matched.
clr ascii_index ; Clear the index into the ascii buffer
clr command_index ; And the index into the commands
:loop call @buffer_get ; Get a vale from the buffer at ascii_index
call command_table ; Get a character from one of the commands
test wreg ; If the return value is 0, then this matched
jz :nothing ; the command and ran a routine. Exit.
bank serial
xor w,byte ; compare the command's character with the
jnz :not_equal ; buffer's character.
call @inc_ascii_index ; Increment the index into the buffer.
jmp :loop
inc command_index ; If the buffer did not equal the command,
clr ascii_index ; start from the beginning of a new command
cjne command_index,#6,:loop ; and the buffer. (This number = # of commands)
:nothing mov w,#_CR
call @send_string
mov w,#_OK ; If we have checked all 4 commands, then this
call @send_string ; did not equal any so send an 'OK' message.
bank ascii_buffer
clr ascii_index
clr ascii_buffer
jmp _send_prompt
mov w,command_index
add pc,w
jmp command_1
jmp command_2
jmp command_3
jmp command_4
jmp command_5
jmp command_6
command_1 ; Dial command
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw 'A'
retw 'T'
retw 'D'
retw 'T'
command_2 ; Hang up command
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw 'A'
retw 'T'
retw 'H'
command_3 ; Initialize
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw 'A'
retw 'T'
retw 'Z'
command_4 ; Answer/ Auto answer
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw 'A'
retw 'T'
retw 'A'
command_5 ; Data mode
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw 'A'
retw 'T'
retw 'O'
jmp FSK_IO
command_6 ; Help
mov w,ascii_index
add PC,w
retw '?'
jmp HELP
; END of String parser (Checks to see if buffer = any commands)
setb hook
retw 0
call @init
clr flags
retw 0
jmp Answer
retw 0
HELP retw 0
; Dial Mode:
; -Dials contents of ascii buffer, starting from location pointed
; to by ascii_index.
; -Responds to these commands:
; 0-9, *, # - Dials the specified number
; , - Pause for 2 seconds
; -Jumps to data mode after dialing.
mov w,#_CR
call @send_string
mov w,#_DIALING ; send Dialing
call @send_string
clrb hook
mov w,#255
call @delay_10n_ms
bank serial
:dial_loop call @buffer_get ; wait for an input character
call @uppercase ; convert it to uppercase
mov w,byte
jmp :originate_mode
call @send_byte
cje byte,#',',:pause ; if the character = ',', pause for 2s
call @digit_2_index ; convert the ascii digit to an
; index value
call @load_frequencies ; load the frequency registers
call @dial_it ; dial the number for 60ms and return.
:inc call @inc_ascii_index ; increment the index into the table
jmp :dial_loop
mov w,#201 ; delay 2s
call @delay_10n_ms
jmp :inc
; Go off-hook
mov m,#$0f
mov !rb,#HPF_mask ; Enable HPF and disable LPF
clrb cntrl_1
clr flags
bank fsk_transmit_bank
clrb fsk_answering
setb fsk_rx_en
setb fsk_tx_bit
setb sine_gen_en
setb fsk_tx_en
mov w,#140 ; wait 30 seconds for answer_tone
call time_n_ticks
; clr w
; call time_n_ticks
; test wreg
; jnz no_carrier
; bank fsk_receive_bank
; jnb fsk_answer_tone,:loop
jmp FSK_IO
clrb hook ; Go off-hook
mov m,#$0f
mov !rb,#LPF_mask ; Enable LPF and disable HPF
clrb cntrl_3
call @answer_tone ; Send out the answer tone for 3 seconds
bank fsk_transmit_bank ; Clear all the flags
clr flags
setb fsk_answering ; enable answering frequencies
setb fsk_tx_bit ; Set the tx_bit to output a high frequency
setb fsk_tx_en ; enable FSK transmit
setb sine_gen_en ; enable sine generation
mov w,#255
call @delay_10n_ms
mov w,#255
call @delay_10n_ms
bank fsk_receive_bank ; enable FSK receive
setb fsk_rx_en
mov w,#47
call time_n_ticks
clr w
call time_n_ticks
test wreg
; jnz no_carrier
bank fsk_receive_bank
; jnb fsk_carrier_detected,:loop
mov w,#_DATA_MODE
call @send_string
mov w,#_prompt
call @send_string
clr plus_count
bank fsk_receive_bank
; jnb fsk_carrier_detected,no_carrier
movb fsk_tx_bit,rx_pin ; move the rs-232 pin to the fsk_tx_bit
movb tx_pin,fsk_rx_bit ; and move the fsk_rx_bit to the rs-232 pin
jb rx_flag,:check_for_plus
jmp :loop2 ; jump here forever (ISR does all the work)
bank serial
clrb rx_flag
inc plus_count
mov w,#'+'
xor w,rx_byte
clr plus_count
mov w,#3
xor w,plus_count
retw 0
jmp :loop2
setb tx_pin
mov w,#255
call @delay_10n_ms
mov w,#_no_carrier
call @send_string
bank serial
:loop test tx_count
jmp :loop
org $200
bank fsk_receive_bank ; switch to fsk_receive_bank of RAM
inc fsk_trans_count ; Increment the transition count
dec fsk_trans_count ; If the result is zero, keep fsk_trans_count in range
mov w,fsk_rb_past_state ; Check for a transition
xor w,rb
and w,#%00000010
retp ; return if there has been no transition
xor fsk_rb_past_state,w ; save the new value of the FSK_pin
jb fsk_answering,:dont_double
sb fsk_rb_past_state.1
mov w,#-30
add w,fsk_trans_count
jnc :glitch
mov fsk_temp_trans,fsk_trans_count
add fsk_trans_avg_l,w
inc fsk_trans_avg_h
inc fsk_avg_count
clr fsk_trans_count
setb fsk_processing_required1
:glitch ; Save any glitches in the glitch accumulator, to be added to
; the transition count before processing
add fsk_glitch_acc,fsk_trans_count
FSK_RECEIVE_PROCESSING1 ; This code is not very speed critical and can
; run every so often in the ISR.
bank fsk_receive_bank
sb fsk_processing_required1
clrb fsk_processing_required1
setb fsk_processing_required2
FSK_RECEIVE_PROCESSING2 ; This code is not very speed critical and can
; run every so often in the ISR.
; If no processing is required, exit
bank fsk_receive_bank ;1
sb fsk_processing_required2 ;1
retp ;1
clrb fsk_processing_required2 ;1
; Add the last transition time to this one, and divide by two.
; and also add the glitch accumulator.
rr fsk_glitch_acc
mov w,fsk_last_trans
add w,fsk_temp_trans
rr wreg
add w,fsk_glitch_acc
clr fsk_glitch_acc
; Now compare the result to 130 for answer mode or to 145 for
; originate mode. Anything above this threshold is a "high" bit,
; and anything below this threshold is a "low" bit.
mov fsk_last_trans,w ;1
mov w,#-130 ;1
sb fsk_answering ;1
mov w,#-145 ;1
clc ;1
add w,fsk_last_trans ;1
setb fsk_rx_bit ;1
snc ;1
clrb fsk_rx_bit ;1;50
mov fsk_last_trans,fsk_temp_trans
bank fsk_receive_bank
sb fsk_rx_bit
jmp :rx_bit_low
snb fsk_rx_bit_last
setb fsk_rx_bit_last
mov w,#121
sb fsk_answering
mov w,#138
jmp :hysterises
sb fsk_rx_bit_last
clrb fsk_rx_bit_last
mov w,#144
sb fsk_answering
mov w,#152
mov fsk_last_trans,w
bank fsk_receive_bank
mov w,fsk_avg_count
inc fsk_avg_count
clrb fsk_answer_tone
clrb fsk_carrier_detected
jb fsk_answering,:low_freqs
mov w,#-135
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
jnc :get_answer_tone; If the average transition
; time is less than 138, error...
mov w,#-152
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
setb fsk_carrier_detected
mov w,#-142
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
jnc :no_answer_tone
mov w,#-148
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
setb fsk_answer_tone
clr fsk_trans_avg_h
clr fsk_trans_avg_l
mov w,#-118
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
jnc :no_carrier ; If the average transition
; time is less than 138, error...
mov w,#-145
add w,fsk_trans_avg_h
setb fsk_carrier_detected
:no_carrier clr fsk_trans_avg_h
clr fsk_trans_avg_l
bank fsk_transmit_bank
jb fsk_answering,transmit_answer_tones
jnb fsk_tx_bit,:low_freq
bank sine_gen_bank
mov freq_count_high2,#f1270_h
mov freq_count_low2,#f1270_l
bank sine_gen_bank
mov freq_count_high2,#f1070_h
mov freq_count_low2,#f1070_l
jnb fsk_tx_bit,:low_freq
bank sine_gen_bank
mov freq_count_high2,#f2225_h
mov freq_count_low2,#f2225_l
bank sine_gen_bank
mov freq_count_high2,#f2025_h
mov freq_count_low2,#f2025_l
bank sine_gen_bank ; send out the answer tone for 3 seconds
clr curr_sine
mov freq_count_high2,#f2100_h
mov freq_count_low2,#f2100_l
setb sine_gen_en ; enable the FSK transmitter
mov w,#255
call @delay_10n_ms
mov w,#45
call @delay_10n_ms
org $300
; String data (for RS-232 output) and tables
_hello dw 13,10,'SX Modem V 4.0',13,10,0
_instructions dw '- ? For Help',0
_RING dw 'RING',13,10,0
_PROMPT dw 13,10,'>',0
_HANGING_UP dw 'HANG UP ',13,10,0
_ATDT dw 13,10,'ATDT=',0
_ATA dw 'ATA =',0
_ATH dw 'ATH =',0
_ATZ dw 'ATZ =',0
_ATO dw 'ATO =',0
_plus dw 13,10,'+++ =',0
_OK dw 'OK',13,10,0
_CR dw 13,10,0
_DATA_MODE dw 13,10,'CONNECT 300',0
_no_carrier dw 13,10,'NO CARRIER',0
_INIT dw 'INIT',0
org $400 ; Miscellaneous subroutines
; This subroutine pushes the contents of byte onto the 32-byte ascii buffer.
bank serial ; Move the byte into the buffer
mov temp,byte
mov fsr,#ascii_buffer
add fsr,ascii_index
mov indf,temp
; Increment index and keep it in range
call @inc_ascii_index
mov fsr,#ascii_buffer ; Null terminate the buffer.
add fsr,ascii_index
clr indf
bank serial
; This subroutine deletes one value of the buffer and decrements the index
dec ascii_index
and ascii_index,#%01101111
mov fsr,#ascii_buffer
add fsr,ascii_index
clr indf
bank serial
; This subroutine increments the index into the buffer
mov w,ascii_index
and w,#%00001111
xor w,#%00001111
jnz :not_on_verge
inc ascii_index
mov w,#16
add w,ascii_index
and w,#$7f
mov ascii_index,w
inc ascii_index
; This subroutine retrieves the buffered value at index
mov fsr,#ascii_buffer
add fsr,ascii_index
mov w,indf
bank serial
mov byte,w
; This subroutine delays 'w'*10 milliseconds.
; This subroutine uses the TEMP register
; INPUT w - # of milliseconds to delay for.
; OUTPUT Returns after 10 * n milliseconds.
mov temp,w
bank timers
:loop clrb timer_flag ; This loop delays for 10ms
mov timer_h,#$0f4
mov timer_l,#$004
jnb timer_flag,$
dec temp ; do it w-1 times.
jnz :loop
clrb timer_flag
; This subroutine delays 'w' milliseconds.
; This subroutine uses the TEMP register
; INPUT w - # of milliseconds to delay for.
; OUTPUT Returns after n milliseconds.
mov temp,w
bank timers
:loop clrb timer_flag ; This loop delays for 1ms
mov timer_h,#$0fe
mov timer_l,#$0cd
jnb timer_flag,$
dec temp ; do it w-1 times.
jnz :loop
clrb timer_flag
; Subroutine - Zero all ram.
; INPUTS: None
; OUTPUTS: All ram locations (except special function registers) are = 0
:loop SB FSR.4 ;are we on low half of bank?
SETB FSR.3 ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
CLR IND ;clear using indirect addressing
IJNZ FSR,:loop ;repeat until done
mov m,#$0d
mov !ra,#$00 ; initialize all ports to CMOS levels
mov !rb,#$00
mov !rc,#$00
mov m,#$0f ; initialize the ports
mov !ra,#ra_dir_mask
mov ra,#ra_data_mask
mov !rb,#rb_dir_mask
mov rb,#rb_data_mask
mov !rc,#rc_dir_mask
mov rc,#rc_data_mask
setb hook ; go on hook.
setb led_pin ; turn on LED
clr flags ; Clear all flags
call zero_ram
; Subroutine - Get byte via serial port and echo it back to the serial port
; -received byte in rx_byte
get_byte jnb rx_flag,$ ;wait till byte is received
clrb rx_flag ;reset the receive flag
bank serial
mov byte,rx_byte ;store byte (copy using W)
; & fall through to echo char back
; Subroutine - Send byte via serial port
; w - The byte to be sent via RS-232
send_byte bank serial
:wait test tx_count ;wait for not busy
jnz :wait ;
not w ;ready bits (inverse logic)
mov tx_high,w ; store data byte
setb tx_low.7 ; set up start bit
mov tx_count,#10 ;1 start + 8 data + 1 stop bit
RETP ;leave and fix page bits
; Subroutine - Send string pointed to by address in W register
; w - The address of a null-terminated string in program
; memory
; outputs the string via. RS-232
send_string bank serial
mov string,w ;store string address
:loop mov w,string ;read next string character
mov m,#3 ; with indirect addressing
iread ; using the mode register
mov m,#$F ;reset the mode register
test w ;are we at the last char?
snz ;if not=0, skip ahead
RETP ;yes, leave & fix page bits
call send_byte ;not 0, so send character
inc string ;point to next character
jmp :loop ;loop until done
; Subroutine - Make byte uppercase
; byte - The byte to be converted
; byte - The uppercase byte
uppercase stc
csae byte,#'a' ;if byte is lowercase, then skip ahead
sub byte,#'a'-'A' ;change byte to uppercase
RETP ;leave and fix page bits
; Subroutine - Disable the outputs
; Load DC value into PPM and disable the output switch.
bank PPM_bank ; input mode.
mov D_to_A_val,#128 ; put 2.5V DC on PPM output pin
org $600 ; These subroutines are on page 3.
; DTMF transmit functions/subroutines
DTMF_TABLE ; DTMF tone constants
; This routine returns with the constant used for each of the frequency
; detectors.
; INPUT: w - Index into the table (0-15 value)
; OUTPUT: w - Constant at that index
jmp PC+w
retw f697_l
retw f697_h
retw f770_l
retw f770_h
retw f852_l
retw f852_h
retw f941_l
retw f941_h
retw f1209_l
retw f1209_h
retw f1336_l
retw f1336_h
retw f1477_l
retw f1477_h
retw f1633_l
retw f1633_h
ASCII_TABLE ; Ascii value at index (0-15)
; INPUT: w - Index into the table (0-15 value)
; OUTPUT: w - Constant at that index
jmp PC+w
retw '1'
retw '2'
retw '3'
retw 'A'
retw '4'
retw '5'
retw '6'
retw 'B'
retw '7'
retw '8'
retw '9'
retw 'C'
retw '*'
retw '0'
retw '#'
retw 'D'
; This subroutine converts a digit from 0-9 or a '*' or a '#' to a table
; lookup index which can be used by the load_frequencies subroutine. To use
; this routine, pass it a value in the 'byte' register. No invalid digits
; are used. (A, B, C, or D)
; This subroutine converts a digit from 0-9 or a '*' or a '#' to a table
; lookup index which can be used by the load_frequencies subroutine. To use
; this routine, pass it a value in the 'byte' register. No invalid digits
; are used. (A, B, C, or D)
bank serial
clr temp
mov w,temp
xor w,byte
jz :done
inc temp
jb temp.4,:done
jmp :loop
:done mov w,temp
; This subroutine loads the frequencies using a table lookup approach.
; The index into the table is passed in the byte register. The DTMF table
; must be in the range of $400 to $500.
mov temp,w
bank sine_gen_bank
mov w,>>temp
and w,#%00000110
mov freq_count_low,w
mov w,>>temp
and w,#%00000110
inc wreg
mov freq_count_high,w
rl temp
setb temp.3
mov w,temp
and w,#%00001110
mov temp,w
mov freq_count_low2,w
mov w,temp
inc wreg
mov freq_count_high2,w
dial_it ; This subroutine puts out whatever frequencies were loaded
; for 1000ms, and then stops outputting the frequencies.
bank sine_gen_bank
clr sine_index
clr sine_index2
enable_o ; enable the output
mov w,#10
call @delay_10n_ms ; delay 30ms
setb dtmf_gen_en
mov w,#12
call @delay_10n_ms ; delay 100ms
clrb dtmf_gen_en
call @disable_o ; now disable the outputs
:end_dial_it retp
sine_generator1 ;(Part of interrupt service routine)
; This routine generates a synthetic sine wave with values ranging
; from -32 to 32. Frequency is specified by the counter. To set the
; frequency, put this value into the 16-bit freq_count register:
; freq_count = FREQUENCY * 6.83671552 (@50MHz)
bank sine_gen_bank
add freq_acc_low,freq_count_low
add freq_acc_high,freq_count_high
jmp :no_change
inc sine_index
mov w,sine_index
and w,#$1f
call sine_table
mov curr_sine,w ;1 ; add the velocity to sin
sine_generator2 ;(Part of interrupt service routine)
; This routine generates a synthetic sine wave with values ranging
; from -32 to 32. Frequency is specified by the counter. To set the
; frequency, put this value into the 16-bit freq_count register:
; freq_count = FREQUENCY * 6.83671552 (@50MHz)
bank sine_gen_bank
add freq_acc_low2,freq_count_low2
add freq_acc_high2,freq_count_high2
jmp :no_change
inc sine_index2
mov w,sine_index2
and w,#$1f
call sine_table
mov curr_sine2,w
mov D_to_A_val,curr_sine2 ; mov sin2 into PPM0
mov sine2_temp,w ; mov the high_frequency sin wave's current value
clc ; into a temporary register
snb sine2_temp.7 ; divide temporary register by four by shifting right
stc ; (for result = (0.25)(sin2))
rr sine2_temp
snb sine2_temp.7
mov w,>>sine2_temp
add D_to_A_val,w ; (1.25)(sin2) = sin2 + (0.25)(sin2)
add D_to_A_val,curr_sine ; add the value of SIN into the PPM output
add D_to_A_val,#128 ; for result = PPM0 = 1.25*sin2 + 1*sin
retp ; return with page bits intact
; The values in this table can be changed to increase/decrease the amplitude of
; the output sine wave.
jmp pc+w
retw 0
retw 4
retw 8
retw 11
retw 14
retw 16
retw 18
retw 19
retw 20
retw 19
retw 18
retw 16
retw 14
retw 11
retw 8
retw 4
retw 0
retw -4
retw -8
retw -11
retw -14
retw -16
retw -18
retw -19
retw -20
retw -19
retw -18
retw -16
retw -14
retw -11
retw -8
retw -4
; Copyright © 1998 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights
; reserved.
; Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for
; the use of this [product, application, software, any of these products].
; Scenix Semiconductor conveys no license, implicitly or otherwise, under
; any intellectual property rights.
; Information contained in this publication regarding (e.g.: application,
; implementation) and the like is intended through suggestion only and may
; be superseded by updates. Scenix Semiconductor makes no representation
; or warranties with respect to the accuracy or use of these information,
; or infringement of patents arising from such use or otherwise.
; Scenix Semiconductor products are not authorized for use in life support
; systems or under conditions where failure of the product would endanger
; the life or safety of the user, except when prior written approval is
; obtained from Scenix Semiconductor.
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