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Language Ccpp Cppref Examples IO2.CC

/ ************************************************************************
 * Purpose:
 * Author:  M J Leslie
 * Date:    26-Oct-98

#include <fstream.h>                // ifstream, ofstream, fstream
#include <iostream.h>               // cin, cout

  char buf[255];
  char File[]="tempfile";
  cout << "Please enter a string => ";      // O/P to STDOUT (screen).
  cin >> buf;                   // Read from STDIN (keyboard).
  cout << " Writing string to " << File << "\n";
  ofstream fp(File);                    // Open file for O/P
  fp << buf << "\n";                // Write to the file.

        // ... File is closed at program end.

file: /Techref/language/ccpp/cppref/examples/, 0KB, , updated: 1998/10/27 13:57, local time: 2024/9/18 18:11,

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