Scenix Buttons_vp.src
; ******************************************************************************
; Push Buttons & Path Switcher (with abbreviated real time clock)
; Length: >=74 bytes (depends upon number of buttons & clock type)
; Author: Craig Webb
; Written: 98/8/17
; This program implements a software time clock virtual peripheral
; that keeps a 16 bit count of elapsed time in milliseconds.
; The option is available to include seconds, minutes, hours and even
; days to this clock if desired.
; The code takes advantage of the SX's internal RTCC-driven interrupt
; to operate in the background while the main program loop is executing.
;****** Assembler directives
; uses: SX28AC, 2 pages of program memory, 8 banks of RAM, high speed osc.
; operating in turbo mode, with 8-level stack & extended option reg.
DEVICE pins28,pages2,banks8,oschs
DEVICE turbo,stackx,optionx
ID 'Buttons' ;program ID label
RESET reset_entry ;set reset/boot address
;******************************* Program Variables ***************************
;****** Program Parameters
clock_type = 0 ;16 bit msec count only
;clock_type = 1 ;include sec, min, hours
;clock_type = 2 ;include day counter
num_buttons = 2 ;number of buttons (1-4)
;****** Program Constants
int_period = 163 ;period between interrupts
hold_bit = 4-(num_buttons/2) ;debounce period = 2^hold_bit msec
tick_lo = 80 ;50000 = msec instruction count
tick_hi = 195 ; for 50MHz, turbo, prescaler=1
mspersec_hi = 1000/256 ;msec per second hi count
mspersec_lo = 1000-(mspersec_hi*256) ;msec per second lo count
;****** Port definitions
button0 EQU RB.0 ;Push button 0
button1 EQU RB.1 ;Push button 1
button2 EQU RB.2 ;Push button 2
button3 EQU RB.3 ;Push button 3
;****** Register definitions
ORG 8 ;start of program registers
main = $ ;main bank
temp DS 1 ;temporary storage
temp2 DS 1
ORG 010H ;bank0 variables
clock EQU $ ;clock bank
buttons EQU $ ;push button bank
time_base_lo DS 1 ;time base delay (low byte)
time_base_hi DS 1 ;time base delay (high byte)
msec_lo DS 1 ;millisecond count (low)
msec_hi DS 1 ;millisecond count (high)
IF clock_type>0 ;do we want sec, min, hours?
seconds DS 1 ;seconds count
minutes DS 1 ;minutes count
hours DS 1 ;hours count
IF clock_type>1 ;do we want day count?
days DS 1 ;days count
debounce0 DS 1 ;push button 0 debounce count
debounce1 DS 1 ;push button 1 debounce count
debounce2 DS 1 ;push button 2 debounce count
debounce3 DS 1 ;push button 3 debounce count
pbflags DS 1 ;push button status flags
pb0_pressed EQU pbflags.0 ;push button 0 action status
pb1_pressed EQU pbflags.1 ;push button 1 action status
pb2_pressed EQU pbflags.2 ;push button 2 action status
pb3_pressed EQU pbflags.3 ;push button 3 action status
pb0_down EQU pbflags.4 ;push button 0 down status
pb1_down EQU pbflags.5 ;push button 1 down status
pb2_down EQU pbflags.6 ;push button 2 down status
pb3_down EQU pbflags.7 ;push button 3 down status
;*************************** INTERRUPT VECTOR ******************************
; Note: The interrupt code must always originate at 0h.
; A jump vector is not needed if there is no program data that needs
; to be accessed by the IREAD instruction, or if it can all fit into
; the lower half of page 0 with the interrupt routine.
ORG 0 ;interrupt always at 0h
; JMP interrupt ;interrupt vector
;**************************** INTERRUPT CODE *******************************
; Note: Care should be taken to see that any very timing sensitive routines
; (such as adcs, etc.) are placed before other peripherals or code
; which may have varying execution rates (like the software clock, for
; example).
interrupt ;beginning of interrupt code
;****** Virtual Peripheral: Time Clock
; This routine maintains a real-time clock count (in msec) and allows processing
; of routines which only need to be run once every millisecond.
; Input variable(s) : time_base_lo,time_base_hi,msec_lo,msec_hi
; seconds, minutes, hours, days
; Output variable(s) : msec_lo,msec_hi
; seconds, minutes, hours, days
; Variable(s) affected : time_base_lo,time_base_hi,msec_lo,msec_hi
; seconds, minutes, hours, days
; Flag(s) affected :
; Size : 17/39/45 bytes (depending upon clock type)
; + 1 if bank select needed
; Timing (turbo) : [99.9% of time] 14 cycles
; [0.1% of time] 17/39/45 cycles (or less)
; + 1 if bank select needed
; BANK clock ;select clock register bank
MOV W,#int_period ;load period between interrupts
ADD time_base_lo,W ;add it to time base
SNC ;skip ahead if no underflow
INC time_base_hi ;yes overflow, adjust high byte
MOV W,#tick_hi ;check for 1 msec click
MOV W,time_base_hi-W ;Is high byte above or equal?
MOV W,#tick_lo ;load instr. count low byte
SNZ ;If hi byte equal, skip ahead
MOV W,time_base_lo-W ;check low byte vs. time base
SC ;skip ahead if low
;commented out because of path_switcher/pushbutton routines which use msec count
; JMP :done_clock ;If not, end clock routine
JMP done_pbs ;If not, end clock routine
:got_tick CLR time_base_hi ;Yes, adjust time_base reg.'s
SUB time_base_lo,#tick_lo ; leaving time remainder
INCSZ msec_lo ;And adjust msec count
DEC msec_hi ; making sure to adjust high
INC msec_hi ; byte as necessary
IF clock_type>0 ;do we want sec, min, hours?
MOV W,#mspersec_hi ;check for 1000 msec (1 sec tick)
MOV W,msec_hi-W ;Is high byte above or equal?
MOV W,#mspersec_lo ;load #1000 low byte
SNZ ;If hi byte equal, skip ahead
MOV W,msec_lo-W ;check low byte vs. msec count
SC ;skip ahead if low
JMP :done_clock ;If not, end clock routine
INC seconds ;increment seconds count
CLR msec_lo ;clear msec counters
CLR msec_hi ;
MOV W,#60 ;60 seconds per minute
MOV W,seconds-W ;are we at minute tick yet
JNZ :done_clock ;if not, jump
INC minutes ;increment minutes count
CLR seconds ;clear seconds count
MOV W,#60 ;60 minutes/hour
MOV W,minutes-W ;are we at hour tick yet?
JNZ :done_clock ;if not, jump
INC hours ;increment hours count
CLR minutes ;clear minutes count
ENDIF ;<if> we wanted sec, min, hours
IF clock_type>1 ;do we want to count days?
MOV W,#24 ;24 hours per day
MOV W,hours-W ;are we at midnight?
JNZ :done_clock ;if not, jump
INC days ;increment days count
CLR hours ;clear hours count
ENDIF ;<if> we wanted day count
;****** Virtual Peripheral: Path Switch
; This routine allows alternating execution of multiple modules which don't
; need to be run during every interrupt pass in order to reduce the overall
; execution time of the interrupt on any given pass (i.e. it helps the code
; run faster).
; This version runs with the software clock virtual peripheral msec_lo variable
; allowing altenation between the switch positions once each millisecond.
; Input variable(s) : msec_lo
; Output variable(s) :
; Variable(s) affected :
; Flag(s) affected :
; Size : 3 bytes + 1 bytes per jump location
; Timing (turbo) : 8 cycles
:path_switch MOV W,msec_lo ;load switch selector byte
AND W,#00000011b ;keep low 2 bits - 4 position
JMP PC+W ;jump to switch position pointer
:pos0 JMP pb0 ;pushbutton 0 checking routine
:pos1 JMP pb1 ;pushbutton 1 checking routine
:pos2 JMP pb2 ;pushbutton 2 checking routine
:pos3 JMP pb3 ;pushbutton 3 checking routine
;****** Virtual Peripheral: Push Buttons*
; This routine monitors any number of pushbuttons, debounces them properly
; as needed, and flags the main program code as valid presses are received.
; *Note: this routine requires the Time Clock virtual peripheral or similar
; pre-processing timer routine.
; Input variable(s) : pb0_down,pb1_down,debounce0,debounce1
; pb2_down,pb3_down,debounce2,debounce3
; Output variable(s) : pb0_pressed, pb1_pressed, pb2_pressed, pb3_pressed
; Variable(s) affected : debounce0, debounce1, debounce2, debounce3
; Flag(s) affected : pb0_down,pb1_down,pb0_pressed,pb1_pressed
; pb2_down,pb3_down,pb2_pressed,pb3_pressed
; Size : 12 bytes per pushbutton + actions (see below**)
; + 1 byte if path switch not used
; Timing (turbo) : 7,10, or 12 cycles/pushbutton (unless path switch used)
; + actions (see below**)
; BANK buttons ;select bank (if not done elsewhere)
JB button0,:pb0_up ;button0 pressed?
JB pb0_down,:done_pb0 ;yes, but is it new press?
INC debounce0 ; and adjust debounce count
JNB debounce0.hold_bit,:done_pb0 ;wait till long enough
SETB pb0_down ;yes, flag that button is down
;**If the button activity is short (a few bytes), it can fit here, though be
; careful that longest possible interrupt doesn't exceed int_period # of cycles.
; <short code segment can go here>
;**Otherwise, use this flag to process button press in main code (and don't
; forget to reset the flag once the button activity is complete).
SETB pb0_pressed ; and set pb0 action flag
SKIP ;skip next instruction
:pb0_up CLRB pb0_down ;button up, clear flag
CLR debounce0 ; and clear debounce count
JMP done_pbs ;this needed only if path switch used
IF num_buttons>1 ;more than 1 push button?
; BANK buttons ;do bank select (if not done elsewhere)
JB button1,:pb1_up ;button1 pressed?
JB pb1_down,:done_pb1 ;yes, but is it new press?
INC debounce1 ; and adjust debounce count
JNB debounce1.hold_bit,:done_pb1 ;wait till long enough
SETB pb1_down ;yes, flag that button is down
;**If the button activity is short (a few bytes), it can fit here, though be
; careful that longest possible interrupt doesn't exceed int_period # of cycles.
; <short code segment can go here>
;**Otherwise, use this flag to process button press in main code (and don't
; forget to reset the flag once the button activity is complete).
SETB pb1_pressed ; and set pb1 action flag
SKIP ;skip next instruction
:pb1_up CLRB pb1_down ;button up, clear flag
CLR debounce1 ; and clear debounce count
JMP done_pbs ;this needed only if path switch used
ENDIF ;more than 1 push button
IF num_buttons>2 ;more than 2 push buttons?
; BANK buttons ;do bank select (if not done elsewhere)
JB button2,:pb2_up ;button2 pressed?
JB pb2_down,:done_pb2 ;yes, but is it new press?
INC debounce2 ; and adjust debounce count
JNB debounce2.hold_bit,:done_pb2 ;wait till long enough
SETB pb2_down ;yes, flag that button is down
;**If the button activity is short (a few bytes), it can fit here, though be
; careful that longest possible interrupt doesn't exceed int_period # of cycles.
;**Otherwise, use this flag to process button press in main code (and don't
; orget to reset the flag once the button activity is complete).
SETB pb2_pressed ; and set pb2 action flag
SKIP ;skip next instruction
:pb2_up CLRB pb2_down ;button up, clear flag
CLR debounce2 ; and clear debounce count
JMP done_pbs ;this needed only if path switch used
ENDIF ;more than 2 push buttons
IF num_buttons>2 ;more than 3 push buttons?
; BANK buttons ;do bank select (if not done elsewhere)
JB button3,:pb3_up ;button3 pressed?
JB pb3_down,:done_pb3 ;yes, but is it new press?
INC debounce3 ; and adjust debounce count
JNB debounce3.hold_bit,:done_pb3 ;wait till long enough
SETB pb3_down ;yes, flag that button is down
;**If the button activity is short (a few bytes), it can fit here, though be
; careful that longest possible interrupt doesn't exceed int_period # of cycles.
;**Otherwise, use this flag to process button press in main code (and don't
; forget to reset the flag once the button activity is complete).
SETB pb3_pressed ; and set pb3 action flag
SKIP ;skip next instruction
:pb3_up CLRB pb3_down ;button up, clear flag
CLR debounce3 ; and clear debounce count
ENDIF ;more than 3 push buttons
done_int mov w,#-int_period ;interrupt every 'int_period' clocks
retiw ;exit interrupt
;****** End of interrupt sequence
;************************** RESET ENTRY POINT *****************************
; PAGE start ;Set page bits and then
; JMP start ; jump to start of code
;* Main Program Code *
start mov !rb,#%00001111 ;Set RB in/out directions
CLR FSR ;reset all ram starting at 08h
:zero_ram SB FSR.4 ;are we on low half of bank?
SETB FSR.3 ;If so, don't touch regs 0-7
CLR IND ;clear using indirect addressing
IJNZ FSR,:zero_ram ;repeat until done
MOV !OPTION,#%10011111 ;enable rtcc interrupt
;the following code watches pb0-pb3 for presses and acts on them
; BANK buttons ;select pb bank
MOV W,pbflags ;load pushbutton flags
AND W,#00001111b ;keep only 'pressed' flags
JZ :no_press ;jump ahead if not pressed
MOV temp,W ;store flags temporarily
CLR temp2 ;clear 2nd temp storage reg.
:which_pb INC temp2 ;increment 2nd temp value
RR temp ;check which button
SC ;skip ahead if not this one
JMP :which_pb ;keep looping
MOV W,--temp2 ;get 2nd temp value (less 1)
MOV temp,W ;save it in temp
MOV W,#11110000b ;get clear mask for pbflags
AND pbflags,W ;clear all "pressed" flags
MOV W,temp ;get which button pressed
JMP PC+W ;Go do PB routines
:pb0 JMP pb0_action ;do pb0 action
:pb1 JMP pb1_action ;do pb1 action
:pb2 JMP pb2_action ;do pb2 action
:pb3 JMP pb3_action ;do pb3 action
; <main program code goes here>
JMP Main:loop ;back to main loop
; <pb0 action here>
JMP Main:loop
; <pb1 action here>
JMP Main:loop
; <pb2 action here>
JMP Main:loop
; <pb3 action here>
JMP Main:loop
END ;End of program code
file: /Techref/scenix/buttons_vp.src, 14KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 12:23, local time: 2024/11/14 08:25,
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