HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 17:35:45 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1.2 Set-Cookie: Apache=; path=/ Last-Modified: Tue, 21 May 1996 20:08:50 GMT ETag: "49c00-59e-31a222d2" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 1438 Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain beginner Inverter with switches examples/inverter_switch.sim beginner 2-input OR port with switches examples/or_switch.sim beginner 2-input AND port with switches examples/and_switch.sim simple Flip Flop made with 2 NAND ports examples/FlipFlopWithTwoNandPorts.sim simple Flip Flop made with 2 NOR ports examples/FlipFlopWithTwoNorPorts.sim simple Half-adder made with ports examples/HalfAdderPorts.sim simple Full-adder made with ports examples/FullAdderPorts.sim simple Gated SR latch with ports examples/GatedSRLatchWithPorts.sim simple Example with a 3-to 8 line decoder / demultiplexer examples/ThreeToEightLineDecoder.sim simple Four-bit counter connected to a 7-segment display examples/FourBitCounterToSevenSegment.sim simple Experiment with an octal D-flip flop examples/OctalDFlipFlop.sim simple Experiment with an octal latch examples/OctalLatch.sim simple Example with an 8-bit serial in parallel out shift register examples/EightBitSerInShiftReg.sim simple Example with an 8-bit parallel in serial out shift register examples/EightBitParInShiftReg.sim advanced Shift register examples/ShiftRegister.sim advanced 6-counter with JK flip flops examples/SixCounterWithJKFlipFlops.sim advanced 4-bit counter with Toggle flip flops examples/FourBitCounterWithTFlipFlops.sim advanced Two 4-bit counters with multiplexed 7-segment displays examples/MultiplexedSevenSegDisplays.sim