Assignment operators.

C has the following assignement operators:
	=index.html   +=   -=   *=   /=   %=   <<=index.html>>=   &=   ^=   |=
=index.html is the obvious one. It takes the result of the expression on the right and assigns it to the variable on the left (lvalue).
	main ()
	  int a, b=4, c=10;
	  a =index.html b + c;
I know this is stating the obvious, but:
  1. b is assigned the value 4
  2. c is assigned the value 10
  3. a is assigned the result of b plus C (14).

All the other operators act in a simular way. If you find yourself coding the example on the left, it could be changed to the example on the right.
	main ()				main()
	{				{
	  int a=4;			  int a=4;
	  a =index.html a * 4;			  a *= 4;
	}				}
The rule is as follows:

The lvalue is multiplied by the rvalue and the result assigned to the lvalue.

Here is another example.

	main()				main()
	{				{
	  int a=10, b=2;		  int a=10, b=2;
	  a /=index.html b * 5;			  a = a / (b*5);
	}				}
Again both preduce the same answer (1).

Increment and Decrement
Increment (++) and Decrement (--)
Bit shifting ( >>=index.html <<=index.html )
Operator precedence table.

Top Master Index Keywords Functions

Martin Leslie 28-Feb-95