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Letter from Roy to James Covinton transcribed by James Remington

Sunday night, Oct. 23 1966

Dear Jim:

I have greatly enjoyed our recent exchange of letters, and am sorry I have been so negligent in answering your last one.

We have all enjoyed your letters and Zola’s and the samples of Mike’s art work, etc.

No, I don’t expect our immediate neighborhood to deteriorate badly in the near future. But there are certain things we now do that we were indifferent to a few years ago: we always bring in the car key even though the car will stand there only five minutes; we lock the car doors at night; we keep the back door of the house locked at all times; when I go to work before your Mother is up and around, I lock the front door as I leave; we never go away even for a short time without locking the house; I always carry a shotgun (unloaded according to State law) and a box of shells in the trunk of the car, and when we go on trips I carry a pistol in my suitcase or attache case in front (I have a Michigan permit to carry concealed pistols as I have had for many years ); when we go into a motel I carry the pistol and ammo with me; we do not drive in large cities at night or walk their streets. Too cautious? I you think so, read the papers and cut out the clippings for about three months.

No, I did not mean to say I thought there was a conspiracy to hunt down and persecute whites who speak out against those of the black race. I guess I did not make my meaning clear. But I do not want even ONE rock thrown through my window by even ONE black, and this sort of harassment has happened to some people. Plus obscene phone calls.

How is the Kirby coming? Interesting how you solved the problem of folding the foil by visiting a newspaper plant. I note you are on sla salary with the Kirby people; there are certain advantages to being on salary.

Thanks for your good wishes in reading the book on dictionary history and the kind words you wrote about my writing style. I appreciate that from you more than anyone else in the world.

I will probably have to spend amon a month this summer working with co-author Gene Freeman; if so, I will hole up at a motel near 1n Gene’s home in Santa Ana (I will probably be traveling alone, but not certain yet) and we will try to finalize at least certain parts of the book. I have applied for Sabbatical Leave for the fall quarter 1967 ( September to Christmas ) but have not received an OK from the college yet. If I get to California, I shall of course Look forward to some time with you and your family.

(signed) Dad.

(hand written note: I don't recall that Dad ever made this prip - he may have gotten claustrophobia by then, JCN 1/2003)

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