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Scenix Lib IO OSI1 Dfs Dtmf.src

;  Filename: DTMF_GEN.SRC

; Author:	Stephen Holland

;		Applications Engineer

;		Scenix Semiconductor Inc.

; Revision:	1.0

; Date:		July 05, 1998

; Part:		SX28AC rev. 2.5

; Freq:		50Mhz

; Compiled using Parallax SX-Key software v0.8


; *This virtual peripheral relies on external RC filters to generate complete

;  DTMF tones.



; The DTMF number string to be dialed is defined by the label _dialnum.

; Each key can be defined as an 8-bit hex value where the upper and

; lower nibbles repesent the keypad bitwise row and column ($RRRRCCCC).


; example: _dialnum	dw	$11,$21,$82,$42,$14,$12,$41,$42,$42,$42,$42,0

; represents the number 14083278888.


;		Keypad


;		 1209	 1336	 1477	 1633 

;		________________________________

;		|	|	|	|	|

;	 697	| $11	| $12	| $14	| $18	|

;		| (1)	| (2)	| (3)	| (A)	|

;		________________________________

;		|	|	|	|	|

;	 770	| $21	| $22	| $24	| $28	|

;		| (4)	| (5)	| (6)	| (B)	|

;		________________________________

;		|	|	|	|	|

;	 852	| $41	| $42	| $44	| $48	|

;		| (7)	| (8)	| (9)	| (C)	|

;		________________________________

;		|	|	|	|	|

;	 941	| $81	| $82	| $84	| $88	|

;		| (*)	| (0)	| (#)	| (D)	|

;		________________________________



; Device


		device	pins28,pages4,banks8,oschs

		device	turbo,stackx,optionx

		id	'DTMF_GEN'

		reset	reset_entry


; Equates


pwm0_pin	=	rb.4

pwm1_pin	=	rb.5


; Variables


			org	8

temp			ds	1

string			ds	1


; Bank 0 variables


			org	10h	

timers			=	$


timer_accl		ds	1

timer_acch		ds	1

timer_flag		ds	1


; Bank 1 variables


			org	30h	

pwm			=	$

pwm_duty_1		ds	1

pwm_duty_1_buf		ds	1

pwm_duty_2		ds	1

pwm_duty_2_buf		ds	1

pwm_period_1		ds	1

pwm_period_1_buf	ds	1

pwm_period_2		ds	1

pwm_period_2_buf	ds	1

counter_low		ds	1

counter_high		ds	1

row			ds	1

col			ds	1


; Interrupt routine - virtual peripherals


			org	0

interrupt					;3 it takes 3 cycles to get an interrupt

		bank	timers			;1


		stc				;1 set carry

		add	timer_accl,#1		;2 add timer_accl+carry(=1)


		jmp	:timer_out

		add	timer_acch,#0

		snc				;1

		setb	timer_flag.0		;1

:timer_out					;=7


; D/A Conversions


da_conv		bank	pwm			;1

		dec	pwm_duty_1		;1 decrement port_duty

		movb	pwm0_pin,/pwm_duty_1.7	;4 move complement of most significant bit to output

		dec	pwm_duty_2		;1 decrement port_duty

		movb	pwm1_pin,/pwm_duty_2.7	;4 move complement of most significant bit to output

		decsz	pwm_period_1		;1

		jmp	interrupt_out		;3

		mov	pwm_duty_1,#5		;2

		mov	pwm_duty_2,#5		;2

		mov	pwm_period_1,#9		;2



		jb	row.0,make697		;4/6

		jb	row.1,make770		;4/6

		jb	row.2,make852		;4/6

		jb	row.3,make941		;4/6

make697		csae	counter_low,#end697	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_low,#sine697	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_low		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_1,w		;1

		inc	counter_low		;1

		jmp	get_col

make770		csae	counter_low,#end770	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_low,#sine770	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_low		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_1,w		;1

		inc	counter_low		;1

		jmp	get_col

make852		csae	counter_low,#end852	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_low,#sine852	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_low		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_1,w		;1

		inc	counter_low		;1

		jmp	get_col

make941		csae	counter_low,#end941	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_low,#sine941	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_low		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_1,w		;1

		inc	counter_low		;1


		jb	col.0,make1209		;4/6

		jb	col.1,make1336		;4/6

		jb	col.2,make1477		;4/6

		jb	col.3,make1633		;4/6

make1209	csae	counter_high,#end1200	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_high,#sine1200	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_high		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_2,w		;1 = 21

		inc	counter_high		;1

		jmp	da_out

make1336	csae	counter_high,#end1336	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_high,#sine1336	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_high		;1

		mov	m,#6			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_2,w		;1 = 21

		inc	counter_high		;1

		jmp	da_out

make1477	csae	counter_high,#end1477	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_high,#sine1477	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_high		;1

		mov	m,#7			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_2,w		;1 = 21

		inc	counter_high		;1

		jmp	da_out

make1633	csae	counter_high,#end1633	;1 take new table value

		jmp	:continue		;1 

		mov	counter_high,#sine1633	;1 reload table-counter

:continue	mov	w,counter_high		;1

		mov	m,#7			;1 set page

		iread				;1 get table_data

		mov	m,#$F			;1

		mov	pwm_duty_2,w		;1 = 21

		inc	counter_high		;1


interrupt_out	mov	w,#-163			;1	;interrupt every 159 clocks

		retiw				;3


; Reset entry


reset_entry	mov	!ra,#%0000		;set ra data direction register

		mov	!rb,#%00110000		;set rb data direction register

		mov	m,#$F

		clr	fsr			;reset all ram banks

:loop		setb	fsr.4

		clr	ind

		ijnz	fsr,:loop

		bank	pwm			

		mov	pwm_period_1,#9		;set initial periods

		mov	pwm_period_2,#9

		mov	pwm_duty_1,#5		;set initial duty cycles

		mov	pwm_duty_2,#5

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt


; Main 



		mov	w,#_dialnum		;send phone number string

		page	DTMF_generation

		call	DTMF_generation

here		jmp	here

		jmp	main_loop


; Subroutines 


		org	$200


; Jump table for page 1



		jmp	DTMF_generation_jump





		mov	string,w		;send string at w


		mov	w,string		;read chr at w

		mov	m,#1


		mov	m,#$F

		test	w			;if 0, exit


		jmp	DTMF_generation_jump_out

		bank	pwm

		mov	temp,w

		and	w,#$0f			;Keep only the lower 4 bits

		mov	col,w			;This is the column

		swap	temp

		mov	w,temp

		and	w,#$0f			;Keep only the lower 4 bits

		mov	row,w			;This is the row

		setb	ra.3			;Enable output

		mov	m,#$F

		mov	!rb,#%00000000		;1 Enable PWM outputs

		bank	timers			;Send tone for 300ms

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$ff		;100mS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$0f		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

		bank	timers			

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$ff		;100mS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$0f		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

		bank	timers			

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$ff		;100mS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$0f		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

:interdigit	inc	string			;next chr

		clrb	ra.3			;Disable output

		mov	m,#$0f

		mov	!rb,#%00110000		;1 Disable PWM outputs

		bank	timers			;Send tone for 100ms

		mov	!option,#%11011111	;disable rtcc interrupt

		mov	timer_accl,#$ff		;50mS		

		mov	timer_acch,#$7f		;--//--

		mov	!option,#%10011111	;enable rtcc interrupt

		clrb	timer_flag.0		;Clear overflow-flag

		jnb	timer_flag.0,$		;Is overflow-flag set?

		jmp	loop


; Data


		org	$1a0

_dialnum	dw	$22,0

		org	$600

sine697		=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	6	; 2

		dw	7	; 3

		dw	7	; 4

		dw	8	; 5

		dw	8	; 6

		dw	8	; 7

		dw	8	; 8

		dw	9	; 9

		dw	9	;10

		dw	9	;11

		dw	9	;12

		dw	9	;13

		dw	9	;14

		dw	9	;15

		dw	9	;16

		dw	9	;17

		dw	8	;18

		dw	8	;19

		dw	8	;20

		dw	8	;21

		dw	7	;22

		dw	7	;23

		dw	6	;24

		dw	5	;25

		dw	4	;26

		dw	3	;27

		dw	2	;28

		dw	2	;29

		dw	2	;30

		dw	1	;31

		dw	1	;32

		dw	1	;33

		dw	1	;34

		dw	0	;35

		dw	0	;36

		dw	0	;37

		dw	0	;38

		dw	0	;39

		dw	0	;40

		dw	0	;41

		dw	1	;42

		dw	1	;43

		dw	1	;44

		dw	1	;45

		dw	2	;46

		dw	2	;47

		dw	3	;48

end697		=	$

		dw	4	;49

sine770		=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	6	; 2

		dw	7	; 3

		dw	7	; 4

		dw	7	; 5

		dw	8	; 6

		dw	8	; 7

		dw	8	; 8

		dw	9	; 9

		dw	9	;10

		dw	9	;11

		dw	9	;12

		dw	9	;13

		dw	8	;14

		dw	8	;15

		dw	8	;16

		dw	7	;17

		dw	7	;18

		dw	7	;19

		dw	6	;20

		dw	5	;21

		dw	4	;22

		dw	3	;23

		dw	2	;24

		dw	2	;25

		dw	2	;26

		dw	1	;27

		dw	1	;28

		dw	1	;29

		dw	1	;30

		dw	0	;31

		dw	0	;32

		dw	0	;33

		dw	0	;34

		dw	0	;35

		dw	0	;36

		dw	1	;37

		dw	1	;38

		dw	1	;39

		dw	1	;40

		dw	2	;41

		dw	2	;42

		dw	3	;43

end770		=	$

		dw	4	;44

sine852		=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	6	; 2

		dw	7	; 3

		dw	7	; 4

		dw	7	; 5

		dw	8	; 6

		dw	8	; 7

		dw	8	; 8

		dw	9	; 9

		dw	9	;10

		dw	9	;11

		dw	9	;12

		dw	9	;13

		dw	8	;14

		dw	8	;15

		dw	8	;16

		dw	7	;17

		dw	7	;18

		dw	7	;19

		dw	6	;20

		dw	5	;21

		dw	4	;22

		dw	3	;23

		dw	2	;24

		dw	2	;25

		dw	2	;26

		dw	1	;27

		dw	1	;28

		dw	1	;29

		dw	0	;30

		dw	0	;31

		dw	0	;32

		dw	0	;33

		dw	0	;34

		dw	1	;35

		dw	1	;36

		dw	1	;37

		dw	2	;38

		dw	2	;39

		dw	3	;40

end852		=	$

		dw	4	;41

sine941		=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	6	; 2

		dw	7	; 3

		dw	7	; 4

		dw	8	; 5

		dw	8	; 6

		dw	8	; 7

		dw	9	; 8

		dw	9	; 9

		dw	9	;10

		dw	9	;11

		dw	8	;12

		dw	8	;13

		dw	8	;14

		dw	7	;15

		dw	7	;16

		dw	6	;17

		dw	5	;18

		dw	4	;19

		dw	3	;20

		dw	2	;21

		dw	2	;22

		dw	1	;23

		dw	1	;24

		dw	1	;25

		dw	0	;26

		dw	0	;27

		dw	0	;28

		dw	0	;29

		dw	0	;30

		dw	1	;31

		dw	1	;32

		dw	1	;33

		dw	2	;34

		dw	2	;35

		dw	3	;36

end941		=	$

		dw	4	;37

sine1200	=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	7	; 2

		dw	8	; 3

		dw	8	; 4

		dw	9	; 5

		dw	9	; 6

		dw	10	; 7

		dw	9	; 8

		dw	9	; 9

		dw	8	;10

		dw	8	;11

		dw	7	;12

		dw	6	;13

		dw	5	;14

		dw	4	;15

		dw	3	;16

		dw	2	;17

		dw	1	;18

		dw	1	;19

		dw	0	;20

		dw	0	;21

		dw	0	;22

		dw	0	;23

		dw	0	;24

		dw	1	;25

		dw	1	;26

		dw	2	;27

		dw	3	;28

end1200		=	$

		dw	4	;29

sine1336	=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	7	; 2

		dw	8	; 3

		dw	8	; 4

		dw	9	; 5

		dw	9	; 6

		dw	9	; 7

		dw	9	; 8

		dw	8	; 9

		dw	8	;10

		dw	7	;11

		dw	6	;12

		dw	5	;13

		dw	3	;14

		dw	2	;15

		dw	1	;16

		dw	1	;17

		dw	0	;18

		dw	0	;19

		dw	0	;20

		dw	0	;21

		dw	1	;22

		dw	1	;23

		dw	2	;24

		dw	3	;25

end1336		=	$

		dw	4	;26

		org	$700

sine1477	=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	7	; 2

		dw	8	; 3

		dw	8	; 4

		dw	9	; 5

		dw	9	; 6

		dw	9	; 7

		dw	8	; 8

		dw	8	; 9

		dw	7	;10

		dw	6	;11

		dw	5	;12

		dw	3	;13

		dw	2	;14

		dw	1	;15

		dw	1	;16

		dw	0	;17

		dw	0	;18

		dw	0	;19

		dw	0	;20

		dw	1	;21

		dw	2	;22

		dw	3	;23

end1477		=	$

		dw	4	;24

sine1633	=	$

		dw	5	; 1

		dw	7	; 2

		dw	8	; 3

		dw	8	; 4

		dw	9	; 5

		dw	9	; 6

		dw	9	; 7

		dw	8	; 8

		dw	7	; 9

		dw	6	;10

		dw	5	;11

		dw	3	;12

		dw	2	;13

		dw	1	;14

		dw	1	;15

		dw	0	;16

		dw	0	;17

		dw	0	;18

		dw	1	;19

		dw	2	;20

		dw	3	;21

end1633		=	$

		dw	4	;22

file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi1/dfs/dtmf.src, 13KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 13:23, local time: 2024/10/5 02:24,

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