; Low level IBM/PC console keyboard/window interface routines
; for use with the DDS MICRO-C compiler.
; Copyright 1989-2000 Dave Dunfield
; All rights reserved.
; Permission granted for personal (non-commercial) use only.
?CBASE EQU $B800 ; Color video screen segment
?MBASE EQU $B000 ; Monochrome video screen segment
; Initialized variables & tables
W_BASE DW ?CBASE ; Mono=B000, Cga=B800
W_PAGE DB 0 ; Current video page
W_OPEN DW 0 ; Last opened window
; Special key table - General keys
?W_KEYS DW $4800 ; KUA (Up arrow)
DW $5000 ; KDA (Down arrow)
DW $4B00 ; KLA (Left arrow)
DW $4D00 ; KRA (Right arrow)
DW $4900 ; KPU (PgUp)
DW $5100 ; KPD (PgDn)
DW $4700 ; KHO (Home)
DW $4F00 ; KEN (End)
DW $4E2B ; KKP (Keypad '+')
DW $4A2D ; KKM (Keypad '-')
DW $5200 ; KIN (Ins)
DW $5300 ; KDL (Del)
DW $0E08 ; KBS (Backspace)
; Function keys
DW $3B00 ; K1 (F1)
DW $3C00 ; K2 (F2)
DW $3D00 ; K3 (F3)
DW $3E00 ; K4 (F4)
DW $3F00 ; K5 (F5)
DW $4000 ; K6 (F6)
DW $4100 ; K7 (F7)
DW $4200 ; K8 (F8)
DW $4300 ; K9 (F9)
DW $4400 ; K10 (F10)
; Special control keys
DW $8400 ; CPU (CTRL-PgUp)
DW $7600 ; CPD (CTRL-PgDn)
DW $7700 ; CHO (CTRL-Home)
DW $7500 ; CEN (CTRL-End)
DW 0
; BOX character table
?BOXTAB DB $C4,$B3,$DA,$BF,$C0,$D9
DB $CD,$BA,$C9,$BB,$C8,$BC
DB $CD,$B3,$D5,$B8,$D4,$BE
; Open a window: w_open(px, py, sx, sy, flags)
wopen PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
; Set up video mode
MOV AH,#$0F ; Get video mode
INT $10 ; Call BIOS
MOV W_PAGE,BH ; Save video page
MOV BX,#?CBASE ; Assume COLOR address
CMP AL,#$07 ; Monochrome?
JNZ ?oinit1 ; No, assumption correct
?oinit1 MOV W_BASE,BX ; Set video base address
MOV ES,BX ; Set up segment
; Allocate a window buffer
XOR AH,AH ; zero high
MOV AL,5[BP] ; Get video flags
AND AL,#$80 ; Do we save screen
JZ ?oinit2 ; No, do not
MOV AL,6[BP] ; Get 'Y' size
MOV BL,8[BP] ; Get 'X' size
MUL BL ; Calculate total size
SHL AX,1 ; X2 for attributes
?oinit2 ADD AX,#14 ; Include overhead
PUSH AX ; Pass as parameter
CALL malloc ; Allocate the buffer
MOV SI,AX ; Set up pointer
POP DX ; Clean up stack
AND SI,SI ; Did we get it?
JNZ ?oinit3 ; Yes, proceed
; Couldn't allocate, return with bad news
POP ES ; Restore extra set
POP BP ; Restore caller
; Fill in window parameter block
?oinit3 MOV DL,12[BP] ; Get 'X' position
MOV DH,10[BP] ; Get 'Y' position
MOV 2[SI],DX ; Save it
MOV DL,8[BP] ; Get 'X' size
MOV DH,6[BP] ; Get 'Y' size
MOV 4[SI],DX ; Save size
MOV BX,4[BP] ; Get window flags
MOV [SI],BX ; Save attributes & flags
MOV DX,W_OPEN ; Get last opened window
MOV 8[SI],DX ; Save in buffer
XOR DX,DX ; Reset cursor position
MOV 6[SI],DX ; Save initial cursor position
; Save window contents if required
TEST BH,#$80 ; Do we save it?
JZ ?oinit5 ; No we don't
; ... Set up pointers to screen & save area
CALL ?xyaddr ; Get base address
MOV DX,4[SI] ; Get 'X' and 'Y' sizes
LEA DI,14[SI] ; Offset to data area
MOV SI,BX ; Get base window address
; ... Save one line at a time
PUSH ES ; Stack ES
POP ES ; For swap
?oinit4 PUSH SI ; Save source
MOV CL,DL ; Get 'X' size
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high size
MOVSW ; Move one line
POP SI ; Restore it
ADD SI,#160 ; Offset to next line
DEC DH ; Reduce count
JNZ ?oinit4 ; And proceed
; ... Restore registers and continue
PUSH ES ; Stack ES
POP ES ; For swap
POP SI ; Restore SI
XOR DX,DX ; Reset cursor position
MOV BH,5[BP] ; Get flags back
; Draw box if required
?oinit5 MOV BP,#?BOXTAB ; Point to BOX table
MOV CX,4[SI] ; Get size of box
SUB CH,#2 ; Adjust for bar
DEC CL ; Adjust for bar
AND BH,#$60 ; Draw BOX?
JZ ?oinit8 ; No we don't
; ... Select box type
CMP BH,#$40 ; Box1?
JZ ?oinit6 ; Use this one
ADD BP,#6 ; Offset to next
CMP BH,#$20 ; Box2?
JZ ?oinit6 ; Use this one
ADD BP,#6 ; Offset to next
?oinit6 PUSH CX ; Save size
CALL ?xyaddr ; Get address
; ... Draw the top (With corners)
MOV AH,[SI] ; Get attribute
MOV AL,2[BP] ; Top left corner
MOV ES:[BX],AX ; Write top corner
LEA DI,2[BX] ; Get value
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high
DEC CL ; Adjust for bar
MOV AL,0[BP] ; Horizontal line
STOSW ; Draw the line
MOV AL,3[BP] ; Top right hand corner
MOV ES:[DI],AX ; Write it
POP CX ; Restore position
; ... Draw the box sides
?oinit7 INC DH ; Advance
MOV AL,1[BP] ; Box side
CALL ?xyaddr ; Get position
MOV ES:[BX],AX ; Write it
ADD DL,CL ; Offset
CALL ?xyaddr ; Get position
MOV ES:[BX],AX ; Write it
SUB DL,CL ; Backup
DEC CH ; Reduce count
JNZ ?oinit7 ; Do them all
; ... Draw the bottom (With corners)
INC DH ; Advance to bottom
CALL ?xyaddr ; get address
MOV AL,4[BP] ; Lower left corner
MOV ES:[BX],AX ; Write it
LEA DI,2[BX] ; Position to line
DEC CL ; Adjust for bar
MOV AL,0[BP] ; Horizontal line
STOSW ; Write it out
MOV AL,5[BP] ; Lower right corner
MOV ES:[DI],AX ; Write it out
; ... Reduce size of active region
MOV AX,2[SI] ; Get position
INC AL ; Advance 'X'
INC AH ; Advance 'Y'
MOV 2[SI],AX ; Resave
MOV AX,4[SI] ; Get size
SUB AH,#2 ; Chop out bars
SUB AL,#2 ; Chop out bars
MOV 4[SI],AX ; And resave
XOR DX,DX ; Reset cursor position
; Clear screen if required
?oinit8 MOV BH,1[SI] ; Get flags back
TEST BH,#$10 ; Clear screen?
JZ ?oinit9 ; No, its ok
CALL ?cleos ; Clear one line
; Save cursor information
?oinit9 MOV BH,W_PAGE ; Get video page
MOV AH,#$03 ; Get cursor info
INT $10 ; Get cursor
MOV 10[SI],CX ; Save shape
MOV 12[SI],DX ; Save position
MOV AX,SI ; Get buffer address
MOV W_OPEN,AX ; Save this window pointer
POP ES ; Restore ES
POP BP ; Restore callers stack frame
; Close current window: wclose()
wclose CALL ?xsetup ; Get last window
JMP <?wclos0 ; And proceed
; Close a window: w_close(window)
w_close CALL ?wsetup ; Get parameters
?wclos0 XOR DX,DX ; Zero position
MOV BH,1[SI] ; Get open flags
; If window was BOXed, adjust sizes first
TEST BH,#$60 ; Was it BOXed
JZ ?wclos1 ; No, don't adjust
MOV AX,2[SI] ; Get position
DEC AL ; Expand 'X'
DEC AH ; Expand 'Y'
MOV 2[SI],AX ; Resave
MOV AX,4[SI] ; Get size
ADD AH,#2 ; Adjust for bars
ADD AL,#2 ; Adjust for bars
MOV 4[SI],AX ; Resave
; Clear window if requested
?wclos1 TEST BH,#$08 ; Clear window?
JZ ?wclos2 ; No, try next
CALL ?cleos ; Clear the window
MOV BH,1[SI] ; Get flags back
; Restore previous contents if saved
?wclos2 TEST BH,#$80 ; Do we restore it
JZ ?wclos4 ; No, just clear
; ... Set up pointers to screen & save area
CALL ?xyaddr ; Calculate base address
MOV DX,4[SI] ; Get 'X' and 'Y' sizes
LEA SI,14[SI] ; Offset to data area
MOV DI,BX ; Get base window address
; ... Restore one line at a time
?wclos3 PUSH DI ; Save source
MOV CL,DL ; Get 'X' size
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high size
MOVSW ; Move one line
POP DI ; Restore it
ADD DI,#160 ; Offset to next line
DEC DH ; Reduce count
JNZ ?wclos3 ; And proceed
POP SI ; Restore SI
MOV BH,1[SI] ; Get flags back
; Restore the cursor
?wclos4 MOV CX,10[SI] ; Get cursor shape
MOV AH,#$01 ; Set shape
INT $10 ; Call BIOS
MOV DX,12[SI] ; Get position
MOV BH,W_PAGE ; Get display page
MOV AH,#$02 ; Set position
INT $10 ; Call BIOS
; If this is the active window, switch to previously open
CMP SI,W_OPEN ; Is this it?
JNZ ?wclos5 ; No, don't reset
MOV AX,8[SI] ; Get last free
MOV W_OPEN,AX ; Save it
; Release the buffer contents
?wclos5 PUSH SI ; Save address of buffer
CALL free ; Release it
POP SI ; Fixup stack
POP ES ; Restore ES
POP BP ; Restore BP
; Write character into current window: wputc(int c)
wputc CALL ?xsetup ; Get last open window
MOV AX,4[BP] ; Get character
JMP <?tstbel ; And proceed
; Write a character to the video display: w_putc(int c, window)
w_putc CALL ?wsetup ; Set up video addresses
MOV AX,6[BP] ; Get character to display
; Handle BELL
?tstbel CMP AX,#'G'-$40 ; BELL code?
JNZ ?tstcr ; No, try next
MOV AX,#$0E07 ; Write BELL code
XOR BX,BX ; Write to page 0
INT $10 ; Call BIOS
JMP <?vedit ; and exit
?tstcr CMP AX,#'M'-$40 ; Is it carriage return
JNZ ?tstbs ; No, try next
XOR DL,DL ; Reset 'X' position
JMP <?vedit ; and proceed
?tstbs CMP AX,#'H'-$40 ; Is it backspace
JNZ ?tstnl ; No, try line-feed
AND DL,DL ; Already at first col?
JZ ?vedit ; Yes, don't backup
DEC DL ; Reduce 'X' position
JMP <?vedit ; And exit
; Handle NEWLINE
?tstnl CMP AX,#'J'-$40 ; Is it newline?
JNZ ?norchr ; Yes, advance line
MOV AL,1[SI] ; Get flags
TEST AL,#$04 ; Special case?
JNZ ?advy ; Yes, don't reset 'X'
XOR DL,DL ; Reset cursor
JMP <?advy ; And goto a new line
; Normal Character, output it
?norchr CALL ?xyaddr ; Calculate address
MOV AH,[SI] ; Get video attributes
MOV ES:[BX],AX ; Write to video display
; Advance 'X' position
?advx INC DL ; Advance 'X'
CMP DL,4[SI] ; Are we over?
JB ?vedit ; No, its ok
DEC DL ; Restore it
MOV AL,1[SI] ; Get flags
TEST AL,#$01 ; Line wrap enabled?
JZ ?vedit ; No, skip it
XOR DL,DL ; Reset 'X' position
; Advance 'Y' position
?advy INC DH ; Advance 'Y' position
CMP DH,5[SI] ; are we over?
JB ?vedit ; No, Its OK
DEC DH ; Reset it
MOV AL,1[SI] ; Get flags
TEST AL,#$02 ; Screen wrap enabled?
JZ ?vedit ; No, skip it
CALL ?scroll ; Scroll window
; Restore callers environment & exit
?vedit MOV 6[SI],DX ; Resave 'X' and 'Y'
POP ES ; Restore callers ES
POP BP ; Restore callers stack frame
; CLEAR current window: wclwin()
wclwin CALL ?xsetup ; Get current window
JMP <?clscr1 ; And proceed
; CLEAR entire window: w_clwin(window)
w_clwin CALL ?wsetup ; Setup video
?clscr1 XOR DX,DX ; Reset to top of screen
MOV 6[SI],DX ; Reset cursor
CALL ?updt2 ; Position cursor
XOR DX,DX ; Reset again
JMP <?clscr2 ; And proceed
; CLEAR to end of current window: wcleow()
wcleow CALL ?xsetup ; Get current window
JMP <?clscr2 ; And proceed
; CLEAR to END OF WINDOW: w_cleow(window)
w_cleow CALL ?wsetup ; Setup video
?clscr2 CALL ?cleos ; Clear to end
POP ES ; Restore ES
POP BP ; Restore caller
; CLEAR to end of line in current: wcleol()
wcleol CALL ?xsetup ; Get current window
JMP <?cleol1 ; And proceed
; CLEAR to END OF LINE: w_cleol(window)
w_cleol CALL ?wsetup ; Setup video
?cleol1 CALL ?xyaddr ; Get address
MOV DI,BX ; Set up address
MOV CL,4[SI] ; Get size of line
SUB CL,DL ; Calculate remaining
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high
MOV AH,[SI] ; Get attribute
MOV AL,#' ' ; Clear to space
STOSW ; Clear a line
POP ES ; REstore ES
?cleol2 POP BP ; Restore caller
; Position the cursor in current window: wgotoxy(int x, int y)
wgotoxy PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
MOV AL,6[BP] ; Get 'X' value
MOV AH,4[BP] ; Get 'Y' value
MOV SI,W_OPEN ; Get open window
JMP <?goto1 ; And proceed
; Position the cursor in window: w_gotoxy(int x, int y, window)
w_gotoxy PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
MOV AL,8[BP] ; Get 'X' value
MOV AH,6[BP] ; Get 'Y' value
MOV SI,4[BP] ; Get window buffer
?goto1 CMP AL,4[SI] ; In range?
JAE ?cleol2 ; No, error
CMP AH,5[SI] ; In range
JAE ?cleol2 ; No, error
MOV 6[SI],AX ; Save values
JMP <?updt1 ; And proceed
; Update the cursor in current window: wgotoxy()
wupdatexy MOV SI,W_OPEN ; Get open window
JMP <?updt2 ; And proceed
; Update the cursor position: w_updatexy(window)
w_updatexy PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
MOV SI,4[BP] ; Get caller
?updt1 POP BP ; Resture caller
?updt2 MOV DX,2[SI] ; Get starting address
ADD DX,6[SI] ; Offset into window
MOV BH,W_PAGE ; Get video page
MOV AH,#$02 ; Set cursor function
INT $10 ; Call DOS
; Check for a key from the keyboard: c = w_tstc(window)
w_tstc MOV AH,#$01 ; Check for key
INT $16 ; Do we have key?
JNZ w_getc ; Yes, read it
?wtst1 XOR AX,AX ; No key today
; Check for key with cursor in current window: c = wtstc()
wtstc MOV AH,#$01 ; Check for key
INT $16 ; Do we have key?
JZ ?wtst1 ; No, return zero
; Get in cursor in current window: c = wgetc()
wgetc MOV SI,W_OPEN ; Get active window
JMP <?getc1 ; And proceed
; Get a key from the keyboard with translations: c = w_getc(window)
w_getc MOV BX,SP ; Address parameters
MOV SI,2[BX] ; Get window
?getc1 CALL ?updt2 ; Update the cursor position
; Call BIOS to read key
XOR AH,AH ; Function code 0 - read key
INT $16 ; Call bios
; Lookup key for special entries
MOV CL,#$80 ; Beginning function code
MOV BX,#?W_KEYS ; Address of keys array
?lokkey MOV DX,[BX] ; Get key entry
CMP AX,DX ; Does it match?
JZ ?fndkey ; We found it
ADD BX,#2 ; Skip ahead
INC CL ; Advance key code
OR DH,DL ; End of table?
JNZ ?lokkey ; Keep looking
; Translate ENTER key to newline
CMP AX,#$1C0D ; ENTER key?
JNZ ?norkey ; Yes, we have it
MOV CL,#'J'-$40 ; Newline is LINE-FEED
; Translate special keys
?fndkey MOV AL,CL ; Set return value
?norkey CBW ; Set high bits
; Set the CURSOR OFF: wcursor_off()
wcursor_off EQU *
MOV CX,#$2020 ; Value for cursor off
JMP <?setc2 ; And set it
; Set the CURSOR to a block: wcursor_block()
wcursor_block EQU *
MOV CX,#$0006 ; Color block cursor
MOV DX,#$000B ; Monochrome block cursor
JMP <?setc1 ; and proceed
; Set the CURSOR to a LINE: wcursor_line()
wcursor_line EQU *
MOV CX,#$0607 ; Color line cursor
MOV DX,#$0B0C ; Monochrome line cursor
?setc1 MOV AX,W_BASE ; Get video base
CMP AX,#?MBASE ; Monochrome?
JNZ ?setc2 ; No, do it
MOV CX,DX ; Copy for later
; Set cursor to value in CX
?setc2 MOV AH,#1 ; Set cursor type
INT $10 ; Call BIOS
; Set up addressability to video display & stack registers
; Exit: ES = video base address
; SI = window buffer address
; DX = cursor address (X/Y)
?wsetup POP AX ; Get return address
PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
MOV SI,4[BP] ; Get window buffer
?wset1 PUSH ES ; Save callers Extra segment
PUSH AX ; Replace return address
MOV ES,W_BASE ; Point to video base
MOV DX,6[SI] ; Get 'X' and 'Y' position
; Set up addressability to currently open window
?xsetup POP AX ; Get return address
PUSH BP ; Save callers stack frame
MOV BP,SP ; Address parameters
MOV SI,W_OPEN ; Get open window
JMP <?wset1 ; And proceed
; Scroll window forward one line
?scroll PUSH DS ; Save data segment
PUSH DX ; Save cursor
; First, calculate base address of window
MOV AL,3[SI] ; Get 'Y' position
MOV BL,#160 ; Size of line
MUL BL ; Calculate 'Y' offset
MOV BL,2[SI] ; Get 'X' position
XOR BH,BH ; Zero high
SHL BX,1 ; * 2 for char & attribute bytes
ADD BX,AX ; BX = character position
MOV DI,BX ; Get base window address
; Scroll one line at a time
MOV DX,4[SI] ; Get 'X' and 'Y' sizes
DEC DH ; Don't copy to last
PUSH ES ; Stack ES
POP DS ; To place in DS
?scrol1 PUSH DI ; Save DI
MOV SI,DI ; Begin with same address
ADD SI,#160 ; Offset to next line
MOV CL,DL ; Get 'X' size
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high size
MOVSW ; Move one line
POP DI ; Restore it
ADD DI,#160 ; Offset to next line
DEC DH ; Reduce count
JNZ ?scrol1 ; And proceed
; Clear bottom line of screen
MOV CL,DL ; Get 'X' size
POP SI ; Restore SI
POP DX ; Restore cursor
POP DS ; Restore data segment
MOV AH,[SI] ; Get attribute
MOV AL,#' ' ; And space
STOSW ; Clear it
; Clear from cursor(DX) to end of line
?cleos PUSH DX ; Save cursor
?cleos1 CALL ?xyaddr ; Get address
MOV DI,BX ; Set up address
MOV CL,4[SI] ; Get size of line
SUB CL,DL ; Calculate remaining
XOR CH,CH ; Zero high
MOV AH,[SI] ; Get attribute
MOV AL,#' ' ; Clear to space
STOSW ; Clear a line
XOR DL,DL ; Zero 'X'
INC DH ; Advance 'Y'
CMP DH,5[SI] ; Are we finished
JB ?cleos1 ; Keep going
POP DX ; Restore cursor
; Calculate screen address from X/Y position (in DX)
; On exit: BX = address
?xyaddr PUSH AX ; Save AX
MOV AL,DH ; Get 'Y' position
ADD AL,3[SI] ; Offset from start of screen
MOV BL,#160 ; Size of physical screen
MUL BL ; Calculate 'Y' offset
MOV BL,DL ; Get 'X' position
ADD BL,2[SI] ; Offset from start of screen
XOR BH,BH ; Zero high byte
SHL BX,1 ; * 2 for char & attribute bytes
ADD BX,AX ; BX = character position
POP AX ; Restore it
file: /Techref/com/dunfield/ftp/embedpc/window_asm.htm, 56KB, , updated: 2000/5/5 10:47, local time: 2025/3/12 09:35,
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