The .mac source code files are for Ass486; Herbert Kleebauer's 68K-like assember
To include com programs into batch files you have to write programs which only uses opcodes in the range 0x20 to 0x7e (without < > | % ^ & " !). Small programs can be directly coded using the processor opcode table. Two examples are ech and myinput: is similar to the echo command. It writes the command line after the first " till the penultimate character to stdout (without an trailing CRLF) ech.mac
@echo off echo XP,;P_,EP0Ex0Ez0Em3Em-ZBP(Eiu![j@_YQ2M@53#@CI~.8'uxCISZ[SC5.bM!C> "line with <>|^&%">tmp.txt "but no CRLF">>tmp.txt del assigns a keyboard input to batch variable myinput.mac
@echo off echo BATCH_INPUT___hgQX-PPP_XPPP E#HH0E50EG0Ef0Ehs> echo myinput.bat hoAX5@@PZYh@xX5@D3!r/P[WX,b,-PZh>> echo X3!X2ErP,{,{PYX4=0ErWX,j,-PZh@@X3!=set input>> echo Enter name: call myinput.bat del del myinput.bat echo You entered %input%
rem - save the lines below as CONVERT.BAT rem - write a COM program and assemble it with ORG=0x178 (PROG.COM) rem (you must not use the standard ORG=0x100 for this com programs!!!!) rem - enter: CONVERT PROG.COM PROG.BAT rem - the BATCH file PROG.BAT contains an encoded form of PROG.COM @echo off echo Bj@jzh`0X-`/PPPPPPa(DE(DM(DO(Dh(Ls(Lu(LX(LeZRR]EEEUYRX2Dx=> echo 0DxFP,0Xx.t0P,=XtGsB4o@$?PIyU WwX0GwUY Wv;ovBX2Gv0ExGIuht6>> echo ??wQ@tyM?WxI?@zA=`Lbw?y_y~?_xA[bz?B_L??oAN`_H?e?as?Fx?pkz?>> echo B_}A[aIA]b@MCs?A_rVAgr?\gBGpangV_~r?TO?wGJLy?hKxAG@z?G`L?K>> echo K?wQO`LRaRPdwA_by??cxA_bL?@O=Et`x?y_z?P_L?@oXZ`SdBW\ngbTiA>> echo _Syi?To_gD_lWPOOnSOOOTg`ODgDCDgLCDgNCDggCDgrKDgtKDgWKDYdKT>> echo \QQTDDDTQXTTCqWP}=w@s`aTnbmSILl@gbdTo_n@EwCTokO@mwWDOosPW=>> echo kOrFsTnsAP~c?@xHOTV_TPoWvDTvFTV_XPnzuPWAuTuFqSwDoStHFTusgD>> echo a}}Oms`DlnbTdILOngbT}o_?`a}SbmsPLlnD??I??~?OBA@TEDCTHGFTKJ>> echo ITNMLTQPOTTSRTWVUTZYXTp\[D`_1TcbaTfedTihgTlkjTonmTrqpTutsT>> echo xwvT=zyD?}=D????}}??s`aTnbmSILl@gbdTg_nP0>> <%1 >%2 del
@echo off echo Bj@jzh`0X-`/PPPPPPa(DE(DM(DO(Dh(Ls(Lu(LX(LeZRR]EEEUYRX2Dx=> echo 0DxFP,0Xx.t0P,=XtGsB4o@$?PIyU WwX0GwUY Wv;ovBX2Gv0ExGIuht6>> echo ?@xAyJHmH@=a?}VjuN?_LEkS?`w`s_{OCIvJDGEHtc{OCIKGMgELCI?GGg>> echo EL?s?WL`LRBcx=k_K?AxVD?fCo?Cd?BLDs0>> echoo This line contains $3c $3e $7c $25 and $24 $0d$0a echoo All leading spaces are removed echoo (to get identical results in DOS/Win9x/NT/2000)$0d$0a echoo $20 insert a explitcit space ($2420) if you want leading spaces. del
@echo off if exist %0.bat %0.bat echo Bj@jzh`0X-`/PPPPPPa(DE(DM(DO(Dh(Ls(Lu(LX(LeZRR]EEEUYRX2Dx=> echo 0DxFP,0Xx.t0P,=XtGsB4o@$?PIyU WwX0GwUY Wv;ovBX2Gv0ExGIuht6>> echo ?@}I{uNWEF~NFAa_Lj@KLtH]~CEvEFIKbAa_wN@SuNS`{ECCttasae~BHM>> echo AcjFnvnHAwrvx[}gIKDw??Frt\gqj~{?s?csIsqo{O_KtBve{Sx{nB{Eu@>> echo fq`tkfk?e@oKCA_?_E@?WxAs?agBwRjnLK?s@w`G`LKLAcyA?@xAsZpk`L>> echo ~KxlqLct@vAc_A_yBJ@xAGZp?o?sBXq`LR@xUrFQt=A_E?B?~rB?~r0>> h2b "::f1" <%0 >bild1.gif h2b "::f2" <%0 >bild2.gif h2b "::f3" <%0 > del :: hex dump of bild1.gif ::f1 4749463839614b001100a20000140b00fffbf7ff6600fffcfa0000000000 ::f1 000000000000002c000000004b0011000003a228badcfe30ca0901bd386b ::f1 66b7ff5f078e64242a419aa2eabaa84cebb2731d2cc39357f1cd0ab306ec ::f1 e503fa5cc8e26cc06c30778d53f0e758d988c6c715f7643ca10ae9902abc ::f1 6db35372faebed86cb4399d23c6f917b32079bdb7c576169687354816702 ::f1 7b0a887e5a747f79593f8583897d7c0f6258695b9b479d58893a26704976 ::f1 909041a493a61e2725ae25adafb2acb3b52100b8b9babbbcbdbebfc0c1bf ::f1 09003b :: hex dump of bild2.gif ::f2 47494638396121001000b30000fffdfbff6702ffc39aff9e5effdfcaffef ::f2 e5fff8f4ffffffc0c0c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ::f2 0021f90401000008002c0000000021001000000463f0c849abbd385f3384 ::f2 fe9911041e2811432a1499300e00388c743010d83ce26deddf16110d78d1 ::f2 f96a1dd6c485e4518ed0a1406044962451a80aa5751eaadd0a73a8a48c8f ::f2 83f2a480548bd1ee892e0d2a4c05841886793581847d7e1f007882862611 ::f2 003b :: hex dump of an executable ::f3 fcbe3301bf4301b95000b020f3aa89fab91000f3a4bbffffb93c00b409cd ::f3 21b40bcd2108c0750801dae2f0f7dbebe9b44ccd21707265737320616e79 ::f3 206b65790d0a24
rem - save the lines below as CONVERT.BAT rem - write a COM program and assemble it with ORG=0x200 (PROG.COM) rem (you must not use the standard ORG=0x100 for this com programs!!!!) rem - enter: CONVERT PROG.COM PROG.BAT rem - the BATCH file PROG.BAT contains an encoded form of PROG.COM @echo off echo Bj@jzh`0X-`/PPPPPPa(DE(DM(DO(Dh(Ls(Lu(LX(LeZRR]EEEUYRX2Dx=> echo 0DxFP,0Xx.t0P,=XtGsB4o@$?PIyU WwX0GwUY Wv;ovBX2Gv0ExGIuht6>> echo ??wQ@tyM@CxA?@zA=`Lbw??`y~?_xB{_z?B_L??oAN`_H?e?as?Fx?pkz?>> echo B_}A{bIB}_@MCs?A_rVAgr?\gBGpangV_~r?TO?wGJxy?xBxAG@z?G`L?K>> echo K?wQO`LRaRPdwB?`y??cxB?`L?@O=Et`x??`z?F_L?@oXZ`S?BW\gBDTN_>> echo NPLEEDyyI?M_mOhqNT_brD___?gS_S_rhD_rhDa_`P`mhT_xqDlnbTdg_S>> echo dc`T_mq@mnCTLsfCyyI?M_mOteNT__m@___?cd_S_shDdgsThe_SsrqTrp>> echo _?hk_SrdmTmh_Sgs_S_rhDkheTLmd@yyI?M_mODcNP?iWTtyiD?`oOOgsO>> echo OOOT`OOT`CgChCgCjCgCGCgSRKgSTKgSwKgCnKgCDKgSQQYTDD\TXTDTqW>> echo QDOWCTyIL?_my?oWMDEWCTokO@gwWDOssPW=kOrJsTysE@sSsDc?TDHO~S>> echo `JxDWUVTVFoS_XTDzUVDAUnTFqWPDoUPHFWTsgtTILk?myy?Lo_??~IOBA>> echo @TEDCTHGFTKJITNMLTQPOTTSRTWVUTZYXTp\[D`_1TcbaTfedTihgTlkjT>> echo onmTrqpTutsTxwvT=zyD?}=D????IL??myy?my_?0>> <%1 >%2 del
e (echo) and + (increment)
The increment function increments a decimal number by 1.
example: +123
will write 124 to stdout (note: no space allowed after + and after the number)
The echo function is similar to the standard echo command. The text after the echo command is written to stdout. No <CR> <LF> is appended. You can output any byte by writing the hex value ($3c for < or $0d for <CR> ...). $t writes the current date in the form yymmdd to stdout. After writing the command line text, echo reads from stdin and writes to stdout until a <CR> or <EOF> is read. This byte transfer from stdin to stdout can be modified by subcommands:
The @ must be the first character in the batch file and there must be no trailing spaces in the first 13 lines.
@EChO OFF ::. NOrisc This is a binary com header. Don't ::. NOfun edit the first 13 lines in this file. ::. NO$EXj@jz50!@4(PPPPPPa(D!(D)(D+(DH(LS(LU(L8(L/(LEZRR]EEEUYRX2DXP ::. NX0DXFP,0Xx(t4P,=XtKsF4:tT4U@$?PIyK!WVX0GWUY WV;oVBX2GV0EXGIuht, ::. ?A}I{uNWNN}VINw`{ECCus_ssd{Sj{_?B@spNxH]HTw`}@qr?C}bux{OCEFKNMoS ::. gqx=B@GoBYyE?@xAuwNTECIQtk{SE}CK{B_?CttD_M}B1{BO}CtpB`E?tm{OE}CK ::. {Ba?CtyCaM}B_{B?NMt\ICwd{ECCwtcCs{?QNltPisEHH`LbuuGN@BpozGgbgBYp ::. G?PaKgonOG?w?FgJBYyE?ExA?WgJ?@xAgCj~g?Wqg?Tqj?Fqzgx]dq?Ss?H[Y_`X ::. I{B?{osLRsLS_EuBs~B[IxUCq`{Sy{OOjKvp@{GO{Eq@AvYDu_soB`E?Es~Ft_{O ::. 1oAWaEuBs~B[Ix\Ctm{OE}tMjBaom{nA}LtpBaM?EFtpBaE?]j?m?_gBgXjzB?So ::. ????quuBoDB?FHoGpBBDcB?1~sIGLZp{aB`ksBY`@z?H`L?KINBf?Ecc?_KbxVkV ::. C?Bw_?f{_?Co_?Br0 REM ***************** WIN98 batch*************************** REM This batch file will read a word from keyboard, convert REM all filenames with this extention to upper case, replace REM spaces in the filename by _ and insert the current date REM in font of the new filename if [%1]==[] goto main _ <nul e $t%1|_ >>__.bat eu_ $0d$0aren %1 goto ende :main if exist %0 copy %0 if exist %0.bat copy %0.bat _ <nul e enter file extention: _ >__.bat e set ext= call __.bat del __.bat LFNFOR on for %%i in (*.%ext%) do call %0 "%%i" LFNFOR off del echo check __.bat and execute it REM call __ :ende
CM3 (dissassembly CM3.txt)
See also:
cat prog_dos16bit.exe | xxd -p \ | awk '{ print \" ::dos16bit \" $s \"\\r\" }' >> script.txt cat script.txt prog_mswin_x86_32.exe prog_x86_32 prog_x86_64 \ prog_arm32 prog_arm64 > ftsha256.batOnce that is done, the offsets in the linux section must be updated to point to the start and encode the length of each program. +
Parse a string
:: Parse a string (%str%) @echo off :: Set string to parse set str=some text echo `h}aXP5y`P]4nP_XW(F4(F6(F=(FF)FH(FL(Fe(FR0FTs*}`A?+,> %temp%.\ echo fkOU):G*@Crv,*t$HU[rlf~#IubfRfXf(V#fj}fX4{PY$@fPfZsZ$:K0>> %temp%.\ echo 6$-tH[fHzt'fZJtxP'7:p*_q5b*RJo09Mleb\f7+V(52O-f,`u/\vm(]>> %temp%.\ echo e.iv+y7(-W:ldwn0V.-Z0I6l3)@f2r=?rV+5lYzH]'=v\{)(c\#>> %temp%.\ :loop if "%str%"=="" goto endloop %temp%.\ %str%> %temp%.\t2.bat call %temp%.\t2.bat str c :: Right here, %C% will represent each character :: from the parsed string echo "%c%" goto loop :endloop for %%? in ( t2.bat) do del %temp%.\%%?
@echo off if "%1"=="GoTo" goto %2 echo `h}aXP5y`P]4nP_XW(F4(F6(F=(FF)FH(FL(Fe(FR0FTs*}`A?+,> %temp%.\ echo fkOU):G*@Crv,*t$HU[rlf~#IubfRfXf(V#fj}fX4{PY$@fPfZsZ$:KrM$>> %temp%.\ echo 00rqdO1iI$W?DAj{?_@EuF)1F8b1j$MC?Be.]tI:PAJrff764F0T'}$$5]>> %temp%.\ echo 7$MG{Fdl$@i*JtSA$$5d80rL@bB=i{A$'FJDbqJ2Djw}D{1~Eu6=?rV+5l>> %temp%.\ echo YzHw8TKc3O}@A$$$)$#>> %temp%.\ :: filename.ext is the file to be processed %temp%.\ < filename.ext > %temp%.\t1.bat set P=call %0 GoTo process :: Set below the variable name where the string should be saved call %temp%.\t1.bat LINE set P= del %temp%.\t1.bat goto eof :process :: On this label, each line from the file to be processed will be :: once represented by a variable (its name is defined above) echo LINE=%LINE% goto eof :eof+
See also:
file: /Techref/DOS/binbat.htm, 13KB, , updated: 2020/12/10 10:59, local time: 2025/3/10 17:57, IN
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