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RASENTRYDLG info  Overview  Group

The RASENTRYDLG structure is used in the RasEntryDlg function to specify addtional input and output parameters.

typedef struct tagRASENTRYDLG {

    IN  DWORD dwSize;

    IN  HWND  hwndOwner;

    IN  DWORD dwFlags;

    IN  LONG  xDlg;

    IN  LONG  yDlg;

    OUT WCHAR szEntry[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1 ];

    OUT DWORD dwError;

    IN  DWORD reserved;

    IN  DWORD reserved2;




Specifies the size of this structure, in bytes. Before calling RasEntryDlg, set this member to sizeof(RASENTRYDLG) to indicate the version of the structure. If dwSize is not a valid size, RasEntryDlg fails and sets the dwError member to ERROR_INVALID_SIZE.
Identifies the window that owns the modal RasEntryDlg dialog box. This member can be any valid window handle, or it can be NULL if the dialog box has no owner.
A set of bit flags that indicate the options enabled for the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of the RASEDFLAG_PositionDlg flag and one of the other flags listed following to indicate whether the RasEntryDlg function is creating, copying, or editing a phone-book entry.




Causes RasEntryDlg to use the values specified by the xDlg and yDlg members to position the dialog box. If this flag is not set, the dialog box is centered on the owner window, unless hwndOwner is NULL, in which case, the dialog box is centered on the screen.


Causes RasEntryDlg to display a wizard for creating a new phone-book entry.


Causes RasEntryDlg to create a new entry by copying the properties of an existing entry. The function displays a property sheet containing the properties associated with the phone-book entry specified by the lpszEntry parameter of RasEntryDlg. The user can edit the properties and specify a name for the new entry.


Causes RasEntryDlg to display a property sheet for editing the properties of the phone-book entry specified by the lpszEntry parameter of RasEntryDlg. The user can change the properties of the entry but not its name.

Specifies the horizontal screen coordinate of the upper-left corner of the dialog box. This value is used only if the RASEDFLAG_PositionDlg flag is set.
Specifies the vertical screen coordinate of the upper-left corner of the dialog box. This value is used only if the RASEDFLAG_PositionDlg flag is set.
On exit, szEntry is set to the name of the phone-book entry that was edited or created.
The RasEntryDlg function sets this member to a system error code or RAS error code if an error occurs. If no error occurs, the function sets dwError to zero. This value is ignored on input.
Reserved; must be zero.
Reserved; must be zero.

See Also


file: /Techref/os/win/api/win32/struc/src/str15_7.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2000/4/7 12:20, local time: 2024/9/20 07:21,

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