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Disk Operating System - Function Calls - List

           * = undocumented 
 Function	Description
 ----------	-------------------------------------------------------
 Int\21f\00	terminate program 
 Int\21f\01	get keyboard input  
 Int\21f\02	display character to STDIO 
 Int\21f\03	get character from STDAUX 
 Int\21f\04	output character to STDAUX 
 Int\21f\05	output character to STDPRN 
 Int\21f\06	direct console I/O - keyboard to screen
 Int\21f\07	get char from std I/O without echo 
 Int\21f\08	get char from std I/O without echo, checks for ^C 
 Int\21f\09	display a string to STDOUT
 Int\21f\0A	buffered keyboard input 
 Int\21f\0B	check STDIN status 
 Int\21f\0C	clear keyboard buffer and invoke keyboard function 
 Int\21f\0D	flush all disk buffers 
 Int\21f\0E	select disk 
 Int\21f\0F	open file with File Control Block 
 Int\21f\10	close file opened with File Control Block 
 Int\21f\11	search for first matching file entry 
 Int\21f\12	search for next matching file entry 
 Int\21f\13	delete file specified by File Control Block 
 Int\21f\14	sequential read from file specified by File Control Block 
 Int\21f\15	sequential write to file specified by File Control Block 
 Int\21f\16	find or create firectory entry for file 
 Int\21f\17	rename file specified by file control block 
 Int\21f\18*	unknown 
 Int\21f\19	return current disk drive 
 Int\21f\1A	set disk transfer area (DTA) 
 Int\21f\1B	get current disk drive FAT 
 Int\21f\1C	get disk FAT for any drive 
 Int\21f\1D*	unknown 
 Int\21f\1E*	unknown 
 Int\21f\1F*	read DOS disk block, default drive 
 Int\21f\20*	unknown 
 Int\21f\21	random read from file specified by Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\22	random write to file specified by Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\23	return number of records in file specified by Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\24	set relative file record size field for file Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\25	set interrupt vector 
 Int\21f\26	create new Program Segment Prefix (PSP) 
 Int\21f\27	random file block read from file specified by Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\28	random file block write to file specified by Struct -FCB
 Int\21f\29	parse the command line for file name 
 Int\21f\2A	get the system date 
 Int\21f\2B	set the system date 
 Int\21f\2C	get the system time 
 Int\21f\2D	set the system time 
 Int\21f\2E	set/clear disk write VERIFY 
 Int\21f\2F	get the Disk Transfer Address (DTA) 
 Int\21f\30	get DOS version number 
 Int\21f\31	TSR, files opened remain open 
 Int\21f\32*	read DOS Disk Block 
 Int\21f\33	get or set Ctrl-Break 
 Int\21f\34*	INDOS  Critical Section Flag 
 Int\21f\35	get segment and offset address for an interrupt 
 Int\21f\36	get free disk space 
 Int\21f\37*	get/set option marking character (SWITCHAR) 
 Int\21f\38	return country-dependent information 
 Int\21f\39	create subdirectory 
 Int\21f\3A	remove subdirectory 
 Int\21f\3B	change current directory 
 Int\21f\3C	create and return file handle 
 Int\21f\3D	open file and return file handle
 Int\21f\3E	close file referenced by file handle 
 Int\21f\3F	read from file referenced by file handle 
 Int\21f\40	write to file referenced by file handle 
 Int\21f\41	delete file 
 Int\21f\42	move file pointer (move read-write pointer for file) 
 Int\21f\43	set/return file attributes 
 Int\21f\44	device IOCTL (I/O control) info
 Int\21f\45	duplicate file handle 
 Int\21f\46	force a duplicate file handle 
 Int\21f\47	get current directory 
 Int\21f\48	allocate memory
 Int\21f\49	release allocated memory 
 Int\21f\4A	modify allocated memory 
 Int\21f\4B	load or execute a program 
 Int\21f\4C	terminate prog and return to DOS 
 Int\21f\4D	get return code of subprocess created by 4Bh 
 Int\21f\4E	find first matching file 
 Int\21f\4F	find next matching file 
 Int\21f\50*	set new current Program Segment Prefix (PSP) 
 Int\21f\51*	puts current PSP into BX 
 Int\21f\52*	pointer to the DOS list of lists 
 Int\21f\53*	translates BPB (Bios Parameter Block, see below) 
 Int\21f\54	get disk verification status (VERIFY) 
 Int\21f\55*	create PSP: similar to function 26h 
 Int\21f\56	rename a file 
 Int\21f\57	get/set file date and time 
 Int\21f\58	get/set allocation strategy             (DOS 3.x) 
 Int\21f\59	get extended error information 
 Int\21f\5A	create a unique filename 
 Int\21f\5B	create a DOS file 
 Int\21f\5C	lock/unlock file contents 
 Int\21f\5D*	network 
 Int\21f\5E*	network 
 Int\21f\5F*	network redirection    
 Int\21f\60*	parse pathname 
 Int\21f\61*	unknown 
 Int\21f\62	get program segment prefix (PSP)
 Int\21f\63*	get lead byte table                     (DOS 2.25) 
 Int\21f\64*	unknown 
 Int\21f\65	get extended country information        (DOS 3.3) 
 Int\21f\66	get/set global code page table          (DOS 3.3) 
 Int\21f\67	set handle count                        (DOS 3.3) 
 Int\21f\68	commit file                             (DOS 3.3) 
 Int\21f\69	disk serial number                      (DOS 4.0) 
 Int\21f\6A	unknown 
 Int\21f\6C	extended open/create                    (DOS 4.0) 

file: /Techref/INT/21f/List.htm, 7KB, , updated: 2004/5/28 15:53, local time: 2024/10/1 23:25,

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