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Move Method

Moves the position of the current record in a Recordset object.


recordset.Move NumRecords, Start

The Move method syntax has these parts.




An object variable representing the Recordset object whose current record position you want to move.


A signed Long expression specifying the number of records the current record position moves.


Optional. A String or Variant that evaluates to a bookmark.


The Move method is supported on all Recordset objects.

If the NumRecords argument is greater than zero, the current record position moves forward (toward the end of the recordset). If NumRecords is less than zero, the current record position moves backward (toward the beginning of the recordset).

If the Move call would move the current record position to a point before the first record, ADO sets the current record to the position before the first record in the recordset (BOF is True). An attempt to move backward when the BOF property is already True generates an error.

If the Move call would move the current record position to a point after the last record, ADO sets the current record to the position after the last record in the recordset (EOF is True). An attempt to move forward when the EOF property is already True generates an error.

Calling the Move method from an empty Recordset object generates an error.

If you pass the Start argument, the move is relative to the record with this bookmark assuming the Recordset object supports bookmarks. If not specified, the move is relative to the current record.

If you are using the CacheSize property to locally cache records from the provider, passing a NumRecords that moves the current record position outside of the current group of cached records forces ADO to retrieve a new group of records starting from the destination record. The CacheSize property determines the size of the newly retrieved group, and the destination record is the first record retrieved. ADO will also retrieve a new set of records if you are using a local cache and you pass the Start argument.

If the Recordset object is forward-only, a user can still pass a NumRecords less than zero as long as the destination is within the current set of cached records. If the Move call would move the current record position to a record before the first cached record, an error will occur. Thus, you can use a record cache that supports full scrolling over a provider that only supports forward scrolling. Because cached records are loaded into memory, you should avoid caching more records than is necessary. Even if a forward-only Recordset object supports backward moves in this way, calling the MovePrevious method on any forward-only Recordset object still generates an error.

Applies To


See Also

MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious

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