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December 2003 MassMind newsletter

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; gps_lcd.src
; DBeals Apr 19, 2004
; Receive GPS serial chars, format, send display chars to LCD.
; Scenix SX18 processor
; Seetron 2 row by 20 character LCD 
; Garmin 25LVC GPS sensor
; (see notes at the end for more device information)
; Port A   bit 0  pin ??         Output RS232 serial (TTL level) to LCD
;          bit 1                 unused
;          bit 2                 unused
;          bit 3                 unused
; Port B   bit 0  pin ??         input RS232 serial (TTL level) from GPS
;          bit 1                 unused
;          bit 2                 unused
;          bit 3                 unused
;          bit 4                 unused
;          bit 5                 unused
;          bit 6                 unused
;          bit 7                 unused
; data ram:
;   00-07                        8 CPU registers
;   08-0F                        8 bytes of global RAM
;   10-1F, 30-3F, 50-5F...F0-FF  8 banks of 16 bytes user RAM.
; code rom: 
;   4 banks of 512 ($200) bytes.
;   org $000 = bank 0, $200 = bank 1, $400 = bank2, $600 = bank3



freq 20_000_000
reset start_point

; global variables

org             7               ;      (the SX18 can use RAM 7 as global)
RS232out        ds      1       ;  7   LCD RS232 out character
RS232in         ds      1       ;  8   GPS RS232 in character
timer1          ds      1       ;  9   RS232 loop timer
msgBytes        ds      1       ;  A   counts bytes within GPS message field
bitCount        ds      1       ;  B   LCD display loop
temp            ds      1       ;  C   DDMM decoding (and other places)
pointer1        ds      1       ;  D   generic RAM pointer
pointer2        ds      1       ;  E   me too
i               ds      1       ;  F   generic loop counter

; time and latitude characters

org                     $10
bank_ten        =       $
latASCII        =       $10     ; lat:  10 ASCII "03749.2345" 0DDMM.MMMM format 
latEnd          =       $19   
timeStart       =       $1A     ; time: 6 characters HHMISS in 24:60:60 format
timeEnd         =       $1F     ; 
; longitude, status and altitude chars

org                     $30
bank_lonstat    =       $
lonASCII        =       $30     ; lon: 10 chars "12232.3580"  DDDMM.MMMM format
lonEnd          =       $39
altStart        =       $3A     ; alt: from 0 to 5 chars "122.6" meters
altEnd          =       $3F     ; FIXME - should this be $3E?
statusChar      =       $3F     ; GPS status: one char

; ASCII-binary conversions and multiplier locations

org                     $50     ; 
bank_math       =       $
multStart       =       $       ; this needs to precede the four "mult"s
mult0           ds      1       ; 4 byte input to 1 x 4 multiply
mult1           ds      1       ; (also used by subtract routine)
mult2           ds      1
mult3           ds      1
accumStart      =       $       ; this needs to precede the 4 accums
accum0          ds      1       ; 4 byte output from several math routines
accum1          ds      1
accum2          ds      1
accum3          ds      1
eight           ds      1       ; 1 byte input to 1 x 4 multiply routine
counter         ds      1       ; "counter" used in the multiply loop
negFlag         ds      1       ; set to 1 if subtraction is negative
math0           ds      1       ; spares
math1           ds      1       ;
math2           ds      1       ;
math3           ds      1       ;
                                ; 1 unused byte

; 4 binary 4-byte locations

lonToGoTo       =       $70     ;  4 bytes: lon to go to, binary
lonAtStart      =       $74     ;  4 bytes: lon started from, binary
latToGoTo       =       $78     ;  4 bytes: lat to go to, binary
latAtStart      =       $7C     ;  4 bytes: lat started from, binary

; speed and direction

dirStart        =       $90     ; dir: 90 - 95 000.0
dirEnd          =       $95     ; FIXME is 95 or 96 good enuf?
speedStart      =       $96     ; speed: 96 - 9B 0000.0
speedEnd        =       $9B     ; 
                                ; 4? unused bytes in bank $90
; decimal display

org                     $B0     ; binary to decimal conversion area
bank_toASCII    =       $
counter2        ds      1
hiBin           ds      1
loBin           ds      1
hiCmp           ds      1
loCmp           ds      1
fiveDigits      =       $       ; here begins 5 decimal digits
digit5          ds      1
digit4          ds      1
digit3          ds      1
digit2          ds      1
digit1          ds      1
                                ; 6 unused bytes

org                     $D0     ; unused space for 16 vars

; last bank has assorted stuff - timer vars, GPS msg counters, etc.

org                     $F0
bank_assorted   =       $       ; F0
timer2          ds      1       ; F1
timer3          ds      1       ; F2
timer4          ds      1       ; F3
string          ds      1       ; F4
vlongLow        ds      1       ; F5
nybs            ds      1       ; F6
hexByte         ds      1       ; F7
msgLen          ds      1       ; F8    count GPS chars per specific message
msgType         ds      1       ; F9    Position vs. Velocity GPS NMEA msg
commaCount      ds      1       ; FA    detect fields within the NMEA msg
screenToShow    ds      1       ; FB    toggle thru several screens as this incrs
savedStart      ds      1       ; FC    flag for initial pos save
charsPerLine    ds      1       ; FD
                                ; FE, FF unused space


org           0

; interrupt service routine (currently unused)



; main program


        mode    $0F             ; prepare for configuring direction mode 
                                ; see pg. 144 SZ-key dev man
        mov     !ra,#%11111110  ; only a0 outie; the rest innie
        mov     !rb,#%11111111  ; all bs innies
        mode    $0E             ; prepare for configuring pull-up resistor mode
        mov     !ra, #%0000     ; enable all port A pull-ups
;                               ; these not currently used; here for reference:
;       mode    $0D             ; CMOS/TTL input (n/a when Schmidt used)
;       mov     !rb,#%00000000  ; set all to CMOS
;       mode    $0C             ; schmidt trigger
;       mov     !rb,#%00000000  ; all schmidts enabled (pg. 59 and 140)
;       mode    $0B             ; wake-up enable
;       mov     !rb,#%11111110  ; wake-up interrupt edge bit 4 (pin 1)
;       mode    $0A             ; rising/falling: default falling edge
;       mode    $09             ; swap W, edge det status (pg. 61)
;       mov     !rb, %00000000  ; clear edge status 
                                ; (and store state in "w" reg)
; main loop

        call    @init
        call    @hello

;       call    subtest
;       call    multTest
;       call    @binToASCIITest

        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp        ; get GPS message; display to LCD
        jmp     main

; End of main 

; some strings 

shello  dw      'Hello World! HaWaYa?',0
sline2  dw      'GPS LCD ver 04.19.04',0
nosync  dw      'No signal',0
latToGo dw      '03741.3430',0
lonToGo dw      '12153.3754',0

; Can't call a function located in the second half of any code page so
; compensate by using this jump table which can reference functions on any
; part of any page. 
; This table must exist entirely in a first page half.
; If this grows too large, continue on the top half of other code pages.
; Check gps_lcd.lst: last table entry must be below $FF. "$B2" as of last check.

init            jmp @_init
hello           jmp @_hello
getByte         jmp @_getByte
sendByte        jmp @_sendByte
sendSpace       jmp @_sendSpace
sendString      jmp @_sendString
clearScreen     jmp @_clearScreen
lcdLine1        jmp @_lcdLine1
lcdLine2        jmp @_lcdLine2
sendHexByte     jmp @_sendHexByte
hexNybble       jmp @_hexNybble
halfDelay       jmp @_halfDelay
delay9600       jmp @_delay9600
delay1ms        jmp @_delay1ms
delay100ms      jmp @_delay100ms
delay1sec       jmp @_delay1sec
longLow         jmp @_longLow
multiply32      jmp @_multiply32
subtract32      jmp @_subtract32
increment32     jmp @_increment32
copy32          jmp @_copy32
showHex32       jmp @_showHex32
shift32         jmp @_shift32
clearAccum      jmp @_clearAccum
multPreset      jmp @_multPreset
DDMMToBin       jmp @_DDMMToBin
Lat2Feet        jmp @_Lat2Feet
Lon2Feet        jmp @_Lon2Feet
loadLatLon      jmp @_loadLatLon
multTest        jmp @_multTest
latToBinTest    jmp @_latToBinTest
latSubTest      jmp @_latSubTest
binToASCII      jmp @_binToASCII
binToASCIITest  jmp @_binToASCIITest
showDirSpeed    jmp @_showDirSpeed
showDistHome    jmp @_showDistHome
showLatLon      jmp @_showLatLon
showTimeAlt     jmp @_showTimeAlt
padLine         jmp @_padLine
loader          jmp @_loader



; to init the LCD, we need to set its bit low on power-up and
; keep it there for a second, otherwise the LCD driver goes into debug mode.

        mov     ra, #0            ; initialize the LCD bit
        call    @delay1sec

        bank    bank_assorted     ; set flag: not yet saved the
        mov     savedStart, #0    ; initial position lat and lon

        mov     FSR, #latASCII    ; preset the lat hundreds digit to 0 so
        mov     ISR, #'0'         ; Lat "DD" can be processed like lon "DDD"


; GPS-receive,parse,LCD-send section.
; These aren't calleable subroutines - they jump from code block to
; code block as individual RS232 characters arrive and are processed, 
; then jump back to one of two re-entry points:
; 1. the top, just below here, to get a new message group, or
; 2. just below that, to get a new character of the current group.


; Begin wait for a group of GPS NMEA messages.
; Once a second, the GPS sensor sends a series of the NMEA messages,
; then pauses for about 3/4 of a second.
; When this program is synchronized to the sensor, the code will
; wait here for the next message group to start to arrive. 
; It will recieve all message group characters, process the received 
; data, display information onto the LCD, then jump back here to wait 
; for the next message group. 
; On any errors, the code jumps back here to begin a fresh message group wait.

        bank    bank_assorted
        clr     msgLen                  ; length of single NMEA message.
        clr     commaCount              ; count fields within NMEA message group.

        mov     FSR, #altStart          ; preset the altitude.
:loop1  mov     IND, #' '               ; Altitude and speed are variable length.
        inc     FSR                     ; when out of sync nothing arrives.
        cjb     FSR, #altEnd, @:loop1   ; But when in sync, only the necessary number
                                        ; of chars arrive to describe the current value.
        mov     FSR, #speedStart        ; So if we go from 100 to 99 meters altitude,
:loop2  mov     IND, #'_'               ; the "1" stays unless it is explicitly
        inc     FSR                     ; written over.
        cjb     FSR, #speedEnd, @:loop2

        mov     FSR, #dirStart          ; preset direction. May be unnecessary.
:loop3  mov     IND, #'_'
        inc     FSR
        cjb     FSR, #dirEnd, @:loop3

        call    @longLow                ; wait for long pause in received RS232



        call    @getByte                        ; get the next RS232 GPS character
        bank    bank_assorted                   ; An NMEA GPS msg begins with "$"
        inc     msgLen                          ; Count received chars in this msg.
        cjne    RS232in, #'$', @parseMsg        ; If not "$" then parser gets it.
        mov     msgLen, #1                      ; If is "$" then reset counter and
        jmp     @getGPSchar                     ; wait for next char.



; Use characters 2-6 to determine the message type.
;   GPGGA: time, lat, lon, alt
;   PGRMV: velocity N, E, Up
;   PGRMT: status message always sent once per minute. not real interesting.
;   GPRMC: absolute velocity and compass bearing
;   GPVTG: maybe use this someday?
; Once we're past character 6, process the message body
; (except if over 80 then probably an error occurred, so reset.)

        cje     msgLen, #2,  @msgChar2          ; expect 'G' or 'P'
        cjbe    msgLen, #5,  @getGPSchar        ; go get another char
        cje     msgLen, #6,  @msgChar6          ; expect 'A' or 'G'
        cjae    msgLen, #80, @getGPSMsgGrp      ; reset if count too big
        jmp     @processChar                    ; on any other message position,
                                                ; let subroutine decide what to do.



; Verify that character 2 is either P or G. 
; If G, set the message type to "P" for Position message.
; (will overwrite this if char 6 is also "G")

        cje     RS232in, #'P', @getGPSchar      ; may be info msg
        cjne    RS232in, #'G', @getGPSMsgGrp    ; by here, if not G, not ok. 
        mov     msgType, #'P'                   ; P for Position message
        jmp     @getGPSchar                     ; and wait for the next character



; Verify that character 6 is either A (GPGGA) or G (GPVTG)

        cje     RS232in, #'A', @getGPSchar      ; OK; we have GPGGA
        cjne    RS232in, #'G', @getGPSMsgGrp    ; by here, if not G, not ok. 
        mov     msgType, #'V'                   ; V for GPVTG velocity type message
        jmp     @getGPSchar                     ; go wait for the next character



; if this character is data, then go process it.
; if it is a field separator then go process that.
; (ahh, the velocity message terminates the last field with "*",
;  so it is a field separator in that case, also.)

        cje     RS232in, #',', @field           ; comma - go directly to "field";
        cjne    RS232in, #'*', @processData     ; if not * then go process char.
        cjne    msgType, #'V', @getGPSchar      ; if * but not vel then get next gps,
                                                ; else fall into "field".



; we have a field separator.
; Do two things:
; 1. prepare for a new field by incrementing commaCount and clearing msgBytes.
; 2. If we have received all the fields we're expecting (currently hex 16),
;    (see half a page down for more description of the commaCounts), then 
;    skip the rest of the message group and display what we've got.
;    Otherwise go get yet another GPS character.

        inc     commaCount 
        clr     msgBytes
        cje     commaCount, #$16,  @doDisplay
        jmp     @getGPSchar



; we have a data character.
; decide what to do based on the current commaCount.
; Note: let the commaCount manage the entire message group, based
; on the GPS sensor always sending the messages in the same order.
; Is this assumption warranted? It works so far...
; Otherwise would need to test both message type and commaCount...
;        1      2         3 4          5 6 7  8   9    A B     C DE
;  $GPGGA,205343,3749.9327,N,12232.3580,W,1,08,1.1,12.5,M,-28.0,M,,*42
;  $PGRMV,0.0,0.0,0.0*5C
;  $PGRMT,GPS 25-LVC VER 2.50 ,P,P,R,R,P,,19,R*15
; as of 3/28/04 no more PGRMV message.
; instead, configured GPS to send GPVTG (Track Made Good and Ground Speed)
; commas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; or, if continuing the commaCount from the previous field...
;        F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6       <- that is, 0x16 is the last expected comma.
; fields  1   2   3   4  5
;  $GPVTG, ,T, ,M, ,N, ,K *..
; 1: true course: 000.0 to 359.0 degrees
; 2: magnetic course 000.0 to 359.0
; 3: speed: 000.0 to 999.9 knots
; 4. speed: 0000.0 to 1851.8 kilometers per hour
; 5: mode - do I care? not sure, yet.

; when saving individual characters, detect field position by the count
; of the comma preceding the field.

        cje     commaCount, #$01, @timeField      ; 6 time chars
        cje     commaCount, #$02, @latField       ; 8 latitude chars 
        cje     commaCount, #$04, @lonField       ; 9 longitude chars
        cje     commaCount, #$06, @statusField    ; 1 status char;
        cje     commaCount, #$09, @altField       ; 0 to 5 altitude chars
        cje     commaCount, #$0F, @dirField       ; 0 to 5 direction chars
        cje     commaCount, #$15, @speedField     ; 0 to 6 speed chars

; if no more fields are of interest then just go get another GPS character:

        jmp    @getGPSchar

; Save characters into individual RAM banks.

timeField                               ; always 6 characters: $10 to $15
        mov     FSR, #timeStart
        jmp     @saveChar
latField                                ; probably always 8 characters: $16 to $1D 
        mov     FSR, #latASCII          ; GPS sends only 2 digits of lat degrees
        inc     FSR                     ; so incr FSR once before using it
        jmp     @saveChar              
lonField                                ; probably always 9 chars $30 to $38
        mov     FSR, #lonASCII
        jmp     @saveChar
statusField                             ; always 1
        mov     FSR, #statusChar
        jmp     @saveChar
altField                                ; varies from 0 to 4 or 5: $39 to $3D?
        mov     FSR, #altStart
        jmp     @saveChar
dirField                                ; varies from 0 to 6
        mov     FSR, #dirStart
        jmp     @saveChar
speedField                              ; varies from 0 to 6
        mov     FSR, #speedStart
        jmp     @saveChar

; add additional field storage here, if you want any


; saveChar: jump here with FSR containing the start address of 
; the field that we're saving to. So if we add the current value
; of the msgBytes to the FSR, then we have the storage of this character
; within each field. Yeah, if more chars arrive than we're expecting
; then we'll overwrite some other value...Lets just see if that ever happens.
; (Oh no, a hacker could feed a virus in and hijack the project via field overflow!)

        add     FSR, msgBytes
        mov     IND, RS232in
        inc     msgBytes
        jmp     @getGPSchar     ; go get the next char  



; Process and display information.

; The first time that a good set of satellite data is seen, 
; save the latitude and longitude binary numbers.

        bank    bank_assorted
        cje     savedStart, #1, @:continue   ; if 1 then already saved.
        bank    bank_lonstat
        cjne    statusChar, #'1', @:continue ; unless 1, sat data not good

        mov     pointer1, #latASCII          ; point to Latitude 0DDMM.MMMM
        call    @DDMMToBin                   ; convert to binary
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart        ; and save
        mov     pointer2, #latAtStart    
        call    @copy32                   

        mov     pointer1, #lonASCII          ; point to Longitude DDDMM.MMMM
        call    @DDMMToBin                   ; convert to binary
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart        ; and save
        mov     pointer2, #lonAtStart
        call    @copy32              

        bank    bank_assorted                ; OK, we've saved the
        mov     savedStart, #1               ; starting location!


; Toggle thru several screens; approximately 1 per second.
; 0: display current position and time 
; 1: display elapsed time since first satellite sync
; 2: display distance from position of first satellite sync
; 3: (todo) display distance to programmed waypoint
; 4: display current velocity, compass heading

        bank    bank_assorted

        inc     screenToShow
        cjb     screenToShow, #4, @showScreen   ; "4" is total number of screens 
        clr     screenToShow


        cje     screenToShow, #0, @showLatLonspeed

        cje     screenToShow, #1, @showLatLonDH
;       cje     screenToShow, #2, @showLatLonDH
;       cje     screenToShow, #3, @showLatLonDH
        cje     screenToShow, #2, @showLatLonspeed
        cje     screenToShow, #3, @showLatLonAlt
;       cje     screenToShow, #3, @showBinary

; Any individual screen display routine may optionally delay for some
; length of time, like a second or so, to better show its contents,
; before jumping back to wait for the next message group.
; This may cause the program to skip message groups. Ordinarily
; this should be no big deal - missing a group is always a possibility,
; and every GPS data processing routine must allow for this.
; But ideally we will be able to catch every group.
; Each of the screen display routines will conclude by jumping
; to wait for a new GPS message group as in the following jmp,
; shown just below, although this particular jmp should never
; be reached if the above screenToShow is working properly:

        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp



; On the top line show ASCII Latitude, Longitude.
; On the second line show the time and altitude (if in sync)

        call    @lcdLine1
        call    @showLatLon
        call    @lcdLine2
        call    @showTimeAlt
        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp



; On the top line show ASCII Latitude, Longitude.
; On the second line show the speed and direction 
        call    @lcdLine1
        call    @showLatLon
        call    @lcdLine2
        call    @showDirSpeed  
        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp



; On the top line show ASCII Latitude, Longitude.
; On the second line show the distance from the start.
        call    @lcdLine1
        call    @showLatLon
        call    @lcdLine2
        call    @showDistHome
        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp



; convert the current longitude and latitude to 4 byte integers 
; representing 1/10000 of a minute, and display.

        call    @clearScreen           ; prepare the LCD to show results

        mov     pointer1, #latASCII    ; point (1 below) Latitude DDMM.MMMM
        call    @DDMMToBin             ; convert to binary
        call    @lcdLine1              ; On the LCD top line...
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart
        call    @showHex32             ; show 4 hex bytes

        mov     pointer1, #lonASCII    ; point to Longitude DDDMM.MMMM
        call    @DDMMToBin             ; convert to binary
        call    @lcdLine2              ; On the LCD bottom line...
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart
        call    @showHex32             ; show 4 hex bytes

        jmp     @getGPSMsgGrp

; END of GPS receive message jump routines
; code below are subroutines.
; general groups:
; Latitude, Longitude management group
; Math group
; LCD group
; RS232 group
; test routine group

; Latitude, Longitude management group



; Display the distance in feet from first sync to the current LCD line.
        bank    bank_assorted
        cjne    savedStart, #1, @:continue

        mov     pointer1, #latASCII      ; point to Lat, cvrt to binary
        call    @DDMMToBin               ; and leave result in accumulator   
        mov     pointer1, #latAtStart    ; copy original saved lat binary
        mov     pointer2, #multStart     ; to the other 4-byte register
        call    @copy32                
        call    @subtract32              ; get the diff...
        bank    bank_math
        cje     negFlag, #0, @:P0        ; test whether we're north or
        mov     RS232out, #'N'           ; south of the starting sync
        jmp     @:P1
:P0     mov     RS232out, #'S'           
:P1     call    @sendByte                ; display compass direction
        call    @Lat2Feet                ; convert difference to feet
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart  
        call    @showHex32               ; show feet as 4 hex bytes

        call    @sendSpace
        call    @sendSpace

        mov     pointer1, #lonASCII      ; point to Lon, cvrt to binary
        call    @DDMMToBin               ; and leave result in accumulator   
        mov     pointer1, #lonAtStart    ; copy original saved lon binary
        mov     pointer2, #multStart     ; to the other 4-byte register
        call    @copy32                
        call    @subtract32              ; get the diff...
        bank    bank_math
        cje     negFlag, #0, @:P2        ; test whether we're east or
        mov     RS232out, #'W'           ; west of the starting sync
        jmp     @:P3
:P2     mov     RS232out, #'E'           
:P3     call    @sendByte                ; display compass direction
        call    @Lon2Feet                ; convert difference to feet
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart  
        call    @showHex32               ; show feet as 4 hex bytes

        call    @sendSpace





; Display the current latitude and Longitude to the current LCD line.

        mov     FSR, #latASCII           ; send 9 latitude chars
        inc     FSR                      ; skip dummy "0" at lat beginning
:loop1  mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        cjbe    FSR, #latEnd, @:loop1

        call    @sendSpace
        mov     FSR, #lonASCII           ; send 10 longitude characters
:loop2  mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        cjbe    FSR, #lonEnd, @:loop2




; Display the current direction and speed to the current LCD line.
; (if the status says we're not in sync then just report that and quit)

        bank    bank_lonstat 
        cjne    statusChar, #'1', @saynosync

        mov     RS232out, #'D'           ; send dir label
        call    @sendByte
        call    @sendSpace

        mov     i, #5
        mov     FSR, #dirStart           ; send 6 dir chars
:loop1  mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        djnz    i, @:loop1

        call    @sendSpace
        mov     RS232out, #'S'           ; send speed label
        call    @sendByte
        call    @sendSpace
        mov     i, #6
        mov     FSR, #speedStart         ; send ? speed characters
:loop2  mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        djnz    i, @:loop2

        call    @padLine                 ; clear rest of line with spaces




; Show time and altitude. Time is always available, but if not
; in sync then alt is not available.

        mov     FSR, #timeStart         ; send 6 time characters
:loop   mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        cjbe    FSR, #timeEnd, @:loop

        call    @sendSpace
        mov     RS232out, #'h'          ; send height label
        call    @sendByte
        call    @sendSpace

        bank    bank_lonstat 
        cjne    statusChar, #'1', @saynosync

        mov     FSR, #altStart          ; send 4 or so altitude characters
:loop   mov     RS232out, IND
        call    @sendByte
        inc     FSR
        cjb     FSR, #altEnd, @:loop

        call    @padLine


        mov     W, #nosync
        call    @sendString
        call    @padLine




; Enter with mult holding the binary of the latitude that
; we want to calculate distance from.
; Return with the accumulator containing the feet from the current 
; latitude to the pointed-to latitude.
; negFlag set to 1 if we're South of the reference; 0 if North.
; one minute of Lat ~ 6072 feet; 6072/10000 = 0.6072; ~ 39/64 
        call    @clearAccum
        bank    bank_math         
        mov     eight, #$27             ; multiply by 39 (0x27), leaving the
        call    @multiply32             ; product in the accumulator.
        bank    bank_math            
        mov     eight, #6               ; divide by 64 by shifting 6
        call    @shift32



; Enter with mult holding to the binary of the longitude that
; we want to calculate distance from.
; Return with the accumulator containing the feet from the current 
; longitude to the pointed-to longitude.
; negFlag set to 1 if we're East of the reference; 0 if West.
; one min of Lon at 37 deg ~ 4790 feet; 4790/10000 = 0.4790; ~ 122/256

        call    @clearAccum
        bank    bank_math         
        mov     eight, #$7A             ; multiply by 122 (0x7A), leaving the
        call    @multiply32             ; product in the accumulator.
        bank    bank_math         
        mov     eight, #8               ; divide by 256 by shifting 8
        call    @shift32



; divide the 4 byte number at pointer1 by (2 to the power of (eight))

        bank    bank_math
        clc                             ; On rotate, carry bit would rotate
        rr      accum3                  ; into hi bit of mult3, which we
        rr      accum2                  ; don't want, so clear it.
        rr      accum1
        rr      accum0
        djnz    eight, @:divideby



        bank    bank_math               ; prepare for a 4-byte by 1 byte
        clr     accum0                  ; multiplication.
        clr     accum1                  ; Don't touch the 4 "mult" bytes,
        clr     accum2                  ; because subtract has populated them.
        clr     accum3  



; Convert a quantity in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes from
; 10 ASCII characters in the form DDDMM.MMMM to a 4 byte binary value 
; representing ten-thousanths of a minute. (about 6 inches of distance 
; when the DDMM is latitude or longitude).
; Call with "pointer1" pointing to the start of the DDDMM.MMMM to convert.
; results will be in the 4 byte accumulator.
; any advantage to moving the constants below to a code area lookup table?
; no, looks like would take as much work to set up each load as to
; simply load literals as below.

        call    @clearAccum

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult3, #$03
        mov     mult2, #$93             ; hundreds of degrees to minutes: x 6000
        mov     mult1, #$87             ; minutes to 1/10000 of minute:   x 10,000
        mov     mult0, #$00             ; 600 000 000 = $03 93 87 00
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult2, #$5B             ; tens of degrees to minutes:   x 600
        mov     mult1, #$8D             ; minutes to 1/10000 of minute: x 10,000
        mov     mult0, #$80             ; 60 000 000 = $5B 8D 80
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult2, #$09             ; degrees to minutes:           x 60
        mov     mult1, #$27             ; minutes to 1/10000 of minute: x 10,000
        mov     mult0, #$C0             ; 600 000 = $09 27 C0
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult2, #$01
        mov     mult1, #$86             ; tens of mins to 1/10000 of minute: x 100,000
        mov     mult0, #$A0             ; 100,000 = $01 86 A0
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult1, #$27             ; minutes to 1/10000 of minute: x 10,000 
        mov     mult0, #$10             ; 10,000 = $27 10
        call    @multiply32
        inc     pointer1                ; skip the decimal point

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult1, #$03             ; tenths of minute to 1/10000 of minute: x 1000 
        mov     mult0, #$E8             ; 1000 = $03 E8
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult0, #$64             ; 100 = $64
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult0, #$0A             ; 10 = $0A
        call    @multiply32

        call    @multPreset
        mov     mult0, #$01             ; 1
        call    @multiply32



        mov     FSR, pointer1            ; operate on the digit that "pointer"
        mov     temp, IND                ; currently is pointing to
        bank    bank_math                ;
        sub     temp, #'0'               ; Adjust ASCII to number
        mov     eight, temp              ; write to the single-byte multiplier loc

        mov     mult3, #$00              ; these usually must be zero. When
        mov     mult2, #$00              ; not, let the above prg overwrite 0.
        mov     mult1, #$00              

        inc     pointer1                 

; math subroutines
;   multiply32    (eight) x (mult) -> (accum)
;   increment32   (pointer1)++
;   subtract32    (abs(mult - accum)) -> accum; negFlag=1 if minus
;   clear32       (pointer1) -> 0
;   showHex32     (pointer1 -> 8 hex nybbles -> LCD
;   copy32        (pointer1) -> (pointer2)


; Multiply the 8 bit number in "eight" times the 32 bits in mult0-mult3,
; storing the result in the 4 accumulator bytes accum0-accum3.
; Uses "counter".
; This does not preclear the accumulator, so it can be used for repeated
; multiplications where the results all need to be accumulated together,
; so should call clearmult before its first use.

        bank    bank_math
        mov     counter, #8
        rr      eight           ; move least bit of "eight" into carry register
        jnc     @rotate         ; if it's 0, don't do any adding
        add     accum0, mult0   ; add byte 0...
        addb    accum1, C       ; then first add the carry bit into byte1,
        add     accum1, mult1   ; then add the byte, making the byte 2 carry...
        addb    accum2, C
        add     accum2, mult2
        addb    accum3, C
        add     accum3, mult3
        clc                     ; When we rotate, the carry bit would rotate
        rl      mult0           ; into the low bit of mult0, which we don't
        rl      mult1           ; want, so clear it.
        rl      mult2
        rl      mult3
        djnz    counter, @multloop




; Subtract 4 bytes:  Absolute value(Mult - Accum) -> Mult.
; If the result is below zero then fix: invert and add 1, a la 2's complement,
; and set a "negative" flag.

        bank    bank_math
        mov     negFlag, #0
        sub     mult0, accum0
        jc      @:p1
        inc     accum1
:p1     sub     mult1, accum1
        jc      @:p2
        inc     accum2
:p2     sub     mult2, accum2
        jc      @:p3
        inc     accum3
:p3     sub     mult3, accum3
        jc      @:done                  ; if result >= 0 then done.
        mov     negFlag, #1             ; Otherwise, set negative flag
        not     mult0                   ; and twiddle the results to be
        not     mult1                   ; as if we subtracted mult from accum.
        not     mult2                   ; (NOT the 4 bytes, then add 1)
        not     mult3
        add     mult0, #1
        addb    mult1, C  
        addb    mult2, C
        addb    mult3, C
:done   retp



; increment the pointed-to set of 4 bytes
; mainly for testing various 4-byte math routines

        mov     FSR, pointer1
        add     ISR, #1         ; incr LSB, setting the carry bit appropriately
        inc     FSR
        addb    ISR, C          ; if there's a carry bit then pass it along...
        inc     FSR
        addb    ISR, C          ; and here...
        inc     FSR
        addb    ISR, C          ; me, too.



; copy values of 4 bytes starting at pointer1 to 4 bytes at pointer2
; modifies pointer1, pointer2, temp

        mov     i, #4
        mov     FSR, pointer1             ; operate on the digit that "pointer"
        mov     temp, IND                 ; currently is pointing to
        mov     FSR, pointer2             ; operate on the digit that "pointer"
        mov     IND, temp
        inc     pointer1
        inc     pointer2
        djnz    i, :loop



; show contents of four bytes in hex pointed to by "pointer1".
        mov     FSR, pointer1
        inc     FSR
        inc     FSR
        inc     FSR
        mov     RS232out, ISR
        call    @sendHexByte

        mov     FSR, pointer1
        inc     FSR
        inc     FSR
        mov     RS232out, ISR
        call    @sendHexByte
        mov     FSR, pointer1
        inc     FSR
        mov     RS232out, ISR
        call    @sendHexByte

        mov     FSR, pointer1
        mov     RS232out, ISR
        call    @sendHexByte


; LCD functions

        call    @clearScreen
        call    @delay100ms
        call    @lcdLine1
        mov     W, #shello
        call    @sendString
        call    @delay100ms

        call    @lcdLine2
        mov     W, #sline2
        call    @sendString
        call    @delay1sec 



; write value, 0-255, in "RS232out", to LCD in two hex bytes.

        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     hexByte, RS232out       ; save the value because "RS232out"
        mov     nybs, hexByte           ; is destroyed in hexNybble
        swap    nybs
        call    @hexNybble
        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     nybs, hexByte
        call    @hexNybble 

        and     nybs, #$0F              ; cvrt 4 bits to hex and send to LCD
        clc                             ; 
        csa     nybs, #$9               ; if > 9, skip jmp and do add. 
        jmp     @:label
        clc                             ; required if clearx is set
        add     nybs, #$7
:label  add     nybs, #$30
        mov     RS232out, nybs
        call    @sendByte               ; send byte to the LCDisplay



; Send 0-terminated string of up to 20 chars to LCD
        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     string,w
        mov     w,string
        mov     m,#0
        iread                     ; reads value from 11-bit code address in M, W
        test    w
        jnz     @:send
:send   mov     RS232out, w
        call    @sendByte
        bank    bank_assorted
        inc     string
        jmp     @:loop        


        mov     RS232out, #$FE
        call    @sendByte
        mov     RS232out, #$1
        call    @sendByte
        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     charsPerLine, #0
        call    @delay1ms



        mov     RS232out, #$FE
        call    @sendByte
        mov     RS232out, #$80
        call    @sendByte
        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     charsPerLine, #0



        mov     RS232out, #$FE
        call    @sendByte
        mov     RS232out, #$C0
        call    @sendByte
        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     charsPerLine, #0



       mov     RS232out, #' '
       call    @sendByte



        bank    bank_assorted
        cjae    charsPerLine, #20, @:done
        call    @sendSpace
        jmp     @:loop


; delay functions


        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     timer4,#9
:loop   call    @delay100ms
        bank    bank_assorted
        djnz    timer4, @:loop


        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     timer3, #99
:loop   call    @delay1ms
        djnz    timer3, @:loop



        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     timer2, #9
:loop   call    @delay9600
        bank    bank_assorted
        djnz    timer2, @:loop


; RS232 functions


; Loop until a GPS message arrives.
; method: loop over the time of about 2 characters, testing
; for a hi bit twice the 9600 baud bitrate. During this looping, 
; if a high bit is ever detected, restart the loop from the beginning.

        bank    bank_assorted
        mov     vlongLow, #32           ; prepare for loop
        call    @halfDelay        
        test    rb.0        

        jnz     @_longLow               ; if ever a non-zero bit, getGPSMsgGrp.
        djnz    vlongLow, @:loop




; wait for, then return an RS232 byte in the "RS232in" variable.

        bank    bank_assorted
        test    rb.0                    ; spin until bit B0 goes high
        jz      _getByte

        call    @halfDelay              ; wait til middle of start bit

        mov     bitCount, #8            ; prepare for loop
        mov     RS232in, #$0            ; and preset result
        call    @delay9600              ; wait for middle of data bit
        clc                             ; clear carry bit
        rr      RS232in                 ; prepare result for receiving next bit
        test    rb.0                    ; have we received a one or a zero?
        jnz     @:zerobt                ; skip bitset if zero
        or      RS232in, #$80           ; we got a one, so set hi bit of result byte
:zerobt djnz    bitCount, @:loop        ; next bit
                                        ; done getting bits.
        call    @delay9600              ; wait for middle of stop bit

        retp                            ; return "RS232in"



; Send the byte in "RS232out" to the LCD
; Destroys RS232out.

        mov     bitCount, #8

        setb    ra.0            ; start bit
        call    @delay9600

:loop   snb     RS232out.0      ; 8 data bits
        jmp     @:sndhi
        setb    ra.0
        jmp     @:done
:sndhi  clrb    ra.0
:done   rr      RS232out
        call    @delay9600
        djnz    bitCount, @:loop

        clrb    ra.0            ; stop bit
        call    @delay9600

        mov     temp, FSR       ; count chars sent. Used for padding
        bank    bank_assorted   ; the LCD line with spaces to the end.
        inc     charsPerLine
        mov     FSR, temp




; these are the fundamental delays for RS232, both send and receive.
; tuned via trial and error with what works to the LCD
; 215 10% ok, 205 ok, 200 ok, 198 10% ok, so use 206

        call    @halfDelay
        call    @halfDelay


        mov     timer1, #206
:loop   djnz    timer1, @:loop

; This is a version that works properly using a 50 mHz resonator
; instead of the 20 mHz crystal. (But don't like the additional
; current the SX needs: 80 mA - about double that of running at 20.)
;       mov     timer1, #110
;:loop1 djnz    timer1, @:loop1
;:loop2 djnz    timer1, @:loop2
;:loop3 djnz    timer1, @:loop3
;       retp

; test and experimental area
; what about a generic loader that uses pointer1 for where to load to,
; a zero-terminated string for what to load...? Any benefit?
; But a zero-terminated string can't load a zero.
; what about instead specifying number of bytes to load?
        mov     pointer1, latToGo
        mov     pointer2, #latASCII
        mov     i, #10
        call    @loader
        mov     pointer1, lonToGo
        mov     pointer2, #lonASCII
        mov     i, #10
        call    @loader


        mov     M, #0
        mov     FSR, pointer2
:loop   mov     W, pointer1
        mov     IND, W
        inc     FSR
        inc     pointer1
        djnz    i, @:loop



        mov     FSR, #latASCII  
        mov     IND, #'0'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'3'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'7'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'4'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'1'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'.'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'3'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'5'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'5'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'7'

        mov     FSR, #lonASCII   
        mov     IND, #'1'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'2'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'1'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'5'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'3'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'.' 
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'3'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'3'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'6'
        inc     FSR
        mov     IND, #'5'



;  test 4x4 subtracter by poking in values, timesing, displaying.

        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms

        bank    bank_math   

        mov     mult0, #4
        mov     mult1, #0
        mov     mult2, #0
        mov     mult3, #0

        mov     accum0, #2
        mov     accum1, #6
        mov     accum2, #0
        mov     accum3, #0
        call    @clearScreen
        call    @lcdLine1 

        bank    bank_math 
        mov     pointer1, #multStart
        call    @showHex32

        call    @sendSpace

        bank    bank_math 
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart
        call    @showHex32

        call    @subtract32    ; mult - accum -> mult

        call    @lcdLine2 
        bank    bank_math 
        mov     pointer1, #multStart
        call    @showHex32

        call    @sendSpace
        bank    bank_math 
        mov     RS232out, negFlag
        call    @sendHexByte

        jmp     @:loop



;  test 1x4 multiplier by poking in values, timesing, displaying.

        bank    bank_math     
        mov     math0, #$01 
        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms
        bank    bank_math   
        mov     mult0, #2
        mov     mult1, #0
        mov     mult2, #1
        mov     mult3, #0
        mov     accum0, #0
        mov     accum1, #0
        mov     accum2, #0
        mov     accum3, #0
        inc     math0  
        mov     eight, math0
        call    @clearScreen
        call    @lcdLine1 
        mov     pointer1, #multStart
        call    @showHex32
        call    @sendSpace
        bank    bank_math 
        mov     RS232out, math0
        call    @sendHexByte
        call    @multiply32
        call    @lcdLine2 
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart
        call    @showHex32
        jmp     @:loope



; test latitude to binary conversion: 37 41.3557 -> 01 59 0E 35

        call    @loadLatLon              ; write test lat + lon into "current"
        call    @clearScreen
        call    @lcdLine1
        call    @showLatLon              ; outputs exactly 20 characters
        mov     pointer1, #latASCII
        call    @DDMMToBin               ; convert to binary in accumulator
        call    @lcdLine2   
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart    ; show what we've got:
        call    @showHex32



; test latitude subtraction

        call    @loadLatLon              ; write test lat + lon into "current"
        call    @clearScreen
        call    @lcdLine1
        call    @showLatLon              ; outputs exactly 20 characters
        mov     pointer1, #latASCII
        call    @DDMMToBin               ; convert to binary in accumulator
        mov     pointer1, #accumStart
        mov     pointer2, #multStart
        call    @copy32
        bank    bank_math 
        add     mult0, #1               ; test: tweak one of the numbers: 1 00
        sub     mult0, #1                ; test other dir: 1 01
        call    @subtract32
        call    @lcdLine2   
        mov     pointer1, #multStart    ; show what we've got:
        call    @showHex32
        call    @sendSpace
        bank    bank_math 
        mov     RS232out, negFlag
        call    @sendHexByte

; Experimental area 51


; Testing binToASCII
; 1. plug known numbers into hiBin, loBin
; 2. run the routine
; 3. send the 5 digit results to the LCD
; 4. pause half a second
; 5. increment the known numbers by 1, 2, 5, ...
; 6. goto 1

        mov     pointer1, #0
        mov     pointer2, #0

        call    @delay100ms
        call    @delay100ms

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     loBin, pointer1
        mov     hiBin, pointer2
        call    @binToASCII
        call    @clearScreen
        call    @lcdLine1 

        mov     RS232out, pointer2
        call    @sendHexByte
        mov     RS232out, pointer1
        call    @sendHexByte
        call    @sendSpace

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     RS232out, digit5
        call    @sendByte

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     RS232out, digit4
        call    @sendByte

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     RS232out, digit3
        call    @sendByte

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     RS232out, digit2
        call    @sendByte

        bank    bank_toASCII
        mov     RS232out, digit1
        call    @sendByte

        add     pointer1, #1
        jnc     @:loop
        add     pointer2, #1
        jmp     @:loop



; take 2 bytes (hiBin, loBin) and convert to ASCII digits 65535 - 00000 
; Basically, think of the bytes as the decimal number. 
; For example, if your number is less than 40000 but over 30000,
; then write "3", subtract 30000 from the number, and move on 
; to do the same for the thousands place, the hundreds place, ...
; recent test: working perfectly for the first byte 0-255, but
; screws up beyond that.

        bank bank_toASCII

;---------------------------------------- Top of ten thousands loop                        

        mov  counter2, #6
        mov  hiCmp,    #$EA               ; EA60 = 60000
        mov  loCmp,    #$60
        cjb  hiBin, hiCmp, @:loopOn5      ; if number less than 60000, 50000, ...
        cjb  loBin, loCmp, @:loopOn5      ; then subtract 10000 and test again.
        jmp  @:emitDigit5                 ; otherwise grab the digit and run...
        sub  loCmp, #$10                  ; $2710 = 10000
        jc   @:p51
        dec  hiCmp
:p51    sub  hiCmp, #$27
        djnz counter2, @:tenThousands
        add  counter2, #'0'               ; When we hit the number that this is
        mov  digit5, counter2             ; not less than, then BINGO! the counter
        sub  loBin, loCmp                 ; holds the digit we want! Subtract off
        jc   @:p52
        dec  hiBin
:p52    sub  hiBin, hiCmp                 ; the 10000's place number and continue...

;---------------------------------------  Top of thousands loop

        mov  counter2, #9
        mov  hiCmp,    #$23               ; $2328 = 9000
        mov  loCmp,    #$28
        cjb  hiBin, hiCmp, @:loopOn4      ; if this number is less than 9000,
        cjb  loBin, loCmp, @:loopOn4      ; then subtract 1000 and test again.
        jmp  @:emitDigit4
        sub  loCmp, #$E8                  ; $03E8 = 1000
        jc   @:p41
        dec  hiCmp
:p41    sub  hiCmp, #$03
        djnz counter2, @:thousands
        add  counter2, #'0'               ; When we hit the number that this is
        mov  digit4, counter2             ; not less than, then BINGO! the counter
        sub  loBin, loCmp                 ; holds the digit we want!
        jc   @:p42
        dec  hiBin
:p42    sub  hiBin, hiCmp

;---------------------------------------- Top of hundreds loop
        mov  counter2, #9
        mov  hiCmp,    #$03               ; $0384 = 900
        mov  loCmp,    #$84
        cjb  hiBin, hiCmp, @:loopOn3      ; if this number is less than 900,
        cjb  loBin, loCmp, @:loopOn3      ; then subtract 100 and test again.
        jmp  @:emitDigit3
        sub  loCmp, #$64
        jc   @:p31
        dec  hiCmp
:p31  ;  sub  hiCmp, #$00                  ; $0064 = 100
        djnz counter2, @:hundreds
        add  counter2, #'0'               ; When we hit the number that this is
        mov  digit3, counter2             ; not less than, then BINGO! the counter
        sub  loBin, loCmp                 ; holds the digit we want!
        jc   @:p32
        dec  hiBin
:p32    sub  hiBin, hiCmp

;---------------------------------------- Top of tens loop

        mov  counter2, #9
        mov  hiCmp,    #$00               ; $005A = 90
        mov  loCmp,    #$5A
        cjb  hiBin, hiCmp, @:loopOn2      ; if this number is less than 90,
        cjb  loBin, loCmp, @:loopOn2      ; then subtract 10 and test again.
        jmp  @:emitDigit2
        sub  loCmp, #$A
      ;  jc   @:p21
      ;  dec  hiCmp
:p21 ;   sub  hiCmp, #$00                  ; $000A = 10
        djnz counter2, @:tens
        add  counter2, #'0'               ; When we hit the number that this is
        mov  digit2, counter2             ; not less than, then BINGO! the counter
        sub  loBin, loCmp                 ; holds the digit we want!
        jc   @:p22
        dec  hiBin
:p22    sub  hiBin, hiCmp

;---------------------------------------- Top of Ones part

        add  loBin, #'0'      
        mov  digit1, loBin


; some lookup data tables
; like,
;         mov  M, lat_table >> 8    ; put top 3 bits into M
;         mov  W, lat_table         ; put bottom 8 bits into W
;         IREAD                     ; read code memory into W
;         mov  ISR, W               ; and move the result into the variable
;org     $600

;lat_table   dw '03741.3557',0
;lon_table   dw '12153.3665',0

; the end
; notes
; The GPS sensor has the capability to send maybe a dozen standard
; NMEA (G...) and proprietary Garmin (P...) message strings, like
;  $GPGGA,205343,3749.9327,N,12232.3580,W,1,08,1.1,12.5,M,-28.0,M,,*42
;  $PGRMV,0.0,0.0,0.0*5C
;  $PGRMT,GPS 25-LVC VER 2.50 ,P,P,R,R,P,,19,R*15
; You program the GPS sensor to configure it to enable the messages you
; want at the baud rate you want, by writing a short ASCII configuration
; string into the sensor's RS232 input wire. 
; Then, whenever the GPS sensor is powered up, it starts emitting groups of 
; all enabled messages, once per second.
; It is up to the user to make sure that you don't enable more characters 
; than may be sent in one second at the programmed baud rate.
; So once its configured, you send power into the GPS sensor, 
; point it at the sky and receive RS232 out a wire. 
; The LCD works like this. Send RS232 ASCII charscters and they are
; displayed on the LCD.
; RS232 control characters place the "cursor" at the start of line1, 
; or line2, or anywhere in the displayable area, actually.
; Other control sequences will clear the screen, draw graphics, etc.
;---the end----------------------------------------------------

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