Thomas C. Sefranek tcs at says:
I have several working PICs now successfully driving Character strings.
- WARNING: You MUST set both I/O bits to input on PORTC! (Even though one line is an OUTPUT!!!)
- WARNING: You must not trust the TXIF bit to accurately reflect the state of the transmitter on power up. (The flag shows FULL even though there are NO characters in either the TXREG or TSR! The flag bit TXIF is ONLY true AFTER the first DUMMY character's STOP bit is clocked out of the TSR producing the FIRST load pulse to the TXREG and setting the correct flags!)
ASSEMBLY SOURCE CODE ; A 20MHz Source is divided by 8 (Externally) ; producing a processor clock of 2.5 Mhz, ; the machine cycle clock is 625 Khz. ; ; USART clock = 2.5Mhz/64(1+1) = 19,531,25 Baud. ; (1.7% Error to 19,200 Baud) BRGH=0 Init_PORTC CLRF PORTC ; Clear all outputs. BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 Registers. MOVLW B'11000000' ; Form a byte to signify: ; Bits 7-6 as Inputs. ; Bit 5-0 as unused Outputs. MOVWF TRISC ; Set Port C as: ; RC<7> Serial Data In. ; RC<6> Serial Data Out. ; RC<5:0> not used. BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Bank 0 Registers. Init_USART BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 Registers. MOVLW 1 ; Form a byte to signify 19.2 Baud rate. MOVWF SPBRG ; Set the Baud Rate Generator to 19.2 Baud Rate. BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0 Registers. MOVLW B'10010000' ; Form a byte to signify: ; Bit 7 Serial Port enabled. ; Bit 6 Select 8 bit reception. ; Bit 5 Don't care. ; Bit 4 Enable continuous receive mode. ; Bit 3 Don't care. ; Bit 2 Framing Error. ; Bit 1 Overrun Error. ; Bit 0 9th bit. MOVWF RCSTA ; Initialize Receive Status and control register. BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 Registers. MOVLW B'00100010' ; Form a byte to signify: ; Bit 7 Don't care in Asynchronous mode. ; Bit 6 Select 8 bit transmission. ; Bit 5 Enable the transmitter. ; Bit 4 Select Asynchronous mode. ; Bit 3 Don't care. ; Bit 2 Select Low Speed BRG. ; Bit 1 Xmit Shift Reg. Empty. ; Bit 0 9th bit. MOVWF TXSTA ; Initialize Transmit Status/control register. BCF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0 Registers. ; ;****************************** Print Character Routine *********************** ; Character is passed in "W". If the transmitter is busy, characters are saved ; in a FIFO. ;****************************************************************************** Print_Chr BTFSC FIFO_STATE,0 ; Is the FIFO in use? GOTO Push_Chr ; Yes, Push the character in the FIFO. PR_Loop BTFSC PIR1,TXIF ; No, Is the Transmitter busy? GOTO Stuff_Chr ; No, Send this character. BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Yes, Select Bank 1 Registers. BTFSC TXSTA,TRMT ; Is the Shift register empty? GOTO ReTest_TSR ; Yes, Re-test for Initialization. BCF STATUS, RP0 ; No, Select Bank 0 Registers. GOTO Save_Chr ; Push the character in the FIFO. ; ReTest_TSR BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Bank 0 Registers. GOTO PR_Loop ; Yes, Look for it to clear. ; Stuff_Chr MOVWF TXREG ; No, Send this character. RETURN ; Done. ;-- * | __O Thomas C. Sefranek tcs at |_-\<,_ Amateur Radio Operator: WA1RHP (*)/ (*) Bicycle mobile on 145.41, 448.625 Mhz ARRL Instructor, Technical Specialist, VE Contact.