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Microchip Davidtait Mipi.txt

              Machine Independent Parallel Interface (MIPI)
             Version V-0.0                14th August 1995

                              David Tait

                      Electrical Engineering Dept
                            The University
                          Manchester M13 9PL


                      Copyright (C) 1995 David Tait
        Permission is granted to copy, store or redistribute this
        document provided the information contained herein is not
        exploited for profit and the document remains intact and

             This document contains ASCII diagrams and you
             should select a mono-spaced font for correct
             viewing; a proportional font will wreck them.


To the electronics hobbyist perhaps the most useful interface on an IBM PC
or compatible is the parallel port.  All manner of hardware can be attached
to this port and subsequently controlled with a few lines of C or BASIC.  Of
course not all personal computers are IBM clones and some may not have a
parallel port at all.  It can happen that the owners of these errant
machines are also electronics hobbyists.  I suppose these people must be
resigned to the absence of such a useful facility on their PC, but I suspect
that they also feel disenfranchised when they come across yet another
project that might have been fun to build if it hadn't relied on a parallel
interface.  I find it annoying that I cannot use my desktop Sun workstation
to play with the little gizmos that are such a breeze to use with my IBM
compatible.  Many of these toys are based on chips that incorporate serial
peripheral interface (SPI) or inter-integrated circuit (I2C) connections.
It is pretty straightforward to attach these devices to a PC by "bit-banging"
the SPI/I2C protocol using the parallel port; they are not so easy to use
without a parallel interface.

Although the parallel port may or may not be present on a given PC, it is
almost certain that the same PC will have a serial port (often called,
whether correctly or not, an RS232 interface).  This is fine for connecting
a modem, a mouse or even another PC, but it is not so useful for connecting
simple homebrew hardware.  There are several reasons for this: firstly, the
signalling rate of the serial port falls far short of that possible using
the parallel port; secondly, relatively complex hardware is needed to decode
the serial data stream; and thirdly the voltage levels are not convenient.
On certain systems (notably the IBM PC again) it is possible to use the modem
signals (CTS, DTR, RTS, DSR and DCD) as general purpose I/O.  After level
conversion these are great for many projects, however, it's unlikely that
all machines let you fiddle with these lines, use them in a uniform way,
or even possess them in the first place.

Of course, there are many projects where speed is not important and in this
case the main reason for not using the serial port is the hardware overhead.
Even this is really only an impediment if the decoding hardware has to be
replicated for each and every project.  It is much more attractive to build
the required hardware just once and connect all projects via this.  One way
of making this idea concrete is to design an RS232 hosted parallel
interface.  Apart from the obvious benefits of providing a simple attachment
for homebrew hardware there is another positive aspect which is worth
considering.  To the extent that an RS232 port is available on all
platforms, this means that the interface design would be machine
independent, especially if we assume nothing more than transmit data (TXD)
and receive data (RXD) are present.  Furthermore, the software controlling
the hardware would simply need to generate and/or read a serial character
stream.  Thus, apart from the serial I/O routines themselves, any
controlling software can also be made platform independent.  If the host
operating system has the ability to redirect program input/output via the
serial port it's probably not necessary to provide the serial I/O routines
either, but such a scheme is machine dependent.  If only output is required
it is possible to store the appropriate character stream in an ordinary file
and simply copy the file to the serial port.

Anyway that's the aim of this project: a simple parallel interface with a
modest amount of I/O (at least enough to bit bang SPI/I2C albeit sedately)
that will work with any machine with a serial port of minimal functionality.
This kind of interface is still useful for PCs that already have a parallel
port (having now built one I can atest to that) even if only because you can
now leave the printer attached.  Using the serial port also means less wires
to connect and the interface can be attached at the end of a long cable
without problems (though to be fair this is mostly due to the low data
rate of the serial port).

An RS232 Hosted Parallel Port

So much for the concept, how about the hardware design.  Well, I guess the
most obvious design would employ a traditional UART.  A more modern and
definitely more flexible approach is something like this:

                      +----------+      +----------+
               TXD    |          |      |          |
                >-----|          |------|          |======>
                      |  RS232   |      |  MICRO   |        Parallel
               RXD    |INTERFACE |      |CONTROLLER|          I/O
                <-----|          |------|          |<======
                      |          |      |          |
                      +----------+      +----------+

This looks good, particularly as it's very easy to program some
microcontrollers using a parallel port - a nice example of the chicken and
the egg problem (or is it Catch 22?): if we had an interface like the one
above we could probably use it to program the microcontroller needed to
build the interface, but we don't have the interface yet.  (By the way, most
microcontroller programmers described in hobby electronics magazines adopt
the architecture shown above; this is very irritating for exactly the same

I suppose the project could be bootstrapped if we had access to a programmer
or at least a PC with a parallel port so that we could build a programmer.
Perhaps I should work hard to convince you that you really do need this kind
of interface, design one based the latest XYZ microcontroller, and then
offer to program the XYZ in return for your cash.  I must say that none of
these options appeal to me. Instead I have chosen to go for an unambitious
design that can be constructed at home without the need for any programmable
parts.  This inevitably means that the hardware design is somewhat more
complicated than a microcontroller based solution, but on the other hand it
can run at very high baud rates that would leave a microcontroller
struggling to cope.  Despite being more complex, my design is nonetheless
very cheap and only uses easily obtainable parts; two aspects in keeping
with the fundamental tenets of all electronics hobbyists.  I call the design
a MIPI (for Machine Independent Parallel Interface).


So, since the microcontroller has been ditched should we use a UART after
all?  No, I decided to go for a slightly different approach which, although
providing less I/O than could be obtained with a full UART, has the
advantage that it does not require any specialised chips at all - the design
only uses common or garden CMOS.  (A word or two of warning is in order: the
design uses monostables - I know that some design engineers regard
monostables with the same distaste as software engineers reserve for GOTO

The basis of the design is the observation that a single bit asynchronous
protocol would be really easy to decode.  Such a protocol would involve
sandwiching the data bit between a start bit and a stop bit; in comms
program terms this is a 1-data, No parity, 1-stop bit (1N1) protocol.  To
decode this we can use the start bit to fire a monostable that times out
1-1/2 bit-periods later; that is just in time to sample the data bit in the
middle of its cell.  To illustrate this here's a simple timing diagram:

                            START     DATA      STOP
                            BIT       BIT       BIT
                  ------+         +---------+---------+
    ASYNCH STREAM       |         | 0 or 1  |         |
                        +---------+---------+         +-----

                  ------+              +--------------------
    MONOSTABLE O/P      |              |

All very good, but more than one bit would be nice.  It turns out that three
packets like the one above can be encapsulated in the more common 8N1
format.  In this mode the monostable fires three times per 8-bit character.
A simple counter can keep track of which packet is which and each data bit
fed to one of three latches to provide a parallel output.  Well, it's
nearly, but not quite, that simple.  A small catch is that the counter must
be initialised correctly.  It's not obvious how to do this as all the
packets look the same.  That's a clue.  One of the packets can be made to
look different from the rest and this event used to generate a counter
reset.  This idea is implemented by using the start bit to fire another
monostable that times out in the middle of the stop bit cell; a packet with
a zero stop bit (i.e. a protocol violation) resets the counter.  (In playing
with the finished unit I found that this is a very powerful technique and,
with care, selectively including protocol violations can make the interface
perform some useful tricks, but that's another story; such things are
entirely in the hands of the programmer).  The periods of the monostables
must be set to agree with the baud rate of the link.  If the baud rate is
changed the periods can be altered accordingly by changing two resistors.

So much for output, how about input?  This is done by simply copying the
character received from the PC back to the PC but slightly modified.  This
technique guarantees that character timing is OK.  The copy back can be
performed by a multiplexer: only the start bit and the most significant bit
(MSB) of the transmitted character are copied back unchanged, the middle of
the character is constructed by jamming on the instantaneous values of each
of four input lines in turn.  In the final implementation each input line
appears for 1-1/2 bit cells and this means that data transitions can happen
where they are not normally found but this is of no consequence in practice.

To keep things simple, the three outputs are latched when they arrive and no
attempt at synchronising them has been made (it's a moot point whether this
would be a good idea or counterproductive); also no input latches are
provided (again this may or may not be a good thing).  For ease of
interfacing to external circuitry a +5V power supply is used and the RS232
signals (up to +/-15V) must be converted to compatible levels.  The most
platform independent way to do this is to use something like a MAX232 chip
to guarantee RS232 conformant signals from a single +5V supply.  For the
more adventurous the whole circuit can be powered from the RS232 signals
themselves.  This should work on most machines that provide DTR and/or RTS;
note that it's not necessary to program these lines as they normally idle at
between +8V to +12V and should be able to supply the small current required
for the circuit.  My prototype uses this approach: it has a two transistor
voltage regulator (used because it has a lower dropout voltage than a
78L05 for example); a single transistor RS232 receiver and uses an op-amp as
an RS232 transmitter.  The TXD line is rectified and smoothed to provide the
negative supply for the op-amp; the positive supply is taken from DTR/RTS.

The following sections give full details of the implementation (for
completeness I have included both the circuit of a MAX232 based RS232
interface using a conventional +5V regulator and the design I actually used
in my prototype).  If you decide to build it directly from the schematic,
remember to add decoupling capacitors (one 100nF capacitor per couple of
chips is fine, but make sure the monostable in particular is well
decoupled).  The MIPI should look like a modem to the PC and therefore the
most convenient connector to use is a standard 25-way D female as is
normally fitted to modems.  I find it convenient to strap the modem
signals inside the interface so that I can use a standard modem cable.

Potential constructors should note:


Block diagram

The diagram shows a system that implements the ideas described in the
previous section.

                            |                           |
          +----------+      |    +--------+         +--------+
   TXD    |  RS232   | SIN  |    |  MONO  | /M2     | RESET  | RST
    >-----|   I/F    |------+----|  1/2   |---------| 1/2    |-------+
          |          |      |    |  4098  |         | 4013   |       |
   RXD    |  MAX232  | SOUT |    +--------+         +--------+       |
    <-----|    OR    |--+   |                                        |
          | DISCRETE |  |   |    +--------+         +-----------+    |
          +----------+  |   |    |  MONO  | /M1     | CLOCK GEN |    |
                        |   +----|  1/2   |---+-----|           |----+
 DTR/RTS  +----------+  |   |    |  4098  |   |     |   4027    |
    >-----|  POWER   |  |   |    +--------+   |     +-----------+
          | 78L05 OR |  |   |                 |       |   |   |
    >-----| DISCRETE |  |   |   +-------------+  CLK2 |   |   |CLK0
   VIN    +----------+  |   |   |  +------------------+   |   |
               |        |   |   |  |  +---------------|---+   |
               | VDD    |   +---|--|--|-------+  CLK1 |   |   |
               +-->     |   |   |  |  |       |       |   |   |
                      +-----------------+     |     +------------+
            DIN0 >----|    INPUT MUX    |     |     | DATA LATCH |---> DOUT0
            DIN1 >----|                 |     +-----|   1-1/2    |---> DOUT1
            DIN2 >----|      4512       |           |   4013     |---> DOUT2
            DIN3 >----|                 |           +------------+

            Parts: 4098 (or 4528), 4027, 2 X 4013, 4512, 3 X VN10KM.
            Also:  MAX232, 78L05; or 2 X BC547, BC550, TL071.

Timing diagram

The timing of the principal signals are shown here.  A protocol violation
has been included in the final packet to generate a counter reset.  I use
this format for most transmissions but after the first reset has been
generated it is redundant for all subsequent characters.  Note that DOUT0 is
latched on the negative edge of CLK1, and DOUT1 and DOUT2 are latched on the
positive edges of CLK1 and CLK2 respectively.  The /X notation means NOT X.

        <---------------------  one character  -------------------->

 8N1    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
 CELL   |START| D0  | D1  | D2  | D3  | D4  | D5  | D6  | D7  |STOP |
 NAMES  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |

   -----+     +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+     +-----+     +-----+
 SIN    |     |DOUT0|     |     |DOUT1|     |     |DOUT2|     |     |
        +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+-----+     +-----

   -----+        +--------+        +--------+        +--------------+
 /M1    |        |        |        |        |        |              |
        +--------+        +--------+        +--------+              +-----

  ---------------+                 +--------------------------------------
 CLK1            |                 |
 CLK0 = /CLK1    +-----------------+

  ---------------------------------+                 +--------------------
 CLK2                              |                 |

   -----+     +--+--------+--------+--------+--------+--+     +-----+
 SOUT   |     |//|  DIN0  |  DIN1  |  DIN2  |  DIN3  |//|     |     |
        +-----+--+--------+--------+--------+--------+--+-----+     +-----

  ------+              +--+              +--+              +--------+
 /M2    |              |  |              |  |              |        |
        +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        +-----

 RST                                                       |  |
  ---------------------------------------------------------+  +-----------

Full schematic

RS232 Interface and PSU.  Option 1: MAX232 and 78L05.

     +------------+------------+----* VDD       +----------------------< VIN
     |            |            |               _|_  1N4001             (>9V)
  +__|__          |          __|__             \ /
   _____          |          _____             ---   +---------+
 22u |     +--------------+ +  | 22u            |    |         |       VDD
    ///    |     VCC      |    |                +----|  78L05  |---+---->
           |           +V |----+                |    |         |   |   +5V
     +-----| +C1       -V |----+                |    +---------+   |
  +__|__   |              |  __|__           +__|__       |      __|__
   _____   |              |  _____       47u  _____       |      _____ 100n
 22u |     |              | +  | 22u            |         |        |
     +-----| -C1          |   ///               |         |        |
     +-----| +C2          |                    ///       ///      ///
  +__|__   |              |
   _____   |    MAX232    |
 22u |     |              |                        +----> DSR
     +-----| -C2          |                        |
           |              |                        +----< DTR
 TXD >-----| R1IN   R1OUT |------> SIN
 RXD <-----| T1OUT   T1IN |------< SOUT            +----< CTS
 GND >--+  |     GND      |                        |
        |  +--------------+                        +----> RTS
        |         |                                |
        |         |                                +----> DCD
       ///       ///

RS232 Interface and PSU.  Option 2: Discrete, RS232 powered.

                                                           +----> DSR
                                             2 X 1N4148    |
                                             +-------------+----< DTR
       +-----------------+-------------+     |      +------+----< CTS
       |                 |C            |    _|_    _|_     |
       |    _____      |/              |    \ /    \ /     +----> RTS
       +---[_____]--+--|   BC550       |    ---    ---     |
       |     10k    |  |\              |     |      |      +----> DCD
       |            |    |E            +-----+------+-----------> V++
    +__|__          |    +----+---------------------+-----------> VDD
     _____    +-----+         |    _____            |             +5V
  220u |      |     |         +---[_____]---+       |
       |      |    C|               22k     |    +__|__
       |    __|__    \|  BC547              |     _____
      ///   _____     |---------------------+   47u |
         100n |      /|                     |       |
              |    E|              _____    |       |
              |    _|_        +---[_____]---+      ///
             ///   \ /^       |     18k
                   ---        |
       LO-I RED LED |         |
                    |         |
                   ///       ///

                                  +---[_____]---* VDD
                                  |     22k
                                  |C           SIN
               _____            |/
 TXD >----+---[_____]-----+-----|   BC547
          |     22k       |     |\
          |               |       |E                           V++
         ---             ---      |       VDD   _____           *
         /_\ 2 X 1N4148  /_\      |        *---[_____]--+       |
          |               |       |              270k   |  | \  |
          |   V--         |       |             _____   |  |   \|
          +---->         ///     ///   +-------[_____]--+--|+    \       RXD
          |                            |         220k      |TL071 >------>
        __|__                          |                +--|-    /    +-->
        _____                          |                |  |   /|     |  GND
       +  | 100u                      ///               |  | /  |    ///
          |                                     _____   |       |
         ///                     >-------------[_____]--+       *
                                SOUT             100k          V--

Timing Recovery
---------------                         _____
                            +------+---|_____|----* VDD
                            |    __|__      100k
                            |    _____ 2n2
                            |      |       Tmono = 156 us for 9600bps.
                     +-----------------+   (Reduce R for higher rates).
                     |  1/2 4098/4528  |
     SIN >-----------|-TR (B)        Q |-------> M1
      M2 >-----------|+TR (A)       /Q |-------> /M1
                     |       /RES      |
                              * VDD

                            +------+---|_____|----* VDD
                            |    __|__     100k
                            |    _____ 3n9
                            |      |       Tmono = 260 us for 9600bps.
                     +-----------------+   (Reduce R for higher rates).
                     |  1/2 4098/4528  |
     SIN >-----------|-TR (B)        Q |-------> M2
      M2 >-----------|+TR (A)       /Q |-------> /M2
                     |       /RES      |
                              * VDD

Output Latches and Reset Circuit

     SIN >--------+
          +-------+                                     \\\
          |       |                                      |
          |  +---------+                            +---------+
          |  |   SET   |                            |   SET   |
          +--| D     Q |-----> /RST      SIN >------| D     Q |-----> DOUT0
     /M2 >---| CK      |                CLK0 >------| CK      |
             |      /Q |-----> RST                  |      /Q |-----> /DOUT0
             |   RES   |                            |   RES   |
             +---------+                            +---------+
                  |                                      |
                 ///                                    ///
                                2 X 4013
         +--------+                                     \\\
         |        |                                      |
         |   +---------+                            +---------+
         |   |   SET   |                            |   SET   |
  SIN >--|---| D     Q |-----> DOUT1     SIN >------| D     Q |-----> DOUT2
 CLK1 >--|---| CK      |                CLK2 >------| CK      |
         |   |      /Q |-----> /DOUT1               |      /Q |-----> /DOUT2
         |   |   RES   |                            |   RES   |
         |   +---------+                            +---------+
         |        |                                      |
    JP1  O        O JP2                                 ///
        /          \        Jumpers to set/reset
       O   O-+--O   O       DOUT1 at the end of
       |     |      |       a character.  (Useful
      ///    |     ///      for SPI/I2C clock.)
             |              Normally strapped as
  RST >------+              shown here.

                                   +--------> /DOUT0*
                                   |D           e.g.
                    _____     | |--+
      DOUT0 >------[_____]----|       VN10KM    Open drain stages; one
       e.g.          47k      | |<-+            per output. (Useful for
                                   |S           SPI/I2C data and clock.)

      For maximum flexibility all outputs (inverted, non-inverted and
      open drain) should be available for connection.

Clock Generator

 RST >------------+-----------------------------------+
                  |                                   |
    VDD *         |                     VDD *         |
        |    +---------+                    |    +---------+
        |    |   SET   |                    |    |   SET   |
        +----| J     Q |------> CLK1        +----| J     Q |-----+---> CLK2
   M1 >------| CK      |               M1 >------| CK      |     |
        +----| K    /Q |-+-----------------------| K    /Q |     |
        |    |   RES   | |                       |   RES   |     |
        |    +---------+ +----> CLK0             +---------+     |
        |         |                                   |          |
        |        ///             4027                ///         |
        |                                                        |

Input Multiplexer

    CLK2 >--------------------------+
    CLK1 >---------------------+    |
     /M1 >----------------+    |    |
                          |    |    |
                |         A    B    C           |
         +------| /OE                         Z |--------> SOUT
         |      |             4512              |
         +------| INH                           |
         |      |     X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7   |
         |      +-------------------------------+
        ///            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                  *----+--+  |  |  |  |  +--+----< SIN
                 VDD         |  |  |  +-----------------< DIN1
                             |  |  +--|-----------------< DIN0
                             |  +--|--|-----------------< DIN3
                             +--|--|--|-----------------< DIN2
                             |  |  |  |   _____
                             |  |  |  +--[_____]--+
                             |  |  |      _____   |
                             |  |  +-----[_____]--+
                             |  |         _____   |
                             |  +--------[_____]--+
                             |            _____   |
                                        4 X 330k  |


Note: ALL (including 78L05 and transistors) viewed from above.

                MAX232                   _____               TL071
            +----+ +----+        78L05  /     \          +----+ +----+
        +C1 |1   +-+  16| VCC          | 2 3 1 |         |1   +-+   8| 
         +V |2        15| GND          +-------+       - |2         7| V++
        -C1 |3        14| T1OUT         1 - VIN        + |3         6| O/P
        +C2 |4        13| R1IN          2 - +5V      V-- |4         5|
        -C2 |5        12| R1OUT         3 - GND          +-----------+
         -V |6        11| T1IN    
      T2OUT |7        10| T2IN         BC547/550             VN10KM
       R2IN |8         9| R2OUT          _____                _____
            +-----------+               /     \              /     \
                                       | C B E |            | S G D |
                                       +-------+            +-------+

              4098/4528                      4013
            +----+ +----+                +----+ +----+  
         CX |1   +-+  16| VDD          Q |1   +-+  14| VDD
      CX/RX |2    |   15| CX          /Q |2    |   13| Q
       /RES |3    |   14| CX/RX      CLK |3    |   12| /Q
        +TR |4  1 | 2 13| /RES       RES |4  1 | 2 11| CLK
        -TR |5    |   12| +TR          D |5    |   10| RES
          Q |6    |   11| -TR        SET |6    |    9| D
         /Q |7    |   10| Q          VSS |7    |    8| SET
        VSS |8    |    9| /Q             +-----------+
                4027                          4512
            +----+ +----+                +----+ +----+  
          Q |1   +-+  16| VDD         X0 |1   +-+  16| VDD
         /Q |2    |   15| Q           X1 |2        15| /OE
        CLK |3    |   14| /Q          X2 |3        14| Z
        RES |4  1 | 2 13| CLK         X3 |4        13| C
          K |5    |   12| RES         X4 |5        12| B
          J |6    |   11| K           X5 |6        11| A
        SET |7    |   10| J           X6 |7        10| INH
        VSS |8    |    9| SET        VSS |8         9| X7
            +-----------+                +-----------+

Programming the MIPI

Machine Dependent Routines

To ensure that software written for the MIPI is portable, the machine
dependencies are hidden away in four routines.  These must be supplied
for each machine, but once they are written all software written for
the MIPI should then run on that machine.  The routines that form the
MIPI library are specified in C (this is because C is itself reasonably
portable and is the language most likely to be available on all platforms;
or for no better reason than I program in C).  The four machine dependent
routines are mipi_baud(), mipi_out(), mipi_in() and mipi_init().  Each is
described below together with examples of (pretty dumb) implementations on
an IBM PC clone (Turbo C) and a Sun Workstation (gcc). (The Sun versions
might work unchanged on any Unix machine that uses the termios structure.)

long mipi_baud()

This returns the baud rate of the link.  Knowing this value means that
timing can be made machine independent.  On an IBM PC the baud rate can be
up to 115,200 and that's one reason why a long is returned (115,200 exceeds
the range of a 16-bit integer).

void mipi_out(char  c)

This is usually just another name for the machine routine to transmit a
character.  It is probably unwise to call this routine on its own in a
user program.

int mipi_in()

This is usually just another name for the machine routine to receive a
character.  Again, it is probably undesirable to call this routine on its
own in a user program.

int mipi_init()

This does whatever is necessary to initialise the serial I/O system.  It
should ensure that the output and input characters are synchronised.
Remember that one character is returned for every character sent and, though
not essential for every application, the next character to be received
should be the one generated by the current output character.  It might be
necessary to flush buffers and suchlike to ensure that the character you get
is the character you want.  To facilitate the synchronisation process it is
possible to toggle the MSB of the character sent.  Sending either 0 or 0x80
will reset the MIPI and if all is well the MSB should be returned as sent.
The routine returns 0 for success and -1 for failure.

PC Implementation

This is for a MIPI on COM1 running at 9600 baud.

#include <bios.h>
#include <dos.h>

long mipi_baud()
   return 9600L;

int mipi_in()
   return bioscom(2, 0, 0)&0xFF;

void mipi_out(char  c)
   bioscom(1, c, 0);

int mipi_init()
   bioscom(0, 0xE3, 0);   /* 0xE3 is the magic number for 9600, 8N1 */
   mipi_in();             /* grab pending input */
   mipi_out(0);           /* send a NULL to ensure MIPI reset */
   mipi_in();             /* swallow corresponding input */
   return 0;              /* assume success */

Sun Implementation

This is for a MIPI on /dev/ttya running at 9600 baud.  This version might
work unchanged on any Unix machine that uses the termios structure.  It
works with Linux for example.

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/termios.h>

static int ttyfd;

long mipi_baud()
   return 9600L;

int mipi_in()
   char c;

   read(ttyfd, &c, 1);
   return c;

void mipi_out(char c)
   write(ttyfd, &c, 1);

int mipi_init()
   struct termios myterm;

   if ( (ttyfd = open("/dev/ttya", O_RDWR )) < 0 )
     return -1;

   ioctl(ttyfd, TCGETS, &myterm);
   myterm.c_iflag= 0L;
   myterm.c_oflag= 0L;
   myterm.c_cflag= B9600 | CS8 | CREAD;
   myterm.c_lflag= 0L;
   ioctl(ttyfd, TCSETS, &myterm);

   mipi_out(0);                  /* reset MIPI */
   return 0;                     /* assume success */

Machine Independent Routines

The MIPI library is completed by two routines that are the same on any
platform.  These are mipi_io() and mipi_delay().

int mipi_io(int w)

This is a combined input and output function which sends a character and
receives the character that the MIPI generates in response.  The argument is
the binary word formed by DOUT2, DOUT1 and DOUT0 with DOUT2 the MSB.  The
return value is the binary word constructed from DIN3, DIN2, DIN1 and DIN0
with DIN3 the MSB.  The routine assembles the three packets such that the
last has a zero stop bit; this will generate a counter reset (in the rare
cases where this is undesirable it is necessary to call mipi_out()
directly).  If the argument is -1 the character that was sent by the last
call to mipi_io() is sent again; this is the normal method used to sample
the data lines without changing the MIPI output bits.  (Note, if the MIPI
hardware has jumpers JP1 or JP2 strapped to set/reset DOUT1, unexpected
transitions can happen if mipi_io(-1) is called).

void mipi_delay(int msecs)

This routine does not return for at least "msecs" milliseconds.  The
routine simply makes as many calls to mipi_io(-1) as are needed to
guarantee the correct delay.  Note the argument is only a lower bound
on the real delay (on a multi-tasking machine the delay might be
much longer).  Because mipi_io(-1) is used the same caveats about
DOUT1 apply.


int mipi_io(int w)
   static char c = 0x12;        /* two non-zero stop bits */

   if ( w >= 0 )
       c = 0x12 | (w&1) | ((w&2)<<2) | ((w&4)<<4);
   w = mipi_in();
   return ((w&6)>>1) | ((w&0x30)>>2);

void mipi_delay(int msecs)
    long i, n;

    n = (msecs*mipi_baud())/10000 + 1;
    for (i=0; i<n; ++i)

The MIPI library prototypes are brought together in a header file
called mipi.h:

#ifndef _MIPI_H_
#define _MIPI_H_
long mipi_baud();
int mipi_in();
void mipi_out(char c);
int mipi_init();
int mipi_io(int w);
void mipi_delay(int msecs);

MIPI says "Hello, World"

Well, perhaps not quite that.  I wrote a "walking LED" routine to exercise
the MIPI and this must about the closest thing there is to a "Hello, World"
program for hardware like this.  The program also performs a loopback test
to check both input and output ports.  To use the program a few LEDs and
resistors must be attached to the MIPI.  If the unit is powered from the
RS232 interface and you use its power for the LED supply make sure the
resistors have fairly large values.  I used some high brightness low current
0.3mm red LEDs (as specified in the RS232 PSU schematic) and I was surprised
how bright they were with 10k series resistors.  You can use an external
power supply and reduce the resistor values to 1k or less for an even
brighter display.  To be clear about what's needed here's a diagram:

                                  3 X 10k 
                   +--------------[_____]-------+-----------* VDD
                   |               _____        |
                   |     +--------[_____]-------+
                   |     |         _____        |    ----
                   |     |     +--[_____]-------+----O  O---> DIN3    
    3 X LO-I LED   |     |     |                   
                  _|_   _|_   _|_                 Press to terminate
                  \ /^  \ /^  \ /^           
 /DOUT0* >----+   ---   ---   ---   +----< /DOUT2* 
              |    |     |     |    |
   DIN0  <----+----+     |     +----+----> DIN2
               DIN1 <----+----< /DOUT1*

Touching DIN3 to VDD (and keeping it connected until it is sampled)
will terminate the program.  The program runs unchanged on an IBM clone
running either MS-DOS or Linux and also on a Sun.  The full source is
included here:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mipi.h"

int next()               /* compute next LED to illuminate */
   int w;
   static int dir=1, n=0;

   w = mipi_io(1<<n);
   if ( (n += dir) > 2 ) {
       n = 1;
       dir = -1;
   if ( n < 0 ) {
       n = 1;
       dir = +1;
   return w;             /* return input bits */

void walk()
   int w;

   while ( (w = next()) < 8 )     /* DIN3 high? */
      mipi_delay(300);            /* wait 300ms */
   mipi_io(0);                    /* all outputs low */

int testloop()
    int i, w;

    for ( i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
       mipi_io(i);                /* send pattern */
       w = (~mipi_io(-1))&0x7;    /* and again */
       if ( w != i )              /* return non-zero for disagreement */
	  return (i<<3) | w;
    return 0;

void main()
   if ( mipi_init() < 0 ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Can't initialise MIPI\n");

   if ( testloop() ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"MIPI failed loopback test\n");


MIPI Application

If you already have a PC with a parallel interface then perhaps the main use
is simply to free up the printer port when playing with undemanding projects.
To me the main attraction is it's machine independence.  What motivated this
project in the first place was the challenge of building a machine
independent programmer for the PIC16C84 microcontroller.  This (at present)
is the only EEPROM-based member of the Microchip PIC family and its
programming algorithm requires only a few wires and is very tolerant of
sloppy timing.  In short an ideal task for the MIPI.  To cope with the
fact that the MIPI only has three outputs I designed a simple programmer
to be used with it.  The full circuit is shown here:
 VIN      +-------+           
 >17V     |       |                                        _____
  >--+----| 78L12 |----+-----+----+------------------+  +-[_____]--+ 
     |    |       |    |     |    |                  |  |   2k2    |
  +__|__  +-------+  __|__   |    |   _____          |  |         _|_
   _____      |      _____   |    +--[_____]--+      |  |         \ /^ RED
 47u |       _|_  470n |     |         10k    |      |E |         ---  LED
     |       \ /^      |     |        _____   |    |/   |          |
    ///      ---      ///    |    +--[_____]--+----|    |          |     
        GREEN |              |    |    10k         |\   |         ///     
         LED  |              |    |          BC560   |C |  _____        
             ///             |    +------------+     +--+-[_____]--+     
                             |    |            |            100    |     
                             |    |           ---                 _|_    
/DOUT2* >-------------------------+    1N4148 /_\          1N4148 \ /     
                        RB6  |                 |                  ---    
/DOUT0* >----+----------->   |        _____    |           _____   |
             |               +-------[_____]---+       +--[_____]--+---->
/DOUT1* >--+------------->             22k     |       |    10k    |  MCLR
           | |   _____  RB7                    |      ///          |C
           | +--[_____]--+------->             |                 |/
           |     _____   |    TARGET VDD       +-----------------|   BC550
   DIN0 <--+----[_____]--+                     |C                |\
                2 X 10k             _____    |/                    |E
 /DOUT0 >--------------------------[_____]---|   BC550             |
                                     10k     |\                    |
                                               |E    BC560 PNP     |
TO/FROM MIPI                                   |     BC550 NPN     |
                                              ///                 ///

The signals /DOUT0*-/DOUT2* are open drain outputs but /DOUT0 comes directly
from the data latch.  The signals are decoded to give 13V, 0V or "not
driven" on MCLR.  For this circuit to work for in-circuit programming the
target PIC board should tie MCLR to the target VDD via a diode and a 1k
resistor.  Also the loads normally attached to RB6 and RB7 must be fairly
light so that they can be driven by open drain outputs with 10k pullups.
The software used to control this programmer was derived from my own
parallel port programmer software (available on the Microchip BBS and
the circuit cookbook FTP site -  The modifications to
use the MIPI instead of a true parallel port were very small indeed.

[To be completed ...  In particular I am in the process of redefining the
MIPI library to allow multi-tasking machines (Unix based for example) to 
use buffered I/O.  This is because the character at a time technique I use
seems to be very inefficient on such machines.]

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