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PIC Microcontroller Simulators

While many microcontroller simulators include a disassembler, some stand-alone disassemblers give arguably better results. See: dissassemblers.htm .

Andy Howard from Xorix says:

PICdeSIM and WizPIC from Forest Electronic Developments. Also includes an excellent logic-analyser style display of registers, pins etc.



See also:

David A Cary Says: " RS232 communication simulated inside MPLAB
" +

David A Cary Says:

gpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers distributed under the GNU General Public License.

David A Cary Says:

"A CPU core simulator is build into the [JAL] compiler... It might also be usefull for debugging and testing stand-alone code." /techref/microchip/language/jal/doc/summary.html


deva seetharam Says:

Simulpic is a free and open-sourced simulator that can be compiled with gcc.

i think the significance of Simulpic lies in its simplicity - the system is easy to understand, use and modify. for instance, i built a distributed embedded system simulator that is composed of thousands of 16F84's and i found Simulpic to be amenable to hacking. you might find it useful as a stand-alone simulator and/or as a building block for more complex systems.

Simulpic is available at:

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