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William James CRAMMOND
(1845 - 1911)
(1842 - 1905)
Josephine Louisa GREEN
(1852 - 1928)
Margaretha Dorathea CARLSON
(1845 - 1929)

m. 14 Feb 1904

Charles Chester CRAMMOND Margaretha Katherine Johanna HEIDECKER
bd. 23 Jun 1878, Algona, IA
occ. Composer, Music Teacher
edu. Natl. Correspondence Schools of Music , NYC, 27 Apr 1909
rel. Methodist, Nazarene
dd. 6 Oct 1939, Lansing. MI
bd. 14 Aug 1880, Kattenhundt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
occ. Milliner, Minister, Housewife
edu. Diploma, Chicago Evangelistic Institute, 24 May 1917
rel. Nazarene, Methodist
dd. 18 Aug 1969, Miami, FL


Dorothy Vernon CRAMMOND
Margaret Maureen CRAMMOND

Dorothy Vernon CRAMMOND (later became Newton) with her father, Charles Chester CRAMMOND

This picture has no identification on the back, but it appears to be an accordion and piano recital by the pupils of Professor Charles Chester CRAMMOND (back row, right). Dorothy is 3rd from left in the front row, Margaret Maureen is next to her, 2nd from the left. It may be Margaretha at the far left in the front row.

The Pentecostal Herald, a publication of Asbury Theological Seminary includes these pictures (on page 13) of Professor and Mrs. Crammond in the (August 9, 1922) issue: (Link includes all of August, scroll down about 1/3 of the way) They aren’t mentioned in articles, so these pictures might be an advertisement. Prof. and Mrs. Crammond held revival meetings throughout the upper Midwest, as far south as Kentucky, as far north as Ontario.

Glen shares that this "picture shows the house at 726-1/2 West Washtenaw Street in Lansing, Michigan, where my Grandma Crammond (Mom's mother) lived. I remember visiting there with Mom and Dad. There's a small kitchen to the left of the entrance, a living room straight ahead, two bedrooms in the back, and a bathroom in the middle of the house. To get to the attic, you reach up toward the ceiling and pull the cord, which lowers a staircase. The "1/2" in the address indicates that there's another house on the lot, closer to the street, at 726 W. Washtenaw. I think the Giddings lived there. Sometimes they played dominos with Grandma Crammond, the version in which you add up the values of the non-blocked ends and add it to your score if it's a multiple of five."

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