PayloadInfoSeg MACRO
;Framing Layer Events
; fl2plRxData(w=Data) ;Data byte from frame
; fl2plRxValid() ;Payload data is complete and valid
; fl2plRxError() ;Payload data contains errors
; pl2flRxIgnore() call ;Tell framing layer to ignore the current frame
; pl2flTxStart() ;Request framing layer to start a frame
; fl2plTxData(var w=Data var z=Last) call ;Request for data from framing layer - Z flag is set if its the last byte
; fl2plTxComplete() ;Transmission is complete
;LAP Layer Events
; pl2lapRxFrame(w=Type) ;Incomming frame of given type
; pl2lapRxValid() ;Frame was valid
; pl2lapRxError() ;Frame was invalid
; pl2lapRxXIDData(w=Data) ;Pass XID data to lap layer
; pl2lapRxIData(w=Data) ;Pass I data to lap layer
; pl2lapRxUIData(w=Data) ;Pass I data to lap layer
; lap2plRxIgnore() ;LAP layer has requested that the frame should be ignored
; lap2plSNRMAccept() ;Accept connection and send reply
; lap2plTxXIDCmd(w=Slot) ;Send a XID command frame
; lap2plTxXIDRsp() ;Send a XID response frame
; lap2plTxSimpleRsp(w=Command) ;Send simple response frame
; lap2plTxIRsp(w=Command) ;Send an I frame
; pl2lapTxIData(ret w=Data ret z=Last) call ;Request for data
; pl2lapTxComplete() ;Complete indication
; lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Request that a new 32-bit address be generated
PayloadDataSeg MACRO
org $50
plBank = $50 ;16 bytes used - Bank not shared
plState ds 1 ;Current state
plData ds 1 ;Incomming byte of payload data
plFrameType ds 1 ;The frame type for shared code / passed to lap layer
plCommand ds 1
plPosition ds 1 ;Current position for multibyte states
plConnAddr ds 1 ;Connection address (must be FF if not connected)
plSelfAddr ds 4 ;Own 4 byte address
plDestAddr ds 4 ;Dest 4 byte address
plInfo ds 2 ;Frame specific information
plTxAddressByte = plData ;Address to be transmitted
plTxPostCommand = plPosition
plIDataDLSAP = plInfo+0 ;DLSAP byte from/for a I Data frame
plIDataSLSAP = plInfo+1 ;SLSAP byte from/for a I Data frame
plXIDSlot = plInfo+0 ;Slot number from/for a XID frame
plXIDFlags = plInfo+1 ;Discovery Flags from/for a XID frame
plSNRMConnAddr = plInfo+0 ;Connection Address of SNRM frame
plSNRMBaudRate = plInfo+1 ;Baudrate parameter from SNRM frame
iFrame = 1
sRRFrame = 2
sRNRFrame = 3
sREJFrame = 4
sSREJFrame = 5
uUIFrame = 6 ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command)
uDISCFrame = 7 ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command)
uUARspFrame = 8 ;UARsp
uNRMFrame = 9 ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command)
uTESTFrame = 10 ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command)
uFRMRRspFrame = 11 ;FRMRRsp
uDMRspFrame = 12 ;DMRsp
uXIDCmdFrame = 13 ;XIDCmd
uXIDRspFrame = 14 ;XIDRsp
sRR = %00010001 ;%xxx10001
sRNR = %00010101 ;%xxx10101
sREJ = %00011001 ;%xxx11001
sSREJ = %00011101 ;%xxx11101
uSNRMCmd = %10010011
uDISCCmd = %01010011
uUICmd = %00010011
uXIDCmd = %00111111
uTESTCmd = %11110011
uRNRMRsp = %10010011
uUARsp = %01110011
uFRMRRsp = %10010111
uDMRsp = %00011111
uRDRsp = %01010011
uUIRsp = %00010011
uXIDRsp = %10111111
uTESTRsp = %11110011
plRxState = %00000000
plTxState = %10000000
plRxCommandState = 1 + plRxState ;
plRxDataIgnoreState = 2 + plRxState
plRxIDataState = 3 + plRxState ;RxI
plRxUIDataState = 4 + plRxState ;RxUI
plRxXIDFormatState = 5 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDSourceState = 6 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDDestState = 7 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDFlagsState = 8 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDSlotState = 9 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDVersionState = 10 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxXIDInfoState = 11 + plRxState ;RxXID
plRxSNRMSourceState = 12 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plRxSNRMDestState = 13 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plRxSNRMAddrState = 14 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plRxSNRMParamTypeState = 15 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plRxSNRMParamSizeState = 16 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plRxSNRMParamDataState = 17 + plRxState ;RxSNRM
plTxCompleteState = 1 + plTxState ;Waiting for Complete indication from framing Layer
plTxAddressState = 2 + plTxState ;
plTxCommandState = 3 + plTxState ;
plTxIDataDLSAPState = 4 + plTxState ;
plTxIDataSLSAPState = 5 + plTxState ;
plTxIDataDataState = 6 + plTxState ;
plTxUIDataState = 7 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDFormatState = 8 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDSourceState = 9 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDDestState = 10 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDFlagsState = 11 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDSlotState = 12 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDVersionState = 13 + plTxState ;
plTxXIDFooterState = 14 + plTxState ;
plTxUASourceState = 15 + plTxState ;
plTxUADestState = 16 + plTxState ;
plTxUABaudRateState = 17 + plTxState ;
plTxUAParamState = 18 + plTxState ;
PayloadCodeSeg MACRO
;********** a2plReset **********
bank plBank
clr plState ;Reset to idle state
mov plConnAddr,#$FF ;Not connected => address must be $FF
;********** fl2plRxData **********
bank plBank
snb plState.7 ;Check that it is a RxState
retp ;Tx state => return
mov plData, w ;Store incomming byte
debug PayloadDataRx ;Debug: Pass payload byte received
mov w, plState ;Jump based on state
jmp PC+w
jmp plRxIdle ; 0 = plIdleState
jmp plRxCommand ; 1 = plRxCommandState
retp ; 2 = plRxDataIgnoreState
jmp plRxIData ; 3 = plRxIDataState
jmp plRxUIData ; 4 = plRxUIDataState
jmp plRxXIDFormat ; 5 = plRxXIDFormatState
jmp plRxXIDSource ; 6 = plRxXIDSourceState
jmp plRxXIDDest ; 7 = plRxXIDDestState
jmp plRxXIDFlags ; 8 = plRxXIDFlagsState
jmp plRxXIDSlot ; 9 = plRxXIDSlotState
jmp plRxXIDVersion ;10 = plRxXIDVersionState
jmp plRxXIDInfo ;11 = plRxXIDInfoState
jmp plRxSNRMSource ;12 = plRxSNRMSourceState
jmp plRxSNRMDest ;13 = plRxSNRMDestState
jmp plRxSNRMAddr ;14 = plRxSNRMAddrState
jmp plRxSNRMParamType ;15 = plRxSNRMParamTypeState
jmp plRxSNRMParamSize ;16 = plRxSNRMParamSizeState
jmp plRxSNRMParamData ;17 = plRxSNRMParamDataState
;********** fl2plTxData **********
bank plBank
sb plState.7 ;Check that it is a TxState
retp ;Rx state => return
mov w, plState ;Jump based on state
and w, #%01111111 ;Remove Tx state flag
jmp PC+w
retp ; 0 = Invalid state
retp ; 1 = plTxCompleteState (Cannot receive TxData in this state)
jmp plTxAddress ; 2 = plTxAddressState
jmp plTxCommand ; 3 = plTxCommandState
jmp plTxIDataDLSAP ; 4 = plTxIDataDLSAPState
jmp plTxIDataSLSAP ; 5 = plTxIDataSLSAPState
jmp plTxIDataData ; 6 = plTxIDataDataState
jmp plTxUIData ; 7 = plTxUIDataState
jmp plTxXIDFormat ; 8 = plTxXIDFormatState
jmp plTxXIDSource ; 9 = plTxXIDSourceState
jmp plTxXIDDest ;10 = plTxXIDDestState
jmp plTxXIDFlags ;11 = plTxXIDFlagsState
jmp plTxXIDSlot ;12 = plTxXIDSlotState
jmp plTxXIDVersion ;13 = plTxXIDVersionState
jmp plTxXIDFooter ;14 = plTxXIDFooterState
jmp plTxUASource ;15 = plTxUASourceState
jmp plTxUADest ;16 = plTxUADestState
jmp plTxUABaudRate ;17 = plTxUABaudRateState
jmp plTxUAParam ;18 = plTxUAParamState
;********** fl2plTxComplete **********
bank plBank
clr plState ;return to idle state
debugl PayloadDataTx, '^' ;Debug: Payload data complete indication
jmp @pl2lapTxComplete ;Indicate complete to lap layer (pl2lapTxComplete will issue ret instrustion)
;********** lap2plTxUICmd **********
lap2plTxUICmd jmp plTxUICmd
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Internal Subroutines
plRxDecodeSCmd ;WARNING - does not set pa bits when ret => must be callled form same half page
mov Temp, w ;Command: check bits %....nn..
rr Temp ;Shift command right 1
mov w, >>Temp ;Shift command right 1 and into w
and w, #%00000011 ;Mask out unwanted bits
jmp PC+w ;jump based on w
retw sRRFrame ;....00.. = RR
retw sRNRFrame ;....01.. = RNR
retw sREJFrame ;....10.. = REJ
retw sSREJFrame ;....11.. = SREJ
plRxDecodeUNextState ;WARNING - does not set pa bits when ret => must be callled form same half page
mov Temp, w ;FrameType
mov w, #uUIFrame ;lowest FrameType constant for a U frame
sub Temp, w ;subtract lowest valid number so uUIFrame is now 0
mov w, Temp
jmp PC+w
retw plRxUIDataState ;uUIFrame = 6 ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command)
retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uDISCFrame = 7 ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command)
retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uUARspFrame = 8 ;UARsp
retw plRxSNRMSourceState ;uNRMFrame = 9 ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command)
retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uTESTFrame = 10 ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command)
retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uFRMRRspFrame = 11 ;FRMRRsp
retw plRxDataIgnoreState ;uDMRspFrame = 12 ;DMRsp
retw plRxXIDFormatState ;uXIDCmdFrame = 13 ;XIDCmd
retw plRxXIDFormatState ;uXIDRspFrame = 14 ;XIDRsp
lap2plGenerateNewAddr ;Note: code is synchronous with the ISR therfore RTCC and Timer registers are not random numbers
bank TimerBank
mov w, Random ;Random number
bank plBank
mov plSelfAddr+0, w ;Byte 0 = Random number
mov FSR, w
mov w, INDF
bank plBank
mov plSelfAddr+1, w ;Byte 1 = contents of the register pointer to by the Random number
mov m, w ;m = byte 1 number (semi random)
mov w, plSelfAddr+0 ;w = byte 0 number (fully random)
iread ;read ROM and address given by w and m
mov plSelfAddr+2, w ;Byte 2 = low contents of ROM pointed to by byte1:byte0
mov w, m ;w = m = high 4 bits of ROM contents
mov plSelfAddr+3, w ;Byte 3 = high contents of ROM pointed to by byte1:byte0
;********** fl2plRxValid **********
clrb ledERR ;Turn ERR led off
debugl PayloadDataRx, '^' ;Debug: Indicate complete
bank plBank
clr plState ;Return to idle state
jmp @pl2lapRxValid ;Inform lap layer that frame was valid (lap layer will issue ret instruction)
;********** fl2plRxError **********
setb ledERR ;Turn ERR led on
debugl PayloadDataRx, '!' ;Debug: Indicate error
bank plBank
clr plState ;Return to idle state
jmp @pl2lapRxError ;Inform lap layer that frame was invalid (lap layer will issue ret instruction)
;********** lap2plRxIgnore **********
lap2plRxIgnore ;Ignore the current incomming frame
bank plBank
clr plState ;Return to idle state
jmp @pl2flRxIgnore
clr plState ;Return to idle state
call @pl2flRxIgnore
jmp @pl2lapRxError ;Inform lap layer of error
; PAYLOAD LAYER - RxData General
mov w, #plDestAddr ;pointer to DestAddress variable
add w, plPosition ;add offset
mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access
mov INDF, plData ;Store byte into SourceAddr
inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of SourceAddr
cse plPosition, #4 ;Have 4 bytes been received ?
retp ;No => remain in this state waiting for next byte
inc plState ;Yes => end of Source. Change to next state
clr plPosition
plRxTestDest ;WARNING : will pass FF bytes in specific address (ie bytewise checking, not FFFFFFFF checking)
csne plData, #$FF ;Broadcast address ?
jmp :Cont ;Yes => Contiue
mov w, #plSelfAddr ;pointer to SelfAddress variable
add w, plPosition ;add offset
mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access
cse plData, INDF ;Self Address ?
jmp plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, Inform lap layer of error, and return to idle
:Cont inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of DestAddr
cse plPosition, #4 ;Have 4 bytes been received ?
retp ;No => remain in this state waiting for next byte
inc plState ;Yes => end of DestAddr. Change to next state
clr plPosition
;********** fl2plRxData - Idle State **********
plRxIdle ;First byte = address
mov w, plData ;Received Address
xor w, plConnAddr ;Compare with interested address
sz ;Valid address ?
jmp plRxIgnore ;No => ignore
mov plState, #plRxCommandState ;Yes => next will receive command byte
;********** fl2plRxData - RxCommand State **********
mov plCommand, plData ;Store command
sb plCommand.4 ;Is the P/F bit set ?
jmp plRxIgnore ;No => Ignore frame (IrDA lite spec p10 and p16) and return to idle state
sb plCommand.0 ;Is this an I frame ? (%.......0)
jmp plRxICommand ;Yes => process
sb plCommand.1 ;No => must be S or U frame. Is this a S frame ?
jmp plRxSCommand ;Yes (%......01) => process S frame
jmp plRxUCommand ;No (%......11) => process U frame
debugl PayloadInfo, 'I'
mov plState, #plRxIDataState ;Next should be data
mov plFrameType, #iFrame ;store frame type and w will also be passed to lap layer
jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction)
debugl PayloadInfo, 'S'
mov plState, #plRxDataIgnoreState ;Next should be complete indication (ie no data) but need waiting state
mov w, plCommand
call plRxDecodeSCmd ;pass w = plRxData, returns w for plFrameType
mov plFrameType, w ;store frame type and w will also be passed to lap layer
jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction)
debugl PayloadInfo, 'U'
mov plPosition, #_plUCommands ;plPosition = 1st byte of data
:Loop mov m, #_plUCommands / 256 ;m = Pointer to string (high)
mov w, plPosition ;w = Pointer to string (low)
inc plPosition ;Increment offset for next byte
iread ;Read data byte from ROM
xor w, plCommand ;is the byte the same as the received command ?
jz :Found ;Yes => must be valid
mov w, m ;No => try again. Move high part of data to w
test w ;Is this the last byte ?
jz :Loop ;No => try again
jmp plRxIgnore ;Yes => Invalid command => ignore and return to idle state
:Found mov plFrameType, plPosition ;plFrameType = position
mov w, #_plUCommands + 1 ;w = starting offset
sub plFrameType, w ;remove offset => FrameType 0 for a uUIFrame
mov w, #uUIFrame ;constant of first type of U command (uUIFrame = 6)
add plFrameType, w ;FrameType is now correct
mov w, plFrameType ;pass FrameType in w
call plRxDecodeUNextState ;Returns w = next state
mov plState, w ;Store state
clr plPosition ;Clear position for following states
mov w, plFrameType ;pass frame type to lap layer
jmp @pl2lapRxFrame ;pass message (lap layer will issue ret instruction)
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving I Frame
;********** fl2plRxData - RxIData State **********
mov w, plData ;Data to pass
debug IFrameDataRx ;Show debug info
jmp @pl2lapRxIData ;Pass data to lmp layer (via lap layer)
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving UI Frame
;********** fl2plRxData - RxUIData State **********
mov w, plData ;Data to pass
jmp @pl2lapRxUIData ;Pass data to app layer (via lap layer)
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving XID Frame
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDFormat State **********
cse plData, #1 ;Format must be 1
jmp plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, inform lap layer, and return to idle state
inc plState ;Next 4 bytes will be the source address => Enter plRxXIDSourceState
clr plPosition ;Byte 0 of the source address
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDSource State **********
plRxXIDSource = plRxStoreSource ;Store byte in DestAddr
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDDest State **********
plRxXIDDest = plRxTestDest ;Compare 4 bytes with SelfAddr (mismatch of not FFFFFFFF will change to ignore state)
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDFlags State **********
mov plXIDFlags, plData ;Store the flags for the response
inc plState ;Next will receive the slot number (plRxXIDSlotState)
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDSlot State **********
mov plXIDSlot, plData ;Store the slot number
inc plState ;plRxXIDVersionState
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDVersion State **********
test plData ;Is version = 0 ?
jnz plRxInvalid ;No => Ignore frame, inform lap layer, and return to idle state
inc plState ;Next bytes will be the Descovery Info if any (plRxXIDInfoState)
clr plPosition ;Clear position for next state
;********** fl2plRxData - RxXIDInfo State **********
mov w, plData ;Get data byte
jmp @pl2lapRxXIDData ;Pass data to lap layer
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Receiving SNRM Frame
;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMSource State **********
plRxSNRMSource = plRxStoreSource
;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMDest State **********
plRxSNRMDest = plRxTestDest
;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMAddr State **********
mov plSNRMConnAddr, plData ;Store ConnAddr (only apply if frame is validated)
mov plSNRMBaudRate, #%00000010 ;If no baud rate received then default to 9600 (bit 1 indicates 9600)
inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamTypeState - Next bytes are the negioation parameters
;********** fl2plRxData - RxSNRMParam State **********
inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamSizeState - Next byte will state how many bytes of data
csne plData, #$01 ;Receiving type $01 = baud rate ?
setb plSNRMBaudRate.0 ;Yes => Set flag to indicate receiving baud rate (bit 0 is normally used to indicate 2400 which we do not support thus will be removed later)
retp ;No => continue
mov plPosition, plData ;RxData states how many bytes of data
inc plState ;#plRxSNRMParamDataState - Next bytes will be the param data
decsz plPosition ;Decrement counter; Zero ?
jmp :More ;No => wait for more
mov plState, #plRxSNRMParamTypeState ;Yes => Next byte will be another parameter
:More sb plSNRMBaudRate.0 ;Is this byte the first byte of the baud rate parameter
retp ;No => ignore
mov w, plData ;Get baud rate parameter
and w, #%00111110 ;And with our supported baud rates = 9600(bit 1), 19200(bit 2), 38400(bit 3) 57600(bit 4) 115200(bit 5)
mov plSNRMBaudRate, w ;Store in SNRMBaudRate (note bit 0 is now clear => will correctly ignore next byte of parameter if it is a 2 byte parameter)
setb plSNRMBaudRate.1 ;Force 9600 to be valid
plTxFooter ;w = Addr, m = Addr / 256
add w, plPosition ;Add offset
inc plPosition ;Increment offset for next byte
mov Temp, w ;Store data
mov w, m ;Move high part of data to w
test w ;Is this the last byte ?
jnz :Last ;Yes => Jump
mov w, Temp ;Data byte to be transmitted
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
:Last mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;Last byte => change to complete state
mov w, Temp ;Data byte to be transmitted
stz ;Indicate complete
retp ;Return data to framing layer
mov w, #plSelfAddr ;pointer to SelfAddress variable
add w, plPosition ;add offset
mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access
inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte of SourceAddr
cse plPosition, #4 ;Sent all 4 bytes ?
jmp :Send ;No => Send current byte (stay in this state)
inc plState ;Yes => Send current byte (next state)
clr plPosition
:Send mov w, INDF ;Byte of Source Address
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
mov w, #plDestAddr ;pointer to recorded DestAddress variable
add w, plPosition ;add offset
mov FSR, w ;Now can indirectly access
inc plPosition ;Move offset ready for next byte
cse plPosition, #4 ;Sent all 4 bytes ?
jmp :Send ;No => Send current byte (stay in this state)
inc plState ;Yes => Send current byte (Next will send Discovery flags)
clr plPosition
:Send mov w, INDF ;Byte of Source Address
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
mov plState, #plTxAddressState ;First byte = address
mov plTxAddressByte, plConnAddr ;Address = ConnAddr
setb plTxAddressByte.0 ;Indicate Cmd frame
jmp @pl2flTxFrame ;Ask to framing layer to start a new frame
mov plState, #plTxAddressState ;First byte = address
mov plTxAddressByte, plConnAddr ;Address = ConnAddr
clrb plTxAddressByte.0 ;Indicate Cmd frame
jmp @pl2flTxFrame ;Ask to framing layer to start a new frame
;********** fl2plTxData - TxAddress State **********
inc plState ;After address will send command
mov w, plTxAddressByte ;Send Address
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return Data to framing layer
;********** fl2plTxData - TxCommand State **********
mov plState, plTxPostCommand ;After command will change to state given in TxIState
clr plPosition ;Clear position just in case needed for following states
csne plState, #plTxCompleteState ;Is this the last byte to be sent ?
jmp :Last ;Yes
mov w, plCommand ;Send Command
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return Data to framing layer
:Last mov w, plCommand ;Send Command
stz ;Indicate complete
retp ;Return Data to framing layer
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send Simple Frame
lap2plTxSimpleCmd ;Transmit a frame of type specified in w
bank plBank
mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxCompleteState ;After address & command frame will be complete
jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
lap2plTxSimpleRsp ;Transmit a frame of type specified in w
bank plBank
mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxCompleteState ;After address & command frame will be complete
jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send I Frame
bank plBank
mov plCommand, w ;Store command in plCommand
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxIDataDLSAPState ;After address & command will send data
jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
inc plState ;Next state = plTxIDataSLSAP
mov w, plIDataDLSAP ;Send DLSAP byte
debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
inc plState ;Next state = plTxIDataData
mov w, plIDataSLSAP ;Send SLSAP byte
debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
call @pl2lapTxIData ;Get next byte to be transmitted (returns z = false if data)
debug IFrameDataTx ;Show debug info
snz ;Is the z flag set (Last byte) ?
jmp :Last ;Yes => jump
retp ;Z is still clear indicating more data to follow
:Last mov Temp, w ;Backup data
bank plBank
mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;New state = Wait for complete indication
mov w, Temp ;Recover data
stz ;Indicate no more data to follow
bank plBank
mov plCommand, #uUICmd ;Store command in plCommand
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxUIDataState ;After address & command will send data
jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
call @pl2lapTxUIData ;Get next byte to be transmitted (returns z = false if data)
snz ;Is the z flag set (Last byte) ?
jmp :Last ;Yes => jump
retp ;Z is still clear indicating more data to follow
:Last mov Temp, w
bank plBank
mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;New state = Wait for complete indication
mov w, Temp ;Recover data
stz ;Indicate no more data to follow
;********** lap2plTxXIDCmd **********
bank plBank
mov plXIDSlot, w ;Store slot number
mov plCommand, #uXIDCmd ;Command = XID command
mov w, #$FF
mov plDestAddr+0, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF
mov plDestAddr+1, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF
mov plDestAddr+2, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF
mov plDestAddr+3, w ;Dest address = FFFFFFFF
mov plXIDFlags, #2 ;Set flags = 2 (=> 8 slots)
mov plFrameType, #uXIDCmdFrame ;Rember that this is a XID Command Frame
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxXIDFormatState ;After address & command will send format
jmp plTxCmdStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
;********** lap2plTxXIDRsp **********
bank plBank
mov plCommand, #uXIDRsp ;Command = XID response
mov plFrameType, #uXIDRspFrame ;Rember that this is a XID Response Frame
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxXIDFormatState ;After address & command will send format
jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFormat State **********
plTxXIDFormat ;Send XID Format byte
inc plState ;Next will send source
mov w, #1 ;Format = 1
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDSource State **********
plTxXIDSource = plTxSelfAddr
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDDest State **********
plTxXIDDest = plTxDestAddr
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFlags State **********
inc plState ;After Flags will send slot number (plTxSlotState)
mov w, plXIDFlags ;Reply with same flags as received command frame
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDSlot State **********
csne plFrameType, #uXIDRspFrame ;Is the frame a XID response frame ?
jmp :Footer ;Yes => must send footer
csne plXIDSlot, #$FF ;Is the slot number FF ?
jmp :Footer ;Yes => must send footer
mov plState, #plTxXIDVersionState ;No => Send slot followed by version only
jmp :Send
:Footer mov plState, #plTxXIDFooterState
clr plPosition ;Set to 0 ready for footer
:Send mov w, plXIDSlot ;Transmit slot number
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDVersion State **********
mov plState, #plTxCompleteState ;After version will indicate complete
mov w, #0 ;Version = 0
stz ;Indicate complete
retp ;Return data to framing layer
;********** fl2plTxNext - TxXIDFooter State **********
mov m, #_plXIDFooter / 256 ;Pointer to string (high)
mov w, #_plXIDFooter ;Pointer to string
jmp plTxFooter
; PAYLOAD LAYER - Send UA Connection Frame
bank plBank
mov plCommand, #uUARsp ;Send UA packet to accept connection
mov plConnAddr, plSNRMConnAddr ;Apply connection address
setb plConnAddr.0 ;Only accept command frames
mov plTxPostCommand, #plTxUASourceState ;After address & command will send source
jmp plTxRspStart ;Set State and Address, and ask framing layer to start frame
plTxUASource = plTxSelfAddr
plTxUADest = plTxDestAddr
plTxUABaudRate ;Send $01, $01, BaudRate
inc plPosition
csne plPosition, #3 ;Is position 3 indicating to send BaudRate ?
jmp :Baud ;Yes => send BaudRate
mov w, #$01 ;Data to send = $01
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
:Baud inc plState ;Next state = plTxUAParamState
clr plPosition ;Clear position ready for next state
mov w, plSNRMBaudRate ;Data to send = BaudRate
clz ;Indicate more data to follow
retp ;Return data to framing layer
mov m, #_plSNRMParam / 256 ;Pointer to string (high)
mov w, #_plSNRMParam ;Pointer to string
jmp plTxFooter
PayloadString1 MACRO
; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!!
_plUCommands ;Must be in the same order as the FrameType constants !!!
_plUCommand6 dw uUICmd ;UICmd or UIRsp (same command)
_plUCommand7 dw uDISCCmd ;DISCCmd or RDRsp (same command)
_plUCommand8 dw uUARsp ;UARsp
_plUCommand9 dw uSNRMCmd ;SNRMCmd or RNRMRsp (same command)
_plUCommand10 dw uTESTCmd ;TESTCmd or TESTRsp (same command)
_plUCommand11 dw uFRMRRsp ;FRMRRsp
_plUCommand12 dw uDMRsp ;DMRsp
_plUCommand13 dw uXIDCmd ;XIDCmd
_plUCommand14 dw uXIDRsp + $F00 ;XIDRsp (F00 indicates end of string)
PayloadString2 MACRO
; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!!
;_plSNRMParam1 dw $01, 1, %00000010 ;Baud Rate = 9600 bps Flexible
_plSNRMParam2 dw $82, 1, %00000001 ;Turnaround = 500 ms Solid
_plSNRMParam3 dw $83, 1, %00000001 ;Data Size = 64 bytes Flexible ?
_plSNRMParam4 dw $84, 1, %00000001 ;Window Size = 1 Solid
_plSNRMParam5 dw $85, 1, %10000000 ;Additional BOFs = 0 Solid
_plSNRMParam6 dw $86, 1, %00000011 ;Min turnaround = 5/10 ms Solid to IrDA Transeiver spec
_plSNRMParam7 dw $08, 1, %00000001+$F00 ;Disconnect = 3 s Solid
PayloadString3 MACRO
; PAYLOAD LAYER - String ;WARNING - Strings must not go over a 256 boundry !!!
_plXIDVersion dw 0 ;Version = 0 (only possible)
_plXIDHints dw $80, $04 ;Hints = IrComm
_plXIDCharset dw 0 ;Charset = ASCII
_plXIDNickname dw 'SX IrComm Device'+$F00 ;Nickname ($F00 indicates end)
file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi2/ir/da/Payload.src, 32KB, , updated: 1999/8/20 18:50, local time: 2025/1/27 12:28,
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